
pre-2000s U2 edition

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I hate Bono because he's a deep Africanophile and doesn't hide it.

Hello, /brit/. What's the best British newspaper to read? I'm looking for a paper with advanced words and phrases and in-depth articles about current events.

unironically think johnny english is a great movie

hate Bono because of his face

What's your favourite brand of instant coffee?

God isn't bound by human conceptions or "niceness"
read the book of Job

Achtung Baby is a masterpiece

belief in god is a totalitarian belief. it is the wish to be a slave.

it is the desire that there be an unalterable, unchallengeable, tyrannical authority who can convict you of thought crime while you sleep. who can and must subject you to a total surveillance around the clock every second of your life. not even your life. it applies before you were born and for eternity after your death. a celestial north korea. but at least you can fucking die and leave north korea.

does the bible or the koran offer you such freedom in death? No. the tyranny, the misery, the utter ownership of your entire being, the smashing of your individuality - all just begin when you die. its a wicked and evil preachment.

who wants this to be true? who but a slave desires such a ghastly fate?

the Times

the economist or the financial times if you don't mind being bored


Need an Australian to weigh in on this

sister whatsapp'ed me this
not sure what she wants


Don't make light of incest. It's a serious issue.

Need cara to ride my bike (bike means cock)

it really is


the shouts of the boys in the factory

anyone remember this absolute kino


tune of my teenage years

man I was so happy back then

you can see it for whatever you like but within theology that is a non contradictory argument for the justification of there being no "proof" of God.

This is a good question and one that has been interpreted in a variety of ways and as such a catholic, calvinist and lutherian for instance would probably all give you a different answer. The Calvinist would say that before you are even born that your position into heaven or hell is determined, therefore, everything you do your life on earth is actually irrelevent (unsurprisingly this is a dangerous ideology for those less fortunate in their life than others (see also hindu caste system/ressurection). A Catholic would probably suggest that the child is condemned to purgatory as he/she had not been baptised and entered into christ's faith during his/her time on this earth (even though as you point out she/he never had the option to even if he/she wanted to). 1

Religion is an insult to humanity. it says you & I cannot, individually or collectively, decide upon a right action or thing without divine permission to do so. that we would not know right from wrong if we did not have heaven's permission to do so.

how else would we get our morality? our human solidarity? our innate knowledge of right and wrong? our acute awareness of fairness and unfairness? Nope. All worthless according to religion. Only the great unassailable dictator known as God can offer morality as divine gifts he so graciously donated to us.

well he can fuck off then

You're probably gonna get a lot of recommendations to read The Economist. I don't know enough about newspapers to disqualify that, or recommend a better one. It seems like the most politically centrist paper though, with The Guardian on the left and The Express on the right.

Having a brain moment

NEED a straight bf.


t. tasmania

only people without siblings think incest is hot
but we're a generation of single children

the way it should be

H-how'd you know!?

need a gf with a nice willy

chronically exhausted from long term poor sleep
might have to get back on the benzos

>wanting to worship a being who sanctions slavery, genocide and human sacrifice

religious people are mentally ill slaves. evil ideology for evil people. glad its on the way out

Actually a huge tenant of Christanity (especially Catholism) is that you essentially are raised alongside God in accepting him as you are a child of his in a way that is not completely different to Jesus. The devout is both beget of God and part of him at the same time.

Make Nederdraad taller (because the Dutch are tallwanks)

the extra brits make it especially mind expanding


bullying the yanks on Sup Forums and they are SEETHING haha

Love how a certain board starts using a word or phrase and everyone else latches onto it like a leech.

Kino and false-flag are some recent ones.

What's better, to walk before God, or walk with God? Hmm.

sounds like a description of brainwashing to me. people actually subscribe to that nonsense? fucking lol

what did they mean by this?

not a fan really. think he might actually be a sadistic alien

love these. based hitchens.

sounds a right cunt

*gets angry*


Atheism: North Korea
Christianity: South Korea
Hope this gave you a think.

how can you walk before God?
its like walking before yourself

north koreans worship their leaders as deities

wtf I love north korea now

really hope everyone who uses the Auto-update feature is struck down with a serious illness

best mate kissed me in college a few times
and put my hand on his willy
wanted to suck his willy but he said no
although on time on holiday he did get into bed with me complaining he couldnt sleep on his bed, i was retarded and didnt know this was his move and just went back to sleep

tired of yank politics

don't even bother replying to metaphysiclet 'doras giving their opinion on God anymore

what do you mean? the devout christian would be walking as part of god

yes a lot of people have and people a lot smarter than you continue to believe in this day and age. I'm not religious but there is a wealth of theological discussion and investigation that should not be taken lightly. (i absolutely abhor people who use religion as a means to ostracise or harm other people though)

There does seem to have been a conscious effort with the new testament to move away from some of the more divisve aspects of God's character in the old testament.

religious people come across as right fucking weirdos. very odd people.

KKK members in the background... whoa


So, heard you brits call ketchup tomato sauce.


red sauce mate


Sunday Sauce

actually it's "Tommy K"

fuckin brois johnson lads

its like hes not even read the kroan

hate cash
hate ATMs

its clumsy and I always feel like someones going to snatch it

There is literally nothing wrong with Old Testament God.

much prefer the hindu interpretation of god

based brahman

yes im definitely supposed to believe heaven looked down upon us with indifference for tens of thousands of years and suddenly one day decided to intervene by revealing some very exclusive truth to a few illiterate barbaric individuals in the desert who were able to write it all down perfectly. and then he decides to fuck off and never intervene again.

yes very believable haha

they wouldn't dare, built like a brick shithouse I am

>tens of thousands of years
sounds like you believe more than you want to let on lad

I was told it was tomato sauce in restaurants.

Like, what do you guys call tomato sauce for pasta?

who here /super sunday/

my god is the real one

the other 3000 gods throughout human history are all wrong

but mine is the right one

haha give me a fucking break

>tomato sauce for pasta
post an example image please

Preparing manna from Heaven for lunch

why anyone responding to shit yank troll about ketchup

*wanders into thread*

200,000 years is still tens of thousands

>t-sauce on pasta

yanks, ladies and gentlemen

refuse to believe anything if it didn't happen

>1 game

Religion in Europe was replaced by spiritual nihilism and cultish adherence to extreme political ideologies in the early 20th century, which in turn led to devastating wars and genocide.

Not all religions promote terrible behaviour. Much of the aid work in the third world is funded and staffed by religious organisations. I think the blind, kneejerk rejection of religion is as bad as the blind, automatic belief in religion, because it aims to take away something that is fundamental to society without replacing it with something else that can serve it's purpose. I'd like to see more open-mindedness from both sides, and a reasonable and respectful discussion of morality, the universe, etc. Too many people are intellectually stunted or lazy though, and just support their side like a sports team and refuse to listen to disagreement.

Those religions that do promote terrible behaviour, or behaviour incompatible with a modern secular society, definitely need to be tackled ASAP though.

Druid! Give us your wise knowledges.


*kills you*

wow there is someone posting in this thread other than me who isn't a complete retard

any druid man ITT?

really embarrassing when I get to a town and I have no idea how to pronounce its name

like Hartlepool, ??? what

>the other 3000 gods throughout human history are all culturally diverse explanations of the same concept

What now?

whatever god you believe in is the one that matters because ideas matter. no one is going to argue liberal democracy doesn't matetr just because it isn't real.

hart-le-pool you picked a pretty easy one lad

Behold, Arjuna, a million divine forms, with an infinite variety of color and shape. Behold the gods of the natural world, and many more wonders never revealed before. Behold the entire cosmos turning within my body, and the other things you desire to see.
Those who worship other gods with faith and devotion also worship me, Arjuna, even if they do not observe the usual forms. I am the object of all worship, its enjoyer and Lord.

liberal democracy doesn't real


religion isnt inherently evil, but it can give evil people the undeserved power to commit atrocities

also the problem with any religious text is it can be interpreted to mean many different things, including furthering peoples agendas.

anything written by man is inherently fallible.

>cech playing for arsenal
>fabregas playing for chelsea

Quick what year is this!?