>Peter... don't tell Harry about the holocaust...
Why is the Green Goblin trying to hide information about the holocaust from Harry?
>Peter... don't tell Harry about the holocaust...
Why is the Green Goblin trying to hide information about the holocaust from Harry?
Because he is Holocaust Harry.
Its like poetry.
because the holocaust never happened
>the same people who deny the holocaust happened are the same mmm ones who want the jews dead
because the homicidal gas chambers were invented by the soviets
you fucking monsters my grandfather was gassed right on the fucking street in 42.
how can you make fun of this???
Who gives a fuck about ur grandfather though other than u and ur family of jewfags?
That's highly anti-semitic, my Grandmother was turned into a lampshade by evil aryan monsters such as yourself
Osborn literally worse than Hitler.
Waste of perfectly good Zyklon B. Should have just cut his throat.
What about soap?
I will never get tired of this meme
Jew me, sue me, everybody do me.
Like me, kike me, everybody fight me.
Fuck you, and your ugly ass family.
the holocaust happened. more than 23 million jews died. I was there.
Burn in heck Nazi scum
what did you do when the zyklon b hit you hard f.am?
She was starved when they turned her into a lampshade, there was no fat to make soap out of! Oy vey it's like reliving the holohoax all over again you nasty goy
That's not nice goy, need I remind you that 66 million of the chosen people were gassed in concentration camps thanks to your evil?
held my breath my breathren
in due time broseph
>When this ends... only one of us will stand
how did he get away with it?
both went down
the holocaust is one of the lies they use to keep you enslaved user
i didn't happen as we're told, but i honestly wish it did
>Uncle Ben: All the things you've been thinking about Peter, make me sad.
>Peter: Can’t you understand? I’m racially tolerant.
>Uncle Ben': Peter all the times we talked about white pride, cultural marxism, racial purity...all those times I counted on you to have the courage to take a stand against liberal brainwashing...
>Peter: I can’t live your dreams anymore. I want a life of my own.
>Uncle Ben: You’ve been given a gift, Peter. With white power comes great responsibility. Raise your hand to the Iron Eagle, son.
>Peter: No Uncle Ben. I’m just Peter Parker. I’m a White Supremacist no more. No more.
>"I had to beat an old Nigger with a Whip to get these cranberries"
Jesus Christ, how did Raimi get away with this?
>he dresses like a spider, he looks kinda dumb
>but I would shower him in my cum.
>Look out (woo!) here comes the spiderman!
I feel you user.
My great grandfather died in concentration camp. He fell from a guard tower.
>Did Edison sleep before he turned on the light? Did Marconi sleep before he turned on the radio? Did Beethoven sleep before he wrote the 5th?
>Did Himmler sleep before he turned on the gas chambers?
>Ah Rosie, I love this boy!
jesus raimi
>The stories aren't true? Who gives a fuck what you think, Parker? Let me give you a history lesson:
>De Nang, 1968. I was a cub reporter for the Stars and Stripes, and goddamn if I didn't have a dick hard for seeing some charbroiled gooks.
>problem was that we were in a so called "safe zone." So what I do, I snoop around a bit, find out the CO is a raging fucking hophead. I feed him some bullshit intel about the slope village up the hill being a VC trading post. Eager to keep the brass off his back, fucknuts calls a napalm strike right in the middle of a fucking Red Cross inoculation event.
>Kid, the next two hours earned me my pulitzer. I interviewed gook after babbling gook, liberal after crying liberal, and 40 years later I'm running the biggest fucking paper in Jew York City.
>The stories aren't true? Fuck you, you twinkletoed cocksucker, I'll MAKE them true!
dear god in heaven
what hath this meme wrought?
>Donald Drumpf is not my president, America is a diverse nation of immigrants accepting of all, diversity is our strength that makes us greater. I fight racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, islamaphobia in all their forms and defend the rights of people of color, immigrants and refugees. The current patriarchal straight white cis-male power structure that dominates our country must be eradicated, opposition to whiteness is loyalty to humanity. #blacklivesmatter #notmypresident #resistance
What went wrong?
lol nigga how do you get gassed on the street?
>Peter... don't tell Harry I shave my bum-crack in the vain hope that one day he'd eat it out.
these posts fucking killed me
The holocaust myth was invented by the soviets so they could retain their control over eastern germany. Demonise the nazis as subhuman monsters and it makes it easier to control the populace.
Early Red Cross reports from the camps stated deaths were caused by malnutrition and typhus caused by allied saturation bombing of supply lines.
The holocaust was a lie, all (((evidence))) was extracted via torture and by having german POWs sign english documents despite not being able to read the language.
They were then killed.
No wonder Patton wanted to invade Russia following the fall of Berlin.
Spider-Man as Steve Ditko originally intended.
Emma Watson is so purdy.
What if this is actually true
What do you mean 'what'
The fact that people here are apathetic to this proves that the narrative is slipping out.
It doesn't even take a stormfag too, and that's the beauty of it.
i like this meme
>(Opening Narration) Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of kike treachery is not for the faint of heart. If somebody told you it was a happy tale, if somebody said I was just your average white supremacist, full of racial anger and hate... somebody lied. But let me assure you, this, like any other story worth telling, is all about a goy.
>[Cut to first shot of Mary Jane] >That goy, the goy next door. Mary Jane Watson. The woman I loved since before I even liked girls.
>[Camera pans to Mary Jane's boyfriend, Flash Goldberg]
I'd like to tell you I gassed this guy.
>[Camera goes to a black guy in the seat in front of MJ, eating a bucket of KFC]
>Heck, I'd even gas him.
>I wanna... act. On stage.
>Really? Well that's perfect. You were awesome in all the school plays. I came like a milky fountain when you played Cinderella. I still jerk off to the memory of your toes in them glass slippers. I only wish I could have praised and worshipped your feet in front of everybody while you laughed and spat on me.
>Peter, that was first grade.
>Well, even so...
First time I saw my father cry was during that scene.
> You grabbed me and you said "Aunt May, Aunt May, is that man made of chocolate?"
Got me off guard Raimi.
>Jews did 9/11. Don't tell Harry.
I can't believe they had time to rework the ending that quickly after 9/11. Raimi really moves quick.
what the fuck
>Mr. Aziz, I'm sorry I'm late. I just got back from my pilgrimage to Mecca.
>Peter, Your a devout muslim but this is your last chance, INSHALLAH BROTHER
I feel your pain, user, Mine was treated terribly in the camps.
Passed over for promotion time and time again...
fucking kekekek
Made the scene where he broke into her house and jerked off into her shoes really emotional
Someone please post the one where Green Goblin explains Spider-Man about the Volk
>Peter Parker: (regarding Uncle Ben) Aunt May, you shouldn't blame yourself.
>May Parker: Oh, I know I shouldn't. It's just...you wanted to take the subway, and he wanted to drive you. If only I had stopped him, then all three of us would be celebrating white brotherhood together.
>(There is a brief pause of silence. Finally, Peter speaks)
>Peter Parker: I'm responsible.
>May Parker: For what?
>Peter Parker: For what happened to Uncle Ben.
>May Parker: But, you were at the rally. You were lighting the beloved fiery cross...
>Peter Parker: He drove me to the rally, but I never went in.
>May Parker: What do you mean?
>Peter Parker: I went someplace else, someplace where I thought I could learn about other races, to become tolerant, because I wanted to impress Mary Jane. It happened so fast... I became liberal, the guy wouldn't say I was liberal enough, then he got robbed...the nigger who did it was running towards me...I could have stopped him, but I wanted...racial equality. I let him go, I let him get away. He wanted a car, he tried to take Uncle Ben's. Uncle Ben said no... and then he stood his ground. Uncle Ben was arrested that night for being the only one who did the right thing. I held his hand when he was handcuffed. I've tried to tell you so many times...
The nazis used to drive around in volkswagen beetles carrying canisters of zyklon b gas and empty buckets. They would catch jews on the street, open a canister and put it in the bucket, and then hold the jew's face down inside the bucket. This happened right on the street, it's true. After the person died they would put them in the beetle and drive them off to the lamp factory.
>Officer: Hey, buddy! You park there, I'm towin' it!
>Peter: Whatever, statist piece of shit.
>[Peter walks into temple lobby]
>Rabbi: Ah! Yamulke.
>[Peter stops, picks up a yamulke, then moves forward again]
>Rabbi: Wait, you might want to...[motions for Peter to put on yamulke]
>[Peter yamulke on and moves forward again]
>[Rabbi stops him entering theater]
>Rabbi: Can I help you?
>Peter: Yeah, I, uh, I've come to see the Holocaust Remembrance exhibit.
>Rabbi: Oy vey, I'm sorry sir: "No goyim will be seated."... It helps maintain the illusion of the Holocaust.
>Peter: Ah, I understand. Umm... Miss Watstein, She's a friend of mine, she asked me to come.
>Rabbi: But not to come as a gentile.
>Peter: But, I have to see the exhibit. If you just let me in, I'll stand by the--
>Rabbi: Shh. (Points his hands to the sign that says, "The Messiah has not yet returned")
>when Sup Forums takes the joke too far
>Blacks, 13 percents of population, 77 percents of crime. Don't tell Harry.
He's referring to himself vs. the buildings, nitwit.
>You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the chinks...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Pete. We'll have every nigger in this country dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party."
Nigga you never heard of homing gas?
Post 9/11 were some strange years.
>Time to turn this Holocaust into a Harrycaust!
not bad cosplay
Wtf haha how do you die from gas just don't breathe in
>I like being the one to flip the 'on button' on the gas chambers... It makes me happy
Christ, surprised Raimi could convince Topher Grace of all people to actually utter those lines.
>After all these years, it's finally perfected, Zyklon - C
>Don't tell Harry...
>he's part Jewish
Whoa what a twist! Bravo, Riami!
this first few spideyposting threads were good, but there are always a bunch of unfunny autists who have to run everything mildly good into the ground
>whats your name kid?
>im the Holocaust Was Real Man
>o that sucks
fuckin kek
Someone have the "man of spiders" pasta?
that's right my grandpa was killed when he was just 7 in the camps
I saw some new (to me) pasta the other day about Ben being shocked that he was gunned down by a white man, only for Peter to comfort him by telling him that the shooter was Italian
It was pretty good. Anyone have it? If not, I might try to recreate it
>open thread expecting to see Willem Dafoe as Jesus on the cross with "Don't tell Harry" quote
>Don't find it
I am disappoint
Also, as an aside, is there an actor with an uglier mouth?
wow really activated my almonds
I don't deny the holocaust, but I want the Jews dead.
You just got Trumpe