
Just saw an ad for this movie.

In this film, a group of innocent Mexican (((((migrants))))) make to cross the boarder. The main character even has a teddy bear given by a small child. He's so innocent.
Then the whole movie takes a turn when an evil white man shows up and shoots a poor immigrant for no reason.

The evil white man then hunts the poor immigrants for the rest of the movie, killing them for no reason other than his racist beliefs.

Actual plot summary of the ((((((movie)))))):

>What begins as a hopeful journey by Mexican migrant workers looking to seek a better life by crossing the US border quickly becomes a fight for survival, when the unarmed men and women are chased across the desert terrain by a merciless rifle-toting vigilante.

so? everyone knew it was going to have a shitty plot, man.

It happened to come out in this political climate because production shit. Jonas never intended to do an accurate representation but rather a thriller.

I think illegals should be shot on sight. If they live, shoot them again

Without a trial? Not very American desu

>having the same rights as Americans
Yeah no

We all have human rights :^)

maybe if you stopped shitting in fields and learned to appreciate silence for more than a few seconds.

Silence is how humans think of ways to destroy corrupt governments and drug cartels. Silence is how humans come up with technology

Is that Saddam Hussein on the left?

Mexicans are like chimps in the trees, always chattering away and never doing any real thinking. All talk.

Does it show any realistic & practical ways of killing beaners

The "antagonist" has a dog which is perfect for sniffing out lesser, weaker dogs.
Chihuahuas to be specific.

So triggered you have to resort to Sup Forums memes of other countries

This is from personal experience. All groups of Mexicans I've been around never shut up.
I'm thinking of ways to build robots that will put you out of work and all you can do is distract me by chattering away


I will take my chances with a crazy gringo only as long as I am out of Mexico

>implying we have time to deal with you

Beaners idolize a corrupt drug lord responsible for the perpetual impoverishment of their pathetic nation and the cold-blooded murder of thousands of their countrymen and fantasize about him killing a politician from another country calling them out for their bullshit. You literally cannot make this shit up.

>gael garcia
Great actor

The Era of Top Tier Mexican Movies is Dead. Don't watch anything from there it's a Cosmopolitan decadent shit comparable to a Liberal Feel good movie here in the U.S.

Nuke us pls

Mexico Needs Second Amendment rights and the Right to create militias.

I agree that old movies are quite great, they have machismo, guns and great story telling. Nodaways are just muh narcos! muh poor illegals! muh drugs and sex! muh dark satire!
I can't stand a single modern mexican movie, well maybe just El Infierno.

Mexicans Depend too much on government


Those rights have an inverse correlation with how numerous your illegal immigrants are. The more that come, the more those rights are decreased. Due process costs time and money, and when you multiply that by several million it becomes cost prohibitive. Summary executions were your choice, Pablo.

The Golden age of Mexican Cinema died in the 70s.

It is Mexico's responsibility to give Those Illegal immigrants an Ultimatum

Return to Mexico willing or be deport and face Jail time.

why does your establishment shill so hard?

I got suspended for five days for saying that in social studies, around 2004. Then not too long a computer game about doing just that came out

i bet the bear had cocaine inside and at the end the white man dies

sheeeeeeeeeeit why are we so based?

why are you even on this board if you still watch (((hollywood))) movies, the only shit i watch are things like non-sjw documentaries or instructional videos

it's just nu/pol/ mate, we'll lern em

This is the kind of movie that makes me root for the "bad" guy.

It was your right to say it.

And americans idolize a guy who tripled the national debt, sold weapons to the Irani government, directly caused 9/11 by funding terrorists and giving them weapons, funding, and training, increased the unemployment rate by close to 5 percent, granted amnesty to about 3 million of those illegal immigrants you seem so intent on complaining about, and stood by while tens of thousands of people died from a virus he didn't even say the name of until 7 years into his presidency.
Thanks reagan.

What a faggot edgelord you must have been

what's your point? that the politicians have been screwing the people for decades+?

I agree that the amnesty was treason

My point is that it's not just "beaners" who idolize people who are shitty at their jobs.


did you have a point to make?

also, it's a pretty big give away when you say beaners in quotes

This shit is similar to the refugee problem in Europe where 99% of the time these immigrants aren't good people, they're invaders and criminals who would shoot you just as look at you. If you're so determined to leave a country, you have means of doing so without pissing off an entire nation for your own selfishness

all part of the plan

>Implying Clinton, Daddy Bush, and LBJ didn't have a hand in it as well

>First Negan kills Glenn and now this! The madman!
