>Would you suck a cock to keep your job at McDonalds?
Is this the kind of question Americans have to ask themselves on a daily basis?
>Would you suck a cock to keep your job at McDonalds?
Is this the kind of question Americans have to ask themselves on a daily basis?
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This only happens in red states.
Honestly? I'm sure a lot of them would. Wage slavery isn't a joke here. You could work 60 hours a week on min wage and barely be able to pay your phone bill. This country thinks it's the greatest thing of all time when in reality the only thing that still makes it great is its oversized military and ability to pump out grain like the chinese shit out rice. It fucking sucks here if you aren't a genius or born into money.
I'd hire her
>why cant I work a minimum wage job and have everything i want
Yeah man, because having a bare bones cell phone and food that isn't laden with carcinogens is truly living the high life.
To be honest I'd suck cock for a lot of things. I'd even wear frilly clothes and everything.
Tell me more
I'll give you my cum, is that good enough?
bitch looks like kate mara
Only if you fuck my throat and call me Kassie
How much do you cum?
If you havent seen the strip scenes in this, google it now. Her tits are literal 10/10 and she does starjumps
Girls are gross though
Her tits are fake m8.
>How much do you cum?
A lot. a LOT
mmmm, yummmy, where do I stop by?
hah no m8, your virgin in showing
Do fast food workers in America really look like this?
>Ameripoors are so conditioned that they genuinely believe having the basics should be beyond someone on minimum wage
It's truly fascinating just how well they get you to maintain the class divides and just how callous and hateful you all are about it
Milgrim dude. A dorky, awkward barely legal teen being told by her (probably generally domineering) older female boss to strip and such. It's not as much about keeping your job as a legitimate fear of being of trouble.
The oral sex is the part I don't get though. That should have been the kicker for the fiancee. What possibly basis in investigation could that have?
I should note that in real life, the victim got $6 million and the actual manager even got $1 million from a lawsuit because her lawyers argued McDonalds didn't properly warn her about the scam calls before it happened.
It's not uncommon for high school girls to work fast food and many of them are hot like that, yes. I seriously doubt they stick around beyond college age though.
That being said, this was the IRL worker.
them tiddies were perfect
What the fuck. She must have been thrilled when she saw the actress who was playing her.
Not really but I did see some women who looked like that working fast food jobs when I was in Stockholm.
>mfw I suck a dick for $6 million
>What the fuck. She must have been thrilled when she saw the actress who was playing her.
Pretty much any hollywood film takes ridiculous liberties in casting far more attractive than their irl counterparts
Voice on phone: Okay, now I want you to stick your dick in her mouth.
McDonald's manager: Uhhhhh...
They also make up people that never existed or combine two people
I mean, it's beyond retarded.
Personality too. I'm rewatching the film now, and the pretty blonde is talking about juggling multiple guys via text, including one guy who keeps sending her shirtless pics.
Doesn't seem like the kind of girl that would submit to a strip search.
Fun example of this: Every single character in Black Hawk Down is named after and based on a real person, except for "John Grimes" (played by Ewan Mcgregor), the only fictional character of the film. The reason for this is that the soldier which his character was loosely based on (Specialist John Stebbins) was convicted of brutally raping his six-year-old daughter a couple of years after the events in the film take place and sentenced to 30 years in prison. In order to stay as true to the actual events as possible without honoring this specific soldier, the filmmakers gave used a fake name and made the character more of an amalgamation of a bunch of different Rangers as opposed to an actual representation of a single, real person like everyone else in the film.
> It fucking sucks here if you aren't a genius or born into money.
I was born poor with 2 mentally ill parents and I was making 50k a year by 22.
You're just a fucking loser, you live in a place where all you have to do is actually fucking do something and you can be successful. I have no sympathy for inept people like you. You deserve your fate because you're simply inferior.
Minimum wage jobs are for 2 people.
>Young people just entering the work force as a stepping stone.
Fuck your socialist giving half your paycheck away to neets hell hole. If you can't do the work you don't deserve shit.
Learn how to manage your money. It's been proven time and time again that shopping for ingredients is infinitely, and will always be infinitely, cheaper than buying ready-made foods.
>Americans are so used to jews cucking them that they have to suck cock, have only 12 days of vacation leave and 12 days of sick leave per year just to stay employed
More like
>A bunch of retards in the retarded midwest are retarded
Maybe if you guys didn't have so much vacation time you'd be a super power.
why suck a dick to keep a minimum wage job when you could suck dick as a prostitute or pornstar and make ten times as much, or suck a dick and wear a ring to own half a man's wealth
some attractive woman are just so fucking stupid and don't know how easy they have it
Is this a good movie? I've been seeing it get posted here for 8 years.
Rachel Mcadams worked at mcdonalds for 3 years.
that bitch is fucking cute and her ass is superb, post her ass, my man
I think it has more to do with the US using the money on buying copious amounts of military equipment and football stadiums that a European country would use to keep its infrastructure up to date and its citizens healthy.
Was anyone else here for the constant string of Compliance threads that ran for like a week straight in the summertime? Those were comfycore
Weaponized autism confirmed this in those threads
I'm too lazy to find some.
Why do Europeans always try to compare their tiny countries to the entire U.S rather than states which are much more comparable?
she looks like my friend uldarico
only because euros gut their military to pay for that shit
>Rachel Mcadams worked at mcdonalds for 3 years.
Poor girl.
I can't because I can't get a job anywhere
Walmart will take you. Walmart takes anyone.
that explains her ass, that ass is full of big macs and mcflurries damn
thats because other countries can slack on their militiaries due to having treaties with the big bad you u.s. the u.s has to force project for the entire west basically.
This movie and scam really shows how fucking stupid fast food and retail management really is.
Any job that expects its employees to put in full time hours needs to pay those employees living wages. This isn't really a question up for debate.
Any company that doesn't do this is just creating the problems fucking up this country. They are creating parents that can't afford to look after their kids. Creating families who can't afford proper medical care (mental and physical) that lead to increased crime rates.
And at the end of the day, we the community are paying for it. Our taxes go to all the social programs that these people need because Walmart/McDonalds won't pay them enough. It's Bullshit
So Black Hawk Down is a cop-out made by cunts? Roger that. Always suspected the U.S. military is fuckin shit.
You should not be working a minimum wage job to support a family. You should be working one as a teenager or young adult going through school. If you're poor there is a fucking shitload of free money you can get for higher education or technical school. There is simply no excuse for being a skillless loser. McDonalds should never pay out nicely because you shouldn't be fucking alright with working a McJob that a gluesniffing teenager is capable of.
American work practices are really old fashioned. They assume that if you're not in front of a desk 24/7/365 then you're not doing any work. They're so scared to loose their edge in productivity that they only begrudgingly give you the minimum amount of vacation days and if you're sick at all they think you're slacking.
I worked for an American company where all I did was manage other company's sites remotely, something I could do from literally anywhere on Earth, but they still insisted I be in the office so it gave some sort of illusion of centralized productivity. Insane.
In fact the days when I managed to work away from the office were more productive because I didn't have to deal with interruptions or bullshit politics.
Does it? Or does it show how easily people can be compelled to acts of evil by any authority?
I think this movie is a profound deconstruction of human nature.
>why cant I work a minimum wage job and have everything i want
Counter point:
why can't I work 40+ hours full-time employment for a multi-billion dollar company and make enough money to comfortably cover standard living costs
Stop working for shitty companies then.
I'm strictly heterosexual and I would definitely suck a dick for 6 million US dollars
shit, I'd suck an old man's unwashed dick for 6 million dollars
That's fucking retirement money for like 10 minutes of suffering
>I'm strictly heterosexual
>I would definitely suck a dick
up and coming actresses serve all our food m9
It's only inevitable that stupid people are being abused, one way or another.
Im strictly heterosexual too, but i'd fuck a tranny, a cute one with a femenine penis
It's not gay if it's for money
Or on the moon / in space
For 6 million dollars.
Shit, I do stuff I don't want to do for a lot less money. It's called a job.
I'd let someone chop off one of my toes for 6 million dollars too, doesn't mean I'm just going to do it for no reason
>Stop working for shitty companies then.
That's not really an option for the 99% of the population that has their salary determined by companies.
I mean, your argument basically comes down to "poor people should just stop being poor"
>balls obviously not touching
>this is somehow gay
u wot
>I would definitely suck a dick
But user, why would you suck a dick? Are you gay or something?
Context matters, dipshit. Or do you work for WSJ?
I'm not gay, but 6 million dollars is 6 million dollars. And it's not as bad as you think it is, honey
>oy vey the goyim knows shut it down
I'm just not seeing what you're talking about. The company I work for pays very fairly along with a good amount of benefits and vacation time and has many people who have worked for it 20+ years. When I look up the wages for positions similar to mine in the company they pay around the same, sometimes a bit more or a bit less but roughly the same. If you work a minimum wage job past the age of 25 you're simply wasting your time. Unskilled laborers are necessary to society but it will never be something that comfortably affords an lavish life style, nor should it be.
>If you're poor there is a fucking shitload of free money you can get for higher education or technical school.
This isn't really true at all.
There is money available for people looking to get a better education.Scholorships and such. But not nearly enough for most people to cover the cost of education AND the cost of lost wages from the 40+ hours a week of going to school and not working.
You're talking about tens if not a hundred thousand dollars for college/university level education.
dude did a deplorable act but he still bled for this country, should honor his service but just give the character a different name instead of making him 50 people combined, let the people who really give that much of a fuck do the research outside the film
I worked a full time job and put myself through school. Online and express classes are a thing. Schools know that people have to support themselves. Notice I never talked about living expenses, you did. I mentioned the cost of schooling alone.
Eh, it's an interesting watch, but it's not all that great. Honestly the way they portrayed the girl kinda kills it. She treats the whole thing like a teenager being forced to take a family photo, not being bent over naked in front of her fellow employees and an older man she doesn't know.
If this didn't happen in real life, you'd think this movie was completely retarded.
Yuropoors all live in ramshackle homes and can't really compare to America at all. We just let them banter with us for our amusement.
In America everyone is so brainwashed that everytime a corporation farts in someone's general direction and the recipient of said fart has broken their programming enough to be repulsed by it the other brainwashees yell at them and tell them to be grateful for such a blessed opportunity.
Its truly the perfect system.
>Notice I never talked about living expenses, you did. I mentioned the cost of schooling alone.
And that's why you're wrong
because lots of people who are working minimum wage jobs are doing so because they have living expenses to cover. They didn't get to stay at home or have parents cover part of their education costs. They have to do this all themselves. Not only just themselves but they often have dependents that not only add to the cost but take away from the free time they have to work and get a better education.
>I worked a full time job and put myself through school
Thats great, and means you worked harder than those that got a free ride from parents. But it also means you had advantages of those that already have dependents. Now do what you did with the added difficulty of a kid crying while you study for a test, or you're studying in the waiting room of a doctors office while your parent/sibling is in for a check-up.
Nobody chooses a minimum wage job because they want it. No one grows up wanting to flip burgers. They are there because they feel they have no other choice. Maybe that's a mental block, but more often than not it's just they got dealt a shitty life and have no choice.
>12 days of vacation leave and 12 days of sick leave per year
12? In America you're lucky if you get one of either of those.
I got fired because I had to get chemotherapy. Then my company charged me a firing fee.
You are a little behind the times.
Do you know that nowadays there are many skilled college graduates that work in a underpaid shitty job just because they can't find better in the current market?
My american friend was fired too when he was getting chemo. he died 8 months later. Truly heartless bastards
They charged you a firing fee? What the fuck is that? What kind of company was it?
>graduate from college in america
>oh boy can't wait to see all my opportunities
>all jobs pay less than 30k a year
>not even enough to pay back my 10k a month loans
>anything at 30k+ requires at least 25 years of experience
>complain to father over phone
>"when I was your age I was already the president of the free world you slacking faggot. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps"
>"th-thanks dad"
yeah they charged me a firing fee, they charged me for the postage to deliver the letter that said I was fired. Then they sued me for not filling out my exit survey in triplicate.
It's a mental block. Things were not easy for me. My father was an institutionalized paranoid schizophrenic and my mother had severe PTSD. My brother also jumped through windows and shit and he was institutionalized. The first job I got paid 10.50 an hour which was above minimum wage and from that job I got a full time position in the company that paid me a livable salary while I put myself through school for business. There is not excuse. You are living in a country where all you have to do is jump through the hoops and work. If you are unwilling or unable to do that tough shit.
Maybe they shouldn't get sociology degrees and Women Studies degrees then expect to have a six figure income right out of school.
>Autistic non-American thinks memes are reality
>firing fee
There is no fucking way that's legal. Hire an attorney and sue.
>hey guys wouldnt it be funny if i just made shit up on the internet
>Unskilled laborers are necessary to society
>but it will never be something that comfortably affords an lavish life style, nor should it be.
Someone has to do the job. And by your own admission it's "necessary". And no one working an unskilled labor job is asking for "lavish", they are asking for enough to cover a basic lifestyle. Food, rent/housing, transportation, medical, and maybe a vacation once every couple years. If you work full-time for a company, that company should be legally required to provide a wage to cover those "basics" for you. If they can't afford that, they can't afford to run their business.
They do cover basic living expenses though, and if you're not making enough there's government assistance.
le murrica meme but this movie destroyed me tbqh
>The first job I got paid 10.50 an hour which was above minimum wage
Okay, so by your own admission you're not the person we're talking about.
We're talking about the difficulties of someone who is on minimum wage. You never had that problem. (I mean, also anecdotal evidence is bullshit either way. Just because you did something doesn't mean everyone can. There are many factors out of peoples control that could stop them)
>its an Australians and shtskins talk shit about America all night while America is asleep thread
Its fucking pathetic how obsessed you cucks are that we are literally all you faggots talk about when you are not blacked or cunny posting, Australians are a bunch of American obsessed cuckold child molesters lmao.
And I'm saying there's no excuse to working a minimum wage job when if you just have the slightest semblance of talent or determination you can land something better.
>live in studio apartment
>its basically a shack with the roof caving in
>scared to turn on over head light because of the faulty wiring
>only pay electricity bill every other month
>shower at the gym, piss in bottles so I don't have to pay water
>only reason this saves money is because gym meberships are incredibly cheap due to lack of interest
>eat in the isles of grocery stores to save on food
>Work 100+ hour weeks, only thing I do besides work is sleep and shitpost a bit
>Landlord is quadrupling my rent next month because of "taxes"
>Only pay for an incredibly basic cell phone plan and steal neighbors wifi
>letter I received yesterday says they are suing me for stealing their data
>can't afford to pay this weeks job fee again
fucking christ. And I know there is no way in hell my dad will lend me the money to pay another firing fee. bros help me out. I don't wanna be sent back to the poor people gulags.
>They do cover basic living expenses though
But they don't, that's the whole debate
most people on minimum wage jobs have to work more than one job or get outside income somewhere to cover the basics.
>and if you're not making enough there's government assistance.
This is bullshit.
Government assistance is usually very little and doesn't do much for those in trouble. And honestly the "bullshit" is that it has to exist at all. Walmart turns billions for profit every year. McDonalds does the same. Companies like them employ the majority of people on government assistance because they don't pay proper wages.
so instead of these companies paying people a living wage, we tax payers have to support them so McDonalds and Walmart can turn a larger profit.
Instead the government should bump minimum wage, and instal better minimum benifits. So fewer people need gov assistance and we're all better off (except admittedly the CEOs of the top companies will have to have 1 less house in mailbu)
>>eat in the isles of grocery stores to save on food
your shitposting will never be as internationally infamous as aussie shitposting and the knowledge of this genuinely annoys you
moot hated us more than any other country for a reason
The problem is the poors are so brainwashed they actually think raising minimum wage will somehow ruin the country.
Its also an ego thing because even if you bumb it to $10, people who are now making $10 feel cheated and like they're no long kings of the minimum wage slaves.
Its a sad vicious cycle that all starts with the fact that the unwashed masses are complete brainlets.
I don't really disagree with you, I'm just saying that people shouldn't be happy with minimum wage and that the people who are usually stuck doing it are either in transitory periods or legitimately unskilled people. I guess I'm just triggered like a faggot by this subject because I know first hand the fruits of hard work and dedication and I can't stand to hear people whine when they have the power to change their situations if they truly wish to.