So my professor wants us to watch TED talks. Are they legitimately good information, or kike propaganda?
So my professor wants us to watch TED talks. Are they legitimately good information, or kike propaganda?
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Mostly just faux motivational gobbledigook designed to make people feel good about their empty lives.
Easy A by the sounds of it.
On what topics.
Also why is your professor trying to relegate teaching duties to TED? What grade are you in.
Chemistry and technology ones, he just wants us to watch them cause he thinks they're informative, not for a grade or anything.
This is the only Ted Talk you need to see to understand Ted Talks:
neither they're just useless videos by someone who spent five years on something that didn't make money but wants their work validated
Isn't that the guy who did the Orlando shooting?
They even let Sam Harris give a Ted Talk.
He's about as anti-Islam as you can get.
Some of them are good but there is a lot of pretentiousness and non information sometimes.
m00t was there so go figure
Also Richard Dawkins:
They are great, to a degree.
Focus on the ones that are based on FACTS.
Not some opinionated bullshit.
The good ones are extremely informative, redpilled as well.
I love a good Ted Talk.
This isn't hyper informative or anything but a recent drone one was kind of neat.
He just did another one on AI
you'll find a lot of (((Facts))) in them.
TED talks used to be good when they started out
avoid TEDx like the plague, usually pointless or shit
There's good and bad.
I remember one guy who was a juggler. He went on some spiritual journey to try and find out why all juggling hoops were the same size. He tracks down the guy that manufactured the most popular brand and asked him about it. The guy used a random bucket he had to trace out the template.
Why don't you just try and watch them? Most of them are pretty good. I watch their vids all the time and even the "motivational" ones can be pretty neat. The one by David Blaine holding his breath for 17mins was actually pretty awesome for a simple motivational speech.
They have thousands of videos if you include tedmed, tedx, etc. and most are oriented towards science and medicine, not social topics.
Depends on the speaker/topic
TED talks by Jonathan Haidt is pretty good cause he calls out liberal bias
There is a TED talk by Hubertus Knaube which is a good introduction to the STASI and zersetsung
We looked at the data,
>Don't know if guy is serious or satire
>TED and TEDx are the same thing
You're retarded
There is no ted talk that is redpilled. This is red pilled and you'll never see something like this on a ted talk
ted talks are ok tedx is the one where you will find people cheering because an african figured out how to build a simple water filterer beat 2 sticks together thats the kike propaganda
if your teacher wanted amazing science he would be pulling stuff from nova that stuff is amazing
Watch the video nerd
The good ones are good. Even the more bullshit ones tend to have some merit or can give you insight.
It was the first place where I heard of some actual good thinkers promoting ideas that weren't total bullshit.
One guy's entire point was that trial and error is often far more effective than we think it is. The time limits generally keep out all the padding the speakers like to do but don't fool yourself into thinking they don't put absolute idiots on stage for both TED and TEDx talks. Watch the ones with the kids for a good laugh. Then remember that they will have that on their records FOREVER thanks to the net.
>posting a talk with someone proving their point using gumballs.
wew lad
Why don't you just watch a few and make up your own mind. Jesus Christ, you kids are fucking lazy these days.
He's been implicated in many shootings I believe.
That shit was so meta
Do you not even understand the purpose of a public lecture?
The idea of compressing knowledge into easily understandable demonstrations that can be done in a short time frame is what makes or breaks people. It doesn't matter how "redpilled" or intelligent you think you are, if you can't you put on a show you'll get nowhere in life.
fucking great.
>the necessity of a "show"
>in order to understand things
wew lad
They all talk the exact same way and it gets on my nerves. That said, only the earlier entries where interesting. Went down hill really fast.
Still doesn't excuse his antics with gumballs to represent numbers.
That and he picked a minor strawman to attack yet provided stronger arguments against immigration within his explanation such as the overwhelming of the system, brain drain, etc.
That and he's white and old so he's evil
Ignore the slightly Jewish name;
but here's a really good one on why the war on drugs should be ended, and why everything should be legalized and regulated. I wrote a paper on this a year ago in college.
Seriously anons, it's worth the watch, check it out;
With TED talks only maybe 5-10% of the audience is familiar with the subject you're speaking about so if you don't put it into simple terms you just look like a retard to every one that isn't already knowledgeable on the topic
Actual full Ted talks are good for the most part. The lesser Teds are infomercial tier
I'll answer you OP
Chemistry, Biology, Technology, etc, etc ones are pretty good and can feature nationally famous scientists. Those are fun. Here is one from a prof at my uni:
The other ones are trash, usually.
TED is still relatively sane
TEDx on the other hand
look up the "I collect bad wines" ted talk. Only one I enjoyed recently.
You do know we did this to the Chinese right? This is how we basically colonized china. We got them hooked on drugs and then had them wrapped around our fingers.
A few grains of wheat, and an awful lot of chaff. Just a couple of really good ones in the series.
The best TED Talk was that one guy with the cybernetic legs talking about the future of prosthetic technology.
We asked for this.
depends on the subject at hand. Something like the drone videos the mammoth DNA, or nuclear energy talks are politically neutral.
>TED talk tickets are $3,000
Only the most pretentious of cunts go to these
You guys are fucking retarded. He's using the gumballs to represent how little of a difference we make regarding global income. Its an idiot proof talk, apparently its too much for you anons.
It's hard to live with autism. Give them a break
heres my favorite TED talk. very informative and not useless at all
Clearly Jew propaganda
My experience:
- some of the talks are really awesome
- a lot of the presenters have this "I'm a tech/science messiah, but I try act a bit humble" attitude (kinda how Steve Jobs presented his products)
- "friends" who share these videos are the actual worst, because they only do it too look intelligent
Lot of STEM related TED talks used to be good, but after they included women and faggots et cetera TED talks have taken a turn to the worse.
and now see how history has turned out for the both of you
sam hyde is the undisputed ruler of Sup Forums
>You'll never be as good of a troll as Sam Hyde
fucking fatfuck burgers waste so much stuff
I rage internally every time I see some landwhale pick up her quadruple burger and pull fifteen napkins from the dispenser
Imagine self-help books targeted towards suburban white America.
That is Ted talks.
Kind of...half and half.
There are some really, really good talks about there actually pertaining to science, engineering and the likes, but others are just some drivel going on about nothing at all.
Just filter out the bad ones and you're left with some pretty phenomenal talks.
TEDx is the one you want to stay away from, however, unless you want a laugh.
The only TED talk I could get behind was Ted Kaczynski's. Well, more of a manifesto really.
Only the joke or parody ted talks are good, that I've seen. They're not really informative, useful or entertaining.
Tickets are expensive as fuck so it's obviously Jewish propaganda
There are a few good ted talks. I particularly like this one.
However, most of TED is garbage bourgeoisie shit. Motivational snake oil and feel good stories.
Literally the video version of those boring stories that old people used to read in magazines and anthologies.
I'd say about 30% is kike propaganda, 30% is retarded nonsense, 20% is some combination of the two, and the last 20% is actually shit that's worth watching.
Depends on what you watch.
I know one guy who was obsessed with TED talks. He would make sure to watch every single one of them.
He killed himself about 4 years ago.
Oh shit user, my mom does that ... she even makes me listen to them, should I be worried? It's a lot of self help shit.
TED is kinda 50/50 (well, more like 1/3)
If they make you watch TEDx then it's going full retard
The fact moots gay ass was allowed on stage and actually cheered on for his non speech and queer gestures made me never watch another video again.
Hardline anti-sjw stance. It's 100% kikery
Im so glad that cuck was shamed outta here. Kek help that sissy
Love this video, mindless but fun to watch
That was a beautiful video. I love it when numbers are visualized. It really pounds it into you.
>Is this website my teacher recommends me any good?
>Instead of figuring out myself, I will asked an extreme right propaganda machine that's LITERALLY being targeted by stormfront invasions with the purpose to prosletyze
If a retard like yourself, entirely devoid of critical thought, can attend college then something is horribly wrong with the American education system. Either you're an Affirmative Action case, you're a trust fund baby or college standards in America have severely dropped over the past few years.
Yes, dude. Stop watching that shit. Most of it is over-optimistic marketing. The place is controlled by SJWs and they don't suffer dissenters. They routinely refrain from uploading the TED talks that don't conform with their world view.
Plus, take it from someone who has been watching their stuff since 2006, the quality of their talks has really gone downhill over the past few years. Don't waste your time with this shit.
good proapganda.
>good of a troll
>Sam Hyde
...He's a fucking idiot.
>TED talks
They have a few valid points in them, but mostly it's people who like themselves talk.
It was authentic a few years back now it's just a bunch of self righteous scumbags emulating the original speakers. Oh, and "celebrities".