ITT:GOAT Live TV moments

>You can go fuck yourself, Milo.

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Thanks for reminding me I need to watch that. I always forget Overtime.

Everybody kind of told short pants to sit in the corner.

Bill Maher respected him though, like the queer disowned son he never had.

Why did Milo call the African-American panelists low-IQ?

I'm not a fan of milo, but darn, he is sure talented at concealing his stupidity by surrounding himself with bigger idiots constantly so he looks better by comparison.

I can't stand that queer, but he triggered the fuck out of those two nigs.

Fucking Larry. At times I felt bad for this guy because he came off as some dumb house nigger.
Goddamn if he didn't put that AIDS riddled freak on blast though. Should've given him his show for that one.
Fuck Milo and the goober gobbler Sup Forums rejects from Sup Forums


Milo should have mentioned Saudis execute gay people. Also that fucking "intelligence" guy saying Wikileaks is run by Russian hackers


The moment alt-right was BTFO forever

It would have been better if Milo just acted like a Nazi, instead he acted like an annoying childish faggot instead.

Alt right will never recover from this.

you are delusional if you think milo came out of this looking like anything short of a god among mere mortals

>posts anime shit
>calls others stupid

>get BTFO
>g-go fuck yourself!
Larry lost his cool and looked like a fuckign dope

whats important is that you've found a way to feel superior to everyone

He said they were the laundromat for the hackers. They were just the conduit doing what they were told.

Not quite. The guy is a troll and does this for attention. What would really hurt people like that would be to be ignored by everyone. But the media do the exact opposite because it brings numbers in.

Same thing with criminals. They should stay unnamed and given the least attention. Instead they give them continuous exposure and even front page covers.

Milo got exactly what he wanted and somehow people think he got BTFO. Everything about this is cringe.

I used to think the people screaming "shills" were just delusional but considering what this place looks like now I don't know

you are delusional if you think milo looked anywhere close to intelligent or competent

>a stoned Jew comedian and a gay Jewish Nazi discuss Amy Schumer
>American political discourse in 2017

considering it was 4 on 1 milo did okay. I don't like how they're making that one fucker on the corner out to be some hero he's just some intelligence pencil pusher who's probably in with the deep state.

he looked better than the 3 passive aggressive bullies, smiling to someone whilst telling them to FUCK OFF is just unfair and weak.

guy on the left was even worse than wilmore

Is Wilmore openly gay or closeted?

Because he kinda was. Larry Wilmore tried to use some bullshit appeal to authority as if holding a govt. position makes you all around intelligent. Every time the far left tried to talk it was some basic ass Twitter politics like calling the alt-right Nazis and trying to make a joke out of Milo being alt-right and a Nazi except everyone just talked over him.

Milo was being a retard though for sure. He ruins his good points just as badly as the left when he goes over the top inflammatory. Going on and on about how ugly and illiterate Leslie Jones is and how stupid everyone around him is serves to purpose. He didn't come to debate he came to cause drama.

>"Liberals always take the bait"
>*Liberal takes the bait*


That's how it's been framed in articles and previews but I actually give Larry this one.

I figured Milo was gonna say some inflammatory baity things about trans people and then Wilmore would tell him to go fuck himself much like that Aussie fuck tried to do to Piers Morgan but Larry was specifically responding to Milo calling everyone there low IQ and insulting Leslie Jones for whatever reason. So if Milo is just going to shit all over everyone without an argument then yeah I'd tell him to go fuck himself too desu.

>nignog says wikileaks is owned by russia
>people actually clapped that

I'd have bet anything that guy was a fag

Straight guys dont talk or behave like that

It was pottery

>debating on Maher

It just proves he knew what he was about. The show is literally about who can shout over the other person the loudest and drown out the hooting chimps in the audience. The show is no place for intelligent debate, it's just about spewing rhetoric for headlines and ratings.

Milo treated the show with all the gravitas it deserved.

>4 on 1
>White guy was a Republican and kept praising Milo
>Maher clearly liked Milo and agreed with him on things just wanted him to stop fagging it up and actually debate.

>actually debate.

maybe he should have thrown out a couple "stop being niggers" around the table if he wanted that.

White goy was neutral

Because they genuinely thought Russia hacked the election.

Nice xkcd reference! XD Upvoted!

>holds a pencil-pusher position


>this guy keeps you ALIVE!

>A person establishes himself to be a huge troll and says the liberals are easily triggered
>Goes on to prove it
>A "comedian" takes the bait and retorts with a "fuck you" and nothing else
>Can't think even of a joke or anything witty
>A former spook still trying to drive the "Russian agents are in charge of the leak, wikileaks is pro Trump"
What a bunch of cunts

Liberals become so regressive when they're arguing with nazi's. Maher calling trannys weirdos. Black spy man acting like something is wrong with being gay.
Black spy man telling Milo he can't comment on US politics cause he's a foreigner.
It's embarassing.


>and by alive I mean making sure asians and latinos aren't allowed to choose their own leaders.


they're right, kys

>Trannies are mental cases
>They used to say that about gays
>Maybe we are
Milo doesn't give a fuck


>40+ replies
>only one actually contributed to the thread

Anyway personally I'd go with these:

he actually gets triggered pretty easily

The final 6 minutes and 30 seconds of Six Feet Under.

video of the nig chimp out

he's alt straight

of course, not a single response based in reality

>gamergaters still care about this faggot

lol hey user what are some good shows for substantive debate? lmao please point me to these bastions of intellectual discourse

He offended people by asking for an apology. He wins ?

>get called Hitler
>are not Hitler
>ask for apology

Yeah this is totally the same as white privilege keeping you down.

it was a .7 second comment. just a quippy response to milo saying racist bait shit. not interesting at all honestly

>dude peoples feelings are important if i agree with their politics lmao
how do you remember to breath? cant wait for you to claim defamation? go ahead, say the word you stupid fuck loll



those labels arent meant as an insult they are meant to silence.

regardless of how you feel about saudi or russia, why is the current conservative meme to attempt to discredit the idea of russian espionage? Is it literally russia paid shilling? or is it something else? why the fuck else would republicans, the party of fighting the russians, defend their country and their 70+ year history of attempting to subvert american intersts, economy and politics? i just dont get it. its like i the last 8 years the republican party has passed from baby boomers to 13 year olds who just say any random shit they read online


I don't see why you wouldn't.

Russian White Christan Nation + American White Christian Nation > Dirty Arab child fuckers with a culture that can never live in peace with the west.

The faster we cut OPEC off from US money, the better.

Saudis(or arabs) are a bigger threat than russians. Russia's in syria now, they think war is easy but even now they're remembering how it really was. They won't have time to do shit about the us

With all that being said, only a retard would trust Putin

>why is the current conservative meme to attempt to discredit the idea of russian espionage?

Just stop it you arent THIS stupid.

Remember how the Democrats made fun of McCain for calling Russia dangerous? And now they control everything including the american president? And they are so fucking effective at it that there isnt even a hint of a proof? Do you buy into everything CNN claims?

anybody that compares men that like to suck cocks with men that want to cut of their dicks and balls has to be pretty stupid and possibly homophobic

well, a couple reasons. back in 2003, bush, cheney, and his oil buddies refused to sanction, attack, or even reprimand saudi arabia because of economic ties.trump, likewise, refuses to reprimand them or put them on his ban list. economic linkage is a free pass.
russia, meanwhile, has a long history of spying on us, arming our enemies, attempting to impact our economy and influence in easter europe, etc. both are despicable. to argue one is good and one is bad is silly. although i would argue that economically russia is and always has been a much larger economic threat

just read the youtube comments

people seem to side with MILO

who controls the president? what? this post is incoherent. take a breath and try again

Republicans have no principles. Russians helped them win so they are pro-Russian.

>lying about somebody is somehow the same as telling anti pc jokes

when did the left lose all touch with reality?

The plan is for everyone to detach themselves from OPEC/Saudi Arabia before their market crashes in 10 years.

In order to do that, everyone in the west has to lose their dependency on foreign oil/energy.

If things go well between the US and Russia, we might see some thawing of relationins in terms of having a joint drilling of Arctic oil, with US and Russia essentially controlling the oil market, and telling OPEC to go fuck itself.

Yesterdays allies become tomorrows enemies, and vice versa, etcetera, etcetera.

Still, don't trust Putin. lol. But that doesn't mean Russia will always be our enemy, or our friend for that matter.

well, yeah, Sup Forums and reddit systematically vote bomb anything on youtube that they care about. comments and votes are literally meaningless

>Remember how the Democrats made fun of McCain for calling Russia dangerous? And now they control everything including the american president?

explain how you possibly couldn't understand these sentences.

how about just going nuclear like every other modern nation and telling both to fuck off and sanctioning the shit out of them?


not buying into warmongering bullshit isnt the same as supporting someone.

doubt it

youtube has always been neutral ground when it comes to big videos.

after all Sup Forums and reddit are tiny compared to youtube

to think that any of those websites could have any impact on it is kind delusional

nope. do you not know how english works? who the fuck is "they"? democrats? russians?

This conflicts with pious belief and is therefore wrong :^)

its basic english, you couldnt possibly misunderstand this unless you are extremely dumb or its a foreign language to you.

what do you mean? it only takes a 30 people to spam comments sections. literally every youtube video that gets posted on Sup Forums ends up with a comment section dominated by Sup Forums shit. first day or what? to suggest hbo youtube posts would ever naturally side with the right wing guy is retarded. its simply one sect getting ahold of the video

Please, tell me again how Hillary was going to start WW3, Uncle GRU.

im done talking to you. your retard sentences didnt explain who "they" was. the previous subjects were democrats and russians. your post implies either russians or democrats control the president and government. then you mention cnn. its poor english. please, just tell me what youre talking about

Im talking about the narrative NOW! The fucking retarded claim of basically the entire Trump cabinet being in cahoots with russia for some reason.

>gamergaters still care about this faggot

If there are still any GamerGaters left they have nothing to do with what the movement was initially about. Because that movement whent down the drain as soon as it starting embracing people like Milo.

yeah yeah,

>oh noes i dont have any arguments
>better pretend to be retarded and not understanding simple context

I´m not talking about spamming comments.

youtube puts the comments with the most upvotes on top so everybody can see.

all the pro MILO posts have like hundreds of thumbs at least. so it must be more then 30 guys.

also what I meant is that youtube has a much bigger audience then both reddit and Sup Forums so even if the bumb up certain comments to the top the giant mass of the youtube community will see those comments and still bumb them down if they disagree with it

trumps cabinet are all jew bankers and establishment neocons. none of them are pro russia. what are you talking about? only trump is stupid enough to publicly defend putin lmao

>for some reason

If you read sources other than Breitbart and RT you'd know what those reasons are.

i guess milo won the debates then. saying black people are stupid and that he loves black cock are really thought provoking so i understand the approval. couldnt possibly be his autistic redpill reddit fanbase. a neutral selection of americans truly agreed with milo.

Dude, read a fucking newspaper.

i guess they are secret american haters or something

I still can't bring myself to watch this because I feel it's going to be full of cringe

>im too fucking dumb to write a coherent sentence
>i refuse to explain my idiotic incoherent drivel because you should just be able to read my mind
oh my god are you a fucking BR, a pajeet, or legitimately a fucking retard? what is wrong with you? how do you not understand how english works? Saying democrats claim russia owns the president, and then saying "they" own the president implies russia owns the president. and then you mention no evidence and cnn. i cant tell what this is. its like an amalgam of memes and buzzwords. and you want to use it as a basis for argument. are you 12 years old? what is wrong with you?


lol wut? Gamer Gate has nothing to do with Milo. The GamerGate consumerist revolt was for the most part successful in it's goals and has for the most part dispersed.

If you are talking about the fact that a ton of originally apolitical video gaming autists became more politically involved and right wing due to the events of gamer gate, that's another issue altogether.

SJW's created their own enemy out of an apolitical sub-culture.

Milo looks like a 50-year-old woman now. I nearly puked.


I would rather have some proof for it other than "they did it and I can't show you the proof but when have we ever lied?" - Bill Wilson
The only Russian influence I can see is: RT promoting anti-EU, pro-nationalist sentiment in the West and Richard Spencer borrowing ideas from Dugin and other identitarian(/"far")-right people.
The Russians hacked the DNC thing doesn't have evidence afaik, and while it's possible, it could also have been that DNC guy who got shot in a mugging with nothing stolen.

sorry but being black and liberal no longer is an automatically win

those two black guys should have come up with something better then screaming "fuck you" and making homophobic statements

>apolitical sub-culture

This is literally the most privileged thing I have ever read.