Does this show get better after the first episode Sup Forums?
So far its just a bunch of assholes flying around on a space RV being assholes to eachother, with low budget props.
Does this show get better after the first episode Sup Forums?
So far its just a bunch of assholes flying around on a space RV being assholes to eachother, with low budget props.
No, that's why it was canceled.
It's a great show. You're a faggot.
>So far its just a bunch of assholes flying around on a space RV being assholes to eachother, with low budget props.
Sup Forums in Spaaaaaace...
>created by Joss Whedon
>directed by Joss Whedon
>produced by Joss Whedon
>written by Joss Whedon
Truly the greatest indication that it's programming for hambeast teenage girls and disgusting faggot men.
>crew too large for tiny fuck-ugly ship
>9 full grown adults literally have nothing better to do than quip at each other and just do "what evs"
>a tiny fuck-ugly ship needs a dedicated doctor
>writing is pure hackery
>shit we've seen before a million times and better
no, it doesn't get better. It's garbage. go watch Farscape if you're looking for a crusin' in space show.
>can't enjoy good things because of memes
Time to take a break from the internet, broheim.
>dude shitty live action cowboy bebop for numales lmao
>he thinks it's just a meme
Were you not an alive when the show aired? Have you not met JW fans in real life?
jayne best character
>Were you not an alive when the show aired?
I was. And its early cancellation was widely regarded as a travesty.
Anyone who hates Whedon is a Gamergate MRA bandwagoning newfag.
>tiny firefly ship is down in atmosphere flying around mountains and shit moving all over the place
>cuts to inside the ship with two people sitting at a table sipping coffee and reading a book with no noise or movement of anything in the room
>everythings perfectly still while the ships flying around like crazy
wtf relation is between the fans and a show, which havent even time to make fanservices
I'm sorry I have a small brain and am easily influenced
>unironically advising that edgy kinky retardness
you miss the scenes like shanking the tables and falling over them in star Trek?
>queers raised by mommy
>who hates Whedon is a Gamergate MRA bandwagoning newfag.
Whedon can blame himself for any backlash he's received in recent years.
Nice argument fagboy
Its a faggy, watered down sci-fi western that was already surpassed by everyting japanese studios produced for this genre in the 80s.
you'll enjoy it if you're a fat girl who likes LARPing
no, this is a very overrated SYFY tier piece of shit show that got canceled because it had no cinematic or comercial value. Everyone hyping this shit is either a person with bad taste or plain retarded.
In the grimdark future, people still drive quads.
>farscape was edgy
>he comes to Sup Forums for arguments
hi rebbit
No it doesnt. The movie is fucking superb but the series is mediocre as fuck
It was a statement faggot.
I'm glad Joss shat out a movie so bad it made people take a another, more critical look at his tv work.
But Joss hasn't made any bad television.
literally so pathetic you pretend to be different people
literally so pathetic you pretend more than one person can't think you're a queer when you like fag things
stop fighting faggots you are breaking my heart
>The movie is fucking superb
What, how? Even with an actual budget, the setting and characters only provided very lame B-movie experience. I'd watch Galaxy of Terror a hundred times again before I'd watch Serenity.
>hear nothing but praise growing up
>decide to give it a go when they added it to netflix
>can't even make it past episode 3
christ. I made it further into the Leftovers.
haha, made me chuckle right there whiteboi
fucking leftovers man, i felt depressed after seeing that shit because of how bad it was
>widely regarded
Wouldn't people have to know what it is to regard it as a travesty?
Even today no normies know what firefly is (with good reason)
If by "widely regarded" you mean among turbo virgins, hyper autists and teenage girls. I'm sure it was devastating to those crowds.
>exposition dialogue between mayor and chief of police
>blatantly stating backstory they would both know in a line by line manner. Not even hinting at it or implying it but directly stating it
>think wtf they would both know this
>mayor looks at chief of police and says "you're telling me this like I don't already know"
>people praise this shit as the greatest television show ever made
>black lady fires her lever action sawed off rifle
>she reloads and it sounds like the fucking shotgun from DOOM reloading
it surprises me how this shit keeps getting renewd, this is a true statement that normies will eat any shit you throw at them (like they did with lost)
I unironically turned this off during the opening battle sequence.
I am a different user to the one you were talking to.
They have about 3 good episodes, the rest are meh, a few are cringe worthy
>reavers are crazy psycho cannibal killers that are just rabid animals that want to eat people and cut up their own faces
>can still make and salvage ships and keep them running
>Joss Whedon
I know there's this odd meme about him being good, but...he's not. like at all.
>shilled online by Joss Whedon
you had all those nitpicks to choose from, and you chose THAT ONE? jesus christ, get the fuck out of here.
Not to mention navigate those ships to not crash into planets/sun's. Land said ships on planets to raid/kill/convert. Plan ahead by stocking rations and water till their next raid. Yeah sounds a bit silly.
If you liked Cowboy Bebop, don't watch Firefly.
If you've seen Cowboy Bebop, don't watch Firefly.
If you've not seen either, watch Cowboy Bebop.
One of the worst shows I've ever seen.
Forced myself though 4 episodes, maybe 6... couldn't even finish the single season they did it was that painful to watch.
Amazing cast, fucking terrible show.
Anime = autism
It's extremely overrated. One or two good episodes and some good acting but its cancelling was entirely justified and a reboot will fail if they don't bring back Nathan Fillion.
Cowboy Bebop is kino.
It had qt girls. Everything else about the show is shit, especially the writing.
Just watch Cowboy Bebop.
Why bother the knock-off when you can just have the original?
>We will never get a live-action Cowboy Bebop with Keanu Reeves as Spike, Vin Diesel as Jet and Anne Hathaway as Faye.
>what is mad max
It's more of a knockoff of Outlaw Star, even ripped off weird naked chick in a suit case that is more than she seems
I didn't recall any crazy ninjas and SPACE MAGIC, so it's more like Cowboy Bbebop.
No post-Angel Whedon shows are good unless you're a teenager who loves quips.
A bad comparison