Why is this so good? There are people doing way crazier stunts on the internet today that don't have half the appeal these guys did.
Why is this so good...
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You really had to see it in its time to appreciate how hilarious this film was when it first came out. I have never seen another comedic film elicit an audience reaction even remotely close to this one.
it aired on tv/and or could be rented from a store and the internet was still barely accessible
They have personality and didn't come across as wanting to be famous. Just a bunch of genuine guys being total fuckwits. That's what made it so great.
It was before YouTube.
Check out CKY for dumber shit they couldn't show on TV. Hope you like Bam Margera fighting his dad all the time.
This. They didn't come across as douche bag try-hards like the Nitro Circus guys or half the fucks on the internet these days. They just seem like really fucking funny dudes you could hang out with.
I watched Jackass 3.5 for the first time the other day. Holy fucking shit Chris Pontius has a gigantic dick. It's a shame they never filmed it erect. I am curious how big his hog actually is. No wonder he was a stripper. Also, I fucking despise Novak. I think I saw him in a Bam vlog of sorts where he came across as a total scumbag.
Chemistry between the guys, it was cozy to watch.
Novak has cleaned his life up now. Probably a better dude for it. Now it's Bam who's the total junkie.
I'm jealous over how easily they all laugh. I feel if I was in their group I would be an autist that hardly laughs as much even though the antics are fun.
Exactly this.
It's a lot easier to laugh when everyone around you is laughing. I hardly ever laugh if I'm alone even if I think something is hilarious.
Daily reminder that Bam turning into Phil is living proof of the existance of karma
Don't forget Wildboyz
Knoxville had genuine celebrity charisma.
>Johnny Knoxville never became a serious actor
Sucks don't it?
>Chris Pontius has a gigantic dick
Mine looks like that when quarter chubbed but honestly only gets a few inches longer (8") when erect.
I'd imagine he is also a quarter-chub shower and not grower or else it'd be a known fact (plus it doesn't look huge in any of the other party boy scenes)
Pretty much this. The show would've been nothing without Knoxville.
Even if he wasn't the most daring, god damn if he didn't always steal the scenes; even just with his reactions.
who /PONTIUS/ here
I actually prefer Wildboyz over Jackass
Knoxville was by far the most daring. He may not have done the gross out shit that Steve O did but I dare you to find me another man on this earth who is as eager as Knoxville was to can trampled by Bulls.
Me too. I wish they'd bring it back. The show wasn't too stunt heavy so they could continue doing it at their age and it wasn't cancelled. They just decided to stop doing it to film Jackass 2.
MTV probably doesn't have the audience for it now. Be cool if Netflix or something could bring it back.
easily the most daring the cunt shot himself in the chest
Nah it's just living proof we will all turn out like our dads.
I don't know why you would shit on your dad for being fat. You pretty much know those genetics are going to catch up to you at some point. You're essentially making fun of your own future.
To be fair though if he's gaining weight it might mean he's healthy. Hopefully off the drugs.
Off the drugs but on the alcohol.
>if he's gaining weight it might mean he's healthy.
C'mon he's obviously not doing cardio or lifting or healthy eating. The fag was never underweight anyways.
Bam Margera should have died instead of Ryan Dunn
Knoxville as Rick would have been godtier
>getting fat is healthy
>tfw less than a hundred miles north of your border and just as amazed at burger logic as the rest of the world
Being slighty overweight is a lot more healthy than being addicted to hard drugs.
>wishing that upon Ape
You're the worst person I've come across in the history of four channel
Is that Lawrence Fishburn?
>slightly overweight
Top Laugh
Shut up, cunt
Whatever happened to Missy? Her playboy shoot was one of my first faps.
>the black kid is inevitably going to be shot in the fact
Sure were a different time.
People who don't get it (women) are always asking: "what's so funny about people hurting themselves?" It wasn't really about the stunts, it was about a group of friends doing stunts/pranks to eachother. But it wasn't really about the stunts, it was about a group of friends doing stunts/pranks to eachother, and you get to know these guys so well over time
Jackass is basically "dude, the show"
Are you autistic?
>taking this much text to describe a /bro/friend simulator
You're right though, and it came along with the first wave of teenage internet autists. Perfect storm to become popular
Look at the signature
If you like Jackass checkout CKY 1, CKY2K, CKY 3, and 4. Pieces of the first was in the Jackass series.
Theres also the CKY documentary, Viva La Bam, Unholy union and Where the fuck is Santa, Haggard, Minghags.
You may also like Wild Boyz, Dudesons, Nitro circus.
>Her playboy shoot was one of my first faps.
Shit you must be younger than 20.
>it was novelty
>there was chemistry between the guys, a lot like Top Gear
Her playboy shoot was in like 06.
i feel like bam doesn't even talk with anyone from viva la bam. i feel like he is all alone now. dunn's death JUSTed his entire life.
He throws house parties and gets girls to suck his dick. Maybe a couple of those girls even think they like him. That's more than I have.
dont forget dunn and vitos rock tour along with all the dvds steve-o released
i liked viva la bam only for don vito, i realized it when he got that weird spin off special and i didn't like it cuz there was no don vito incoherence anywhere near it.
he liked feet, cunny, and axilla, he truly was /ourguy/
Is air horn golf THE best skit of all time?
+1. Haven't met a single woman yet who found Jackass funny.
That's just a meme you retards made in response to you retards pretending not to understand feet. Go fuck yourselves. "derp men like feet so lets meme about any random body part HAHAHA so funneh!"
>tfw you are an unlikeable prick who is only tolerated by the rest of your peer group because of your loveable best friend
>tfw loveable best friend meets an early demise
>dunn and vitos rock tour
Can I get a quick rundown on this?
Not privvy
How did Bam make it big in the first place? Was his skating really that impressive? I could hardly Olley so...
I was the retard of the group who sucked at skating and was only tolerated because I had videogames and food. I would rather get raped than get used like that again.
>that simplicity
>that reaction
>that confrontation
its up there for sure
>dunn, vito and a few of their friends go on a tour with a couple bands
>vito wont stop fucking yelling in the hotel
>vito wont shut the fuck up during interviews
>vito apparently has a threesome
its vito kino
>It wasn't really about X, it was about Y.
>In case the last sentence, 6 words ago, wasn't clear, it wasn't really about X, it was about Y.
>Paybacks a bitch motherfuc-WOAH OHHHH CAN YOU HEAR THE CALL
>Likely upper middle-class autistic kid who can't ollie tolerated because of food and N64
Hate to be the one to break the news.
You were the Bam of your group senpai
I was too, so don't feel too bad. We had our place.
Also let me guess: you're the only one of that group who ended up being successful. Correct?
Now this I could get into
he was good and people thought he was cool
>>Also let me guess: you're the only one of that group who ended up being successful. Correct?
I'm a robot. Most of them ended up being Chads and the other guy who was my closest friend still ended up normal with a tech job and a gf who he makes out with in half his pictures.
>good skater
>made funny videos with his friends
>got famous and rich
>banged prime jessica simpson
teenage boys wanted to be him basically
>being fat is genetics and not lifestyle
what was the best jackass clip
Stop acting aloof. If your parents are fat fucks or drug addicts you are predisposed to the same fate. That doesn't mean you gain more weight by eating the same foods as others it means you are more likely to abuse food or drugs. Moral of the story is most people are not fit to breed.
You watch it these days and just think "Jesus what a bunch of stupid fucking faggots" though. Doesn't hold up at all.
how many fedoras are you wearing right now?
He was edgy and offensive.
How many fedoras are you wearing right now, Steven Crowder poster? Nothing I posted is controversial.
>both my parents are fat
>they encouraged me to eat a lot when I was a kid and thus I was a fatty
>tfw forced myself to start eating right and exercising
>healthy weight now
You're right, it makes you more likely to abuse food or drugs but it's possible to break through it. It's probably more nurture than nature in most cases.
>tfw also had to force myself to get into the habit of good hygiene since parents never taught me
>moral of the story is most people are not fit to breed.
only someone that owns a trilby or a fedora could type that.
>I'm a robot
You must be early to mid 20s, take a tip from me who is basically 31 year old you
>smoke weed then lift
>buy a nice overcoat
>Wear collared shirts exclusively
>find a good haircut
fuck off you boring cunt, learn how to skate and be like bam
>>smoke weed then lift
Been doing that since highschool. Is the rest of your post a parody? Dressing like a sir isn't going to get me attention. Where do you live? People around here wear tshirts and jeans.
>Fat gene meme
Nope, if you eat healthy and exercise it's literally impossible for you to be fat. Predisposed in this context is just the new PC term for weakness.
Your genes can't evade the laws of thermodynamics, fatass. You being fat is your parents' fault until you are in your late teens, then it's your fatass responsibility.
>t. former fatass who has a fatass family
How do you guys have the energy to work out right after smoking weed? It makes me get tired so easily compared to my sober self
>if you eat healthy and exercise it's literally impossible for you to be fat.
Do the rest of you notice how he ignored my post? This retard is triggered.
>How do you guys have the energy to work out right after smoking weed?
I don't. Weed is highly illegal here and I am antisocial. When I smoke I don't waste the high by exercising lmao. Actually I haven't smoked in over a year since I stopped wanting to deal with creepy dealers who openly shit talk their clients. Now for now I drink a handle once a week.
Smoke 40min before the workout not right away
>Dressing like a sir isn't going to get me attention.
>People around here wear tshirts and jeans.
The point is to be dressed slightly better than anyone else wherever you are.
Don't dress like a sir, don't dress like anyone because you can't pull it off and will look like a fucktard. Keep in mind what things look cringey and avoid those. Cultivate a sense of style. Doing that one thing will actually make you have way more self-confidence.
And keep in mind that you cannot be actually well dressed/look good if you're not in shape, regardless of what anyone says.
I'm probably a 6 tops in the face and I consistently pull hotter chicks than my friends, the hottest chicks seem to be incapable of telling you're uglier than them if they are impressed by your style. Watch Sex and The City if you want proof that ugly guys fuck if they know their style.
>I don't waste the high by exercising lmao
Weed makes unenjoyable things enjoyable. Can't say I enjoy working out, but weed makes it bearable. What do you do when you're high that doesn't "waste the high" you giant pussy jej?
>What do you do when you're high that doesn't "waste the high"
I listen to horror stories while playing vidya or I read horror stories. I fucking love horror. Of course horror in our Sup Forums related mediums fucking suck massive dick. Exercising would sober me up. Even without moving your body weed wears off pretty quickly compared to booze. If it's ever legal perhaps I will use weed to help me get through exercise. My dealers charged 20 bucks a gram. That's pretty shitty.
Listen to some horror audiobooks or podcasts while you work out high.
>i've always wanted chris' weanier in my anus
On some level he probably does. Pontius has a dick big enough to act devilish over.
Tried to watch the show again couple of weeks back and it was unwatchably bad. The movies are better which is kinda to be expected when they have 20 million dollar budget.
There are probably better youtubers, don't care since I'm not 12 anymore.
>20 bucks a gram
God damn dude that is rough.
This desu.
Jackass actors were the last good to come out of MTV. Please prove me wrong.
They were a cool and himble group of friends you could seeyourself hanging out with
Dico was the best Brandon
I'll have you know I was already fapping by 1999
Best weed time incoming
>Find small forest / large stand of trees
>small enough where you won't get so lost you starve
>big enough to get lost
>Find comfy location
>Close eyes
>Spin around until dizzy
>Sit down and spark up
>Once finished try to find your way back
>Don't forget to bring a compass. And if you're a bitch you can bring a map too.
>Enjoy your adventure
Predisposed as in the person is more likely to not have the mindset that's required to not get fat.
>a millennial faggot questioning jackass
make like the happening and off yourself asap
>They just decided to stop doing it to film Jackass 2.
that and steve irwin dying reminded them they arent invincible and could have died countless times doing more reckless shit than steve ever did.
its a redditor/Sup Forums tourist, trying to be edgy to fit in is all they know.
NEVER buy it by the gram dude come on now
halfys or an O will save you money in the long run, shit even eighths have a price drop compared to grams.