ITT We cast the new Dune movie
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fuckit, i'll just watch Lynch again
i want Alessandro Jodorowsky to play the part of Liet-Kynes. and i want them to really leave him out in the desert to die when they're filming it.
hahahahahaha agreed
Bump because I'm interested in what others might say but am too stupid to come up with any recommendations of my own
I want Tom Hardy as a Harkonnen
Duke Leto: Idris Elba
Paul Atreides: Ruby Rose
Lady Jessica: Caitlyn Jenner
Vladimir Harkonnen: Mel Gibson
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen: Milo Yiannopoulos
Shaddam IV Corrino: Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam: Leslie Jones
Chani: Ellen Page
Guest role: Amy Schumer as Shai-Hulud
Grimes as Feyd
Honestly I just want a teenager to play Paul for once, making him start the story as a grown ass man ruins his character arc
Who are some good British teen whites (protip british is the accent of all fantasy universes)
>Atreides people described as olive-skinned with aquiline noses
Lots of British people have aquiline noses wtf are you talking about
>Milo Yiannopoulos
all jokes aside I think he'd make a great feyd
They'll cast a black girl as Paul because hollywood is Woke now and doesn't want to upset twitter
okay. here goes (a partial list because I don't want to stretch myself)
Paul: the new spider-twink. Holland
Duke Leto: Liam Neeson
Duncan Idaho: Sam Rockwell
Emperor Shaddam IV: Anthony Hopkins
Mother Gaius Mohiam: Glen Close
Jodorowsky directs
Elle fanning for princess irulan
"Father, the sleeper has woke"
Kys ty
Seriously though inb4 sjw twitter starts demanding to know why Paul just had to be anothet male hero
This thread sucks.
i hope you've got a lot of people with shovels to clean up all the shit on stage, user.
because his mother gave in to Leto wanting a son. she did it out of love. is that not good enough for them? are they on the side of the manipulative, loveless Bene Gesserit who ordered her to have a daughter?
heh. let's see them argue their way out of that one.
>Guest role: Amy Schumer as Shai-Hulud
I'll cast God Emeror
Oona Chaplin as Siona
Lupita Noungo as Hwi
But I can't cast Duncan