Sup Forums, despite all your hate about Islam, your idol Hitler believed that Islam was a more superior religion to Christanity. How do you feel about that?
Sup Forums, despite all your hate about Islam...
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Source on this?
Anyone who looks to hitler As a hero is a fuckwad hitter was a good speaker and did good for Germany during the early years leading up to the war but he fucked up by wanting globalism
Nice Source mudslim Fag.
he didn't know about the actual history of jesus or the hidden moon where the angels were hatched from lord eggs. also satan was from a different galaxy entirely and he also had egg angels but they were smarter
Hitler liked the Islamists, because at that time they shared one common goal. To eliminate the Jews. Also many Muslims fought in the SS.
>Sup Forums is one person
When will this meme die?
Now I have to check the catalog to find out what threads are being slid.
Actually, islam is pretty similar to the german(especially prussian) culture of old.
Both were warlike
Sup Forumstards have a lot of similar opinions.
All groups have it.
Saying ">pol is one person"
Is the true meme
>wanting globalism
source? as far as i know he completely rejected it, i thought that was basically the goal of his ideology, is it not?
to be fair he foresaw who utterly cucked Christianity would become
What the fuck are you on about Cletus, stop listening to Bubba and read the church fathers if needed, not the Halo storyline.
No, we don't you stupid huemonkey.
Look, we all know where this thread is going. But Islam back then was drastically different than Islam today.
Hitlers was a faggot, and unsurprisingly it was a German who destroyed Europe
Stop replying to these bait threads already for fucks sake
not baiting, u faggot
Ww2 was literally fought over hitler trying to prevent Jewish globalism
better pic
of course you are you stinking kike
Well if it isn't Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison
nice one, (((user)))
useless turd
lol hitler never said this shitposter
Yeah he admired muslims back then for their so called warrior spirit.
But that doesn't mean he would let hordes of them come to Europe and start fucking shit up.
88 m8
bad troll you are.
Hitler was right. If Christians weren't such pussy little bitches, and actually did stone people for showing their ankles, I might have a little more respect for them. If you're going to believe in invisible unprovable horseshit, you may as well go all the way with it.
But he hated people with darker skin.
>to prevent Jewish globalism
>not to end slavery
Make up your mind
Nope. He hated jews but that's it.
Why did he call Southern Europeans "Mongrels" and Eastern Europeans "subhumans". Why do his followers like Varg hate all non-blond and blue people?
Hitler wanted to outlaw meat eating, smoking, and alcohol drinking once he won the war (he felt those things were needed for the war effort).
Personally if I had to give up all three I'd just gassed myself.
Sources, guys...
Yes I agree. Wtf.
He never said either of those things. But he did in fact hate commies which so happened to be mostly slavs and jews at the time.
>implying his followers aren't allowed to think differently
Gee, is this bait? This is bait, right?
>anti-hitler shill thread
>expecting sources
>unironically posting EU propaganda
>complain about others "destroying Europe"
>Hitler supported Arab Palestine and said some nice things about Bosniaks
>he's a secret muslim
>Napoleon literally says the Shahada
>he's know to this day as a Catholic
To end jewish globalism yes, however he wanted to implement his own world state then, which is just as bad. Hitler was based, but became nothing more than just another degenerate globalist.
No ones perfect
>he liked islamist back then therefore he would love them at any point in history no matter what happens
>he wouldve love to see them rape his folks during carnivals
just kill yourself
personally i dont care what islam does, as long as they get the fuck out of europe and NA
Someone told me Hitler was a very devout Christian that's why he killed so many people he was following the bible, when I told him he thought christianity was weak and actually liked Islam they flipped out at me calling a liar and a racist and I watch "faux" news and should move to Texas.
>wanted to end globalism by taking over the world
Keep in mind Europe was still pretty much the only part of the world that mattered at the time before the USA was a superpower
Im a pagan LARPer so I don't care. I wouldn't mind muslims back then either because they weren't destroying the western world
it would have been 1000 times better than what exists now you dirty Jew
Ah the beginning of a German tradition
I suppose Merkel learned from the best
another hitler idolater
go follow the fuhrer Sup Forums. to islam
>he wanted to implement his own world state
>wanted to end globalism by taking over the world
Citation fucking needed.
You're the ones who have elevated Hitler to the level of a god (of evil), not us.
>one world state
>ruled by one who makes all the decisions
kek. Hitler was just as evil as the jews he opposed.
why is Auschwitz the vatican for progressives?
I legitimately don't get that one.
Unless it's some sort of reference to the fact that they constantly gobble jew dick
Do you have any source on Hitler having globalist ambitions or seeking to implement a world state with him as it's leader? He certainly wanted all states to become national socialist, but not one single state. Being a nationalist and a globalist at the same time is impossible.
Generalplan ost for starters, he wanted to Germanify the east and make them German rather than simply trying to improve his own homeland. Annexing the Sudetenland was fine since they were actually German.
Here's the link to it all. Sources are at the end of the wikipedia page.
>Generalplan ost for starters
Not even gonna read the rest of your post mate
Of course they were destroyed, why wouldn't they want to hide their guilt? I sure would if I was in their position.
And did you not read the rest of the paragraph? I swear to god, you're as bad as the mainstream media trying to spin information.
>And did you not read the rest of the paragraph?
Like I said, no.
I mean the one on wikipedia of the picture you posted, you did not post the entire paragraph.
Oh yeah, of course I did. The Nuremberg Trials are not a legitimate source for information.
Obviously no, since torture information isn't valid. However as it says, the memos and other documents found (not all at nuremberg) all pieced together show evidence the they did have plans for the east, why the hell would Hitler invade the Soviet Union anyway? There was nothing German about Russia, thus he had no business being there really. It's blatantly obvious there was a plan for the east.