How successful are you, Sup Forums? How close are you to landing your dream career (if you haven't already)?
Neets should hide this thread. This is for the adults only.
How successful are you, Sup Forums? How close are you to landing your dream career (if you haven't already)?
Neets should hide this thread. This is for the adults only.
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Zero, I'm a fuck up.
im as smart and good looking as this guy, i have a wife and 6 kids, a cat and a random mouse in my house.
My career died with a google algorithm change so now I get to make a whopping 13/hr until I'm able to reboot my web business, rehire people that don't vanish into thin air and etc.
But hey, I'm happy.
Clean the local Wendy's, make a modest 300,000 thousand a year.
Used that money to buy cock surgery. Now my cock is 8 inches across.
i collect benefits for autism and have never worked a day in my life
I do the most labor intensive job and live on bare minimum.
i also have never had a girlfriend
life is fun and exactly how i expected
Do you have autism?
What brand?
I own a Florist in a nice part of town. I also sell sell Coffee and Tea. As well as Coffee Beans, special Teas and other herbs. I also do large orders for weddings or businesses. Which basically amounts to arranging a large amount of flowers in a pretty way. And I live in the same building as my business.
I've never had a dream career. I like flowers, and my hobby is gardening, so it was a compromise of sorts. I'm only 24, and I'm pretty happy. I make enough money to be self-sufficient. I don't hire anyone either. If I'm out on deliveries, I leave my work number on the front door as well as a drop box with a pen and paper so people can leave orders or whatnot. I've got around 100k in the bank, which is pretty good considering my age and I have no debt.
Are you gay?
Holy shit ahaha
OP, is your pic supposed to imply that you're a faggot?
This is a boss way to live
>Are you gay
Flowers are cool, user. Nothing gay about them.
And gardening is an amazing way to be self-sufficient with your own fruits, vegetables and herbs.
How is it?
Damn, that sounds wonderful.
I have no idea what to do at all, my dream career changes every month or so
I have my dream career of being a homemaker (leaching off my gf)
>Seeking a career
>not wanting to embrace hedonism and personal fulfillment
>accepting the slave life the Jews designed for him to run their corporations
Take the knive closest to you and free us from your pleb presence, OP
I know. I have a garden myself. Lots of corn, cucumber, zucchin,i beats, asparagus, peppers, cantaloupe, carrots, basil, and egg plants
>be studying geology at uni
>Living in beautiful downtown Portland Oregon
>Working on weekends
>President of gun club
>Stripper is current fug buddy
>Pooping right now
Life's bretty gud
he's gay
I don't have a "dream career", I'll be happy with something that I can support a family on.
Brotip: If you're dream is to ascend the corporate ladder as a banker/lawyer/some other pussy job you're a pathetic faggot, enjoy your life in samsara lmao the money will keep you happy dw. Doesn't apply to doctors/musicians and stuff, ie worthy goals.
>Take advantage of baby boomers with marketing skills
>Make bank
>Also work part time (paid) on a state senate campaign
>Recently single
>zero debt
It's been a great summer
Not as succesful as Yvette Felarca, The Woman Who Brought Down The Left:
Fuckin' Cheesewheeling er' eh bud?
Just graduated law school and have a $180k job waiting for me in September.
Hope I don't hate it.
It helps me with the rage. They won't get it until they try it.
Felt God called me to be missionary in Japan. Currently missionary in Japan. Fulfilled.