Why are trump supporters weaboo faggots?
Why are trump supporters weaboo faggots?
You're going to find a disproportionate amount of weeaboo faggots in any demographic present on Sup Forums, Mexico.
>weebs hold weird, backwards, and downright racist views
>discarded by normal society
>Trump comes along
>acts like an outsider, says crazy, racist shit
>weebs suddenly feel like they have a voice
>start acting out and pretending like their insane, delusional views are normal
>Trump barely puttering along in the polls
>weebs band together online to pat each other on the back and share retarded, racist memes
>this continues up until Nov 7, 2016
>Trump loses horribly to Clinton
>weebs get sad and kill themselves
>actually do make America great again
>not wanting 20 pounds of pussy and ass
Anime is for autists. I do like initial d.
>says crazy, racist shit
Like what?
Don't disturb him in his fantasy land. Liberals are extremely fragile.
Do you know if these are sold here?
Please tell me there's more of this where he actually fucks them...
Perhaps in Mexico city?
I have always wanted to find a body pillow...
. . . And i have always wanted to visit a maid coffe shop...
You could always date real women
If he wasn't so disgustingly hairy I'd want that too.
Because we don't like being called weaboo faggots.
I see some thin wrists there
You can order them from Japan through proxy sites. But the fees will be insane as this are adult goods + they are big and expansive even without shipping.
Enforce immigration laws :^)
>Rinko Iori
Great taste in 2D milfs right there.
>>actually do make America great again
LMAO this one got me.
I think Drumpfs plan all along was to make all the dumb racists actually think they matter and their voices are heard, only to be utterly BTFO on November. These alt-right fags will return to gaming and fapping to hentai and think the world hates them and there is no reason for them to live.
What a great year to be living in!
She didn't deserve it, man...
She a good girl, she dindu nuffin.
The end was lovely though.
>poc somewhat related
why would you put panties on your pillows
those are pillows right?
Have you tried aliexpress
Because once America is Great Again all girls will really look like that there won't be any more fat Big Reds or feminists allowed here anymore, and no trannies, we need to purge trannies right now, they're just fags with dicks trying to exploit straight men
idk, but i find it amazing, and i love it, and im proud
There's LITERALLY nothing wrong with being a weeaboo.
Prove me wrong without resorting to >muh degeneracy
wtf are you talking about?
>weebs hold weird, backwards, and downright racist views
>Trump comes along
>acts like an outsider, says crazy, racist shit
what? do you watch CNN and read the Huffington post or some shit, faggot?
Trump isnt racist, and if you think so, you are a retard. He is forced to cater to hispanics and blacks because of it. you think he likes the tacos and shit he posts on twitter? fuck no. but hes forced to suck their dicks for votes, unlike democrats
EU will soon not exist, and you people will be back to being nothing again. Have fun raising a Muslim baby, you spineless cuck!
>Good goy, there is nothing wrong with anime! Don't ever reproduce!
>implying everyone who watches anime is a virgin neckbeard
Baka yarou
dont worry m8, take all the fat mexican moms u want
the real issue isn't trump supporters it's Sup Forums users
Sup Forums is the ultimate degeneracy, and transcends political views. It has everything to with Sup Forums being pure filth and a site for the scum of society. The bernie supporters here are no better in terms of character.
Sup Forums needs to realize they're shit.
want to make america great again?
Ban Sup Forums and shut down the Internet
I have never known a weeb in my 25 years of existence, and I do know quite a few trump supporters. That being said, I realize it's totally possible (given it's 4chins) but the majority of people are probably not trump supporters. I'd tell you to go outside and see for yourself but that yuuuge wall might make it pretty hard
Get out of my Republic, redfag. You're either a fag, a kike, a spic, a nigger, or a Commiefornian.
The picture is a pillow.
The ass is latex or something.
You Fuck the bottom part.
why is he so disturbingly hairy
>not even that hairy
lmfao, this. trump will be doing a great service to the world by letting these weebs off themselves at the disappointment of him losing.
No true lover of waifus would have a Korean TV set.
>that ending
holy shit my fucking sides
5 star post
more like why isnt everyone a weeb yet? you have no idea what youre missing, just hating on shit youve never seen. as if anyones gonna stop being a weeb cause some people that havent watched any anime tell them its gay. its like going to a bowling alley and walking around asking people why they bowl because it's gay
>"Trump is racist"
>nobody who says this can ever give an example of how and ignore anybody calling them out on it
The smart TV's link up with a Samsung phone and Samsung makes the 2 most popular Android phones on the US market right now.
damn turks are hairy
agreed. people are out of their minds if they think this current pozzed SJW society is going to allow trump into office
>falling for /jp/ memers
Phone or TV, if it's Samsung, you're supporting Korea - a shit country that doesn't deserve a dime. If somebody likes anime enough to fuck a waifu pillow, he shouldn't be funding a country that expends so much effort on anti-Japanese propaganda.
Buy Japanese, buy Taiwanese, or even buy American.
you made the exact thread before, can you at least try, or are you a super double shill that is shilling so hard to make people realize the people shill for hill?
Anime is one of the last refuges of pre-Modernist values (glory, honor, binary morality, patriarchy is a good thing) which are considered infantile and regressive now in the current zeitgeist.
I'm with Hilldog now.