When will we go? What is stopping us? Why don't more people care?
When will we go? What is stopping us? Why don't more people care?
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jews don't want white people to know their true home. when we find out we will exterminate the parasite from this earth and make way for a golden age.
Humanity is more concerned about the immediate future rather than the distant.
It's also expensive, but even that might be remidied in the next decade
space travel is a jewish meme to give more shekels to NASA's black hole.
How cool as shit would it be to be the first people on Mars? It would be a high that you couldn't even imagine.
my theory is that the global elite don't want people to go there.
just hear me out on this.
When north america was wilderness and savage indians people pissed off and wanting to get away from the then global ruling elite left to start colonies.
back then they lost controll over the american settlements because in the long run with help of other countries the american colonies were too far away to sustain any kind of real war.
now fast foward to now.
same thing. People want to break away from the global elite rulling and that manage to regain controll.
We want to leave to colonize and make self sufficent nation on mars but the global elite want to controll this to maintain an icy grip on the people so no real work will ever go into colonizing mars untill the global elite want to expand there.
>What is stopping us
Violence and hatred being taught in public schools instead of science.
quad quads. can't argue with this post
There's a fuck ton of research we have to do before sending people there. We need to be able to keep them alive, sane and healthy so that they can collect accurate data for decades. It requires all of the modern science and engineering we have available to us and more.
Send people that far and keeping them in that state for that long is not fucking easy or cheap.
Theres fuckin nothing to do there.
It's a dead planet. Realistically there's nothing valuable there for us, except lebensraum. I guarantee you if we ever get there in the next 500 years, at most we'll establish an observation base or a science lab, then move on and explore more profitable trades like mining asteroids and going to Titan for all that sweet, sweet methane.
but muh terraforming
>It's a dead planet. Realistically there's nothing valuable there for us, except lebensraum.
Well if theory is correct think about this.
The sun at one time was larger an slowly shrank Mars at one time had a much stronger atmosphere probably. It could have had basic life on it (we already know there is water)
so what happens when organic life dies and gets burried... fossils and????? OIL, natural gas.. ect ect ect..
so if we can find oil on mars we can drill the fuck out of it and mine for coal drill for natural gas ect.
i'm pretty sure that one metal is not the ONLY thing left on that planet.
no resources we know of worth the effort
We already did in 1969...?
>so what happens when organic life dies and gets burried... fossils and????? OIL, natural gas.. ect ect ect..
>mine up a bunch of "fossils and????? OIL, natural gas.. ect ect ect.." from earth
>use them to go to mars
>dig up some more "fossils and????? OIL, natural gas.. ect ect ect.."
>use "fossils and????? OIL, natural gas.. ect ect ect.." to get them back to earth
literally why
Because Mars doesn't exist fool.
Earth is flat. Space is a hoax. There is no international space station. The moon is a hologram. Antarctica is a giant ice wall surrounding the flat earth that no one can pass.
As they should be. Fuck space. We have imminent problems here on Earth that need solved FIRST and going to space will only hinder our progress on that. Space is a wild goose chase right now. Not to mention a fraud and hoax.
The sad part is I'm not sure if you're being ironic or not
Explain why we should go and what we'll do when we get there.
Really? Please explain how to do this, and specifically how it will work on Mars.
you will probably die there. Any trip now will mostly likely be a one way only with no return journey.
Why should we cross the oceans! There's nothing out there even if it were possible!
>We can mine Mars for its fossil fuels.
> It'll be cost-effective.
Retarded: the post.
>why we should go
because when has that stopped us humans? we climb the mountain because its there
sooner or later earth will be depleted and we need other non earth colonies to further ensure the survival of our species for as long as possible.
maybe technology will advance to the point where we can be snuggly just here on 1 planet. But i hate the thought of a stray meteor or some freak yellowstone eruption wiping us all out 1 in go.
>travelling across the ocean is comparable to travelling to different planets
in 1 go*
the fossil fuels would be used to keep the colonies self sufficient.
Because mothefucker I don't want DooM to happen in real life. For fuck's sake, did you not think this over?
Explain why Mars specifically?
isnt there like a portal on mars that sends you to hell?
It was at the time, China tried to send a man to the moon with fireworks before they found out you could cross the pacific
hopefully we dont have to rely on fossil fuels that much in the future. Lets keep things clean.
crossing the ocean was equally inconceivable to early man. He though the sea went on forever and you'll just fall off the edge. We have landed robots on Mars. Its no longer a question of how, but a question of when.
do you want to touch Venus? the surface temperature of venus is 460C (864F) and the surface pressure is equal to 90 atmospheres on earth. There is nothing we can make that will make sure your ass survives for more than 10 seconds
>It was at the time
do you breath manually
We have the technology to get them there and maybe even back but the journey is very long. Mars has a very hostile environment with constant dust storms and radiation everywhere.
>When will we go?
Within 15 years
>What is stopping us?
We don't have launch vehicles or space ships capable of taking us there yet
>Why don't more people care?
because people are retards
Mars is impossible to colonize. Do a lot more research and less meme science based on hopes and feels. We are stuck on this planet until we can travel to other systems and find a planet very similar to earth.
Mars doesn't have enough gravity, toxic atmosphere, no protection to solar radiation, and its colder than antartica. The only way you can live there is in hab zones underground. Even if you go full delusional with terrafroming meme you can't fix the gravity problem
>crossing the ocean was equally inconceivable to early man. He though the sea went on forever and you'll just fall off the edge. We have landed robots on Mars. Its no longer a question of how, but a question of when.
Two things being inconceivable doesn't make them the same.
Because Mars isn't a planet.
ITT: Cucks tricked by the merchant into thinking there is hope on another "world"
Nothing there but death
You do know the more progress that's made outside the earths influence, the less relevant our problems here will become right? We shouldn't be hindered because of a handful of shithole countries problems.
why cant you think big? if everyone thought like you we'll still be in caves eating raw meat
Mars is just another bigger ocean we'll conquer
You obviously do if you didn't understand he was implying back before humans circumnavigated the globe
>implying we will ever fix all are problems
Why not? As long as Doom 3 isn't the one that becomes real,we'll be ok.
because its a huge investment that governments cant afford. there is no way to keep a proper atmosphere on mars. it doesnt have a strong enough magnetic field. the solar wind will blow it away\
so people have to have a lot of resources sent to them and there is no self sustaining system made by man. the bio domes failed and the international space station cant even keep up with oxygen usage without being resupplied from time to time
mars is so far away if they need something you cant send them anything fast using any current means. so you would need to send them without 3 times as much shit just to make sure they dont die off. thats more rockets being used to haul cargo to space then sent to mars and thats before they even send humans
each rocket is money. all the stuff is money. all the planning is money. and how many do you plan to send? 3 ... 4 ? you need to send dozens minimum to make it worth our time so lets say 32.
food shelter oxygen batteries solar cells suits liquid oxygen + liquid hydrogen fuel to get all the stuff and people to were they need to be and replacement parts for 32 people to live on mars for 3 years times 3...
If there wasn't valuable resources in the new world people would not have given a shit about it. Mars is fairly well understood at this point and there is nothing to be gained from going there, so why would you go there? People haven't explored the bottom of the ocean very much either because there's fucking nothing to gain from it.
Venus is actually a more feasible target than Mars, although humans would have to live in floating cities at an altitude of 50 kilometres
Start with: the probability of fossil furls on Mars is about 0.00%.
Even if they were there, the amounts would be extremely low to have escaped any detection at all by us at this point.
Meaning, they will not be recoverable in significant quantities should minute amounts even exist. Your knowledge of Mars and fossil fuel extraction already demonstrates that you can't even comprehend the infrastructure involved in fossil fuel extraction. This isn't the Beverly Hillbillies and Jed ain't gonna shoot the dirt and make it bleed oil.
Then, there are many other vastly better technologies to provide the energy a space colony requires to be self-sustainable.
Now that we know there is basically no recoverable carbon on Mars, try to imagine how a colony is supposed to grow it's own food. There's a thing called "math" and it can tell you how much carbon mass is required to sustain each human-sized Earth animal (also calculates oxygen, nitrogen and water plus other cool shit).
Makes you think.
Terraforming of mars is unlikely to be done by human manpower. It is likely that genetically engineered producer and decomposer species will be seeded all over the planet, and then they will begin to produce oxygen. Then other organisms will be set up there.
Gender and raycisssmm is more important.
>Venus is actually a more feasible target than Mars
It is many time more difficult to bring people and materials too and from your magical "floating cities" than too and from the surface of Mars.
The Earth is flat.
Sci-fi Cucks BTFO
Because the space doesn't exist, only the Earth (which is, by the way, flat) does and stars are all small and centering our world and God is real.
It's more likely terraforming will be done by swarms of autonomous robots that uses solar power as an energy source to burn whatever organic materials are in the soil and/or smelt the iron-rich dirt that colors the planets. The fumes released would then create a thick atmosphere, raising the surface temperatures somewhere above freezing, melting the ice caps. At this point humans would have to introduce microbes to produce more organic material and then steadily add more species to refine the atmosphere and oceans into habitable biospheres compatible with mammalian biology
the gravity is too low for humans to thrive on it, which is something we can't fix with any amount of terraforming
the amount of available energy in the form of both internal heat and sunlight is much lower than on earth
the atmosphere is thin enough to be useless for braking and prevent humans from living there but still enough to cause horrid storms of metallic dust
Venus is a better idea for a colony. Even if you have to live on the clouds in balloon colonies, having more available solar energy and heat, and an active complex atmospheric chemistry makes it much more viable and scientifically valuable.
Well, why do you want to touch another planet at all? What does that accomplish?
Sure, a small scientific survey could be interesting. I'll even grant that both interesting and crucial science could be conducted that might provide value.
Self-sustaining colony?
You have to understand the investment in resources for all the factors that "self-sustaining" requires.
> Venus revisited
A self-sustaining colony at Venus is more practical (than Mars) for a number of reasons. NOTE: "at" Venus, not "on" Venus.
Easier to build a platform in the upper atmosphere, more recoverable resources that a colony can use.
Downsides: the closer you get to the Sun, the harder it is to move back out of its gravity well. And, an upper-atmosphere colony at Venus would have to be entirely constructed ... building materials would have to be imported (doable, and cheaper than Mars).
What export product(s) to make the colony viable, rather than parasitic?
need to breed bird to carry us out to space with capabilities to move around in space with farts first
I'm not shilling for any space travel, fag. But if I had to pick, would be venus, despite the cost, because its actually possible. Enjoy lower landing costs on a death planet
Exactly, space is a fucking joke and these fucking stupid Goyim got all into it
>travel to Earth-like planet
>alien virus kills travelers after contact just like with the Injuns
>terraforming is the only real option we have >humans have evolved to live on Earth only, so we must make other planets like Earth
>we Annunaki now
Why Mars?
>25 hour day
>gravity similar to Earth
>has water
You're pretty hung up on this "touching the surface" of a planet thing.
A very limiting perspective.
Science and exploration isn't a Micheal Bat movie.
Looks like shit desu.
>not knowing flight routes
Do you know that if a want to travel to Brazil or Argentina my plane is forced to fly over USA or England?
Because the Earth is flat.
Obama literally defunded Nasa. Killed Bush's plan to send people back to the moon, then to mars.
Obama wants an asteroid. What a stupid piece of shit.
It will probably be a private company that make it to mars. The moon will be mined by private corps soon, its abundant in h2o which is good for rocket fuel.
Obama sucks, bush did one thing right, private companies will.
>>gravity similar to Earth
>.38 Earth gravity
That's like only twice the moon.
Bombard it with hundreds of thousands of comets.
Do people unironically believe this shit?
If we can't master a lunar colony why go to Mars?
>The moon will be mined by private corps soon, its abundant in h2o which is good for rocket fuel.
The reason is...humanity. Until we form a meritocracy and can control population through eugenics and eliminate Dindus(of every color) then we will be ready.
Nobody has ever shown a photo of the edge of the world, where the waters fall into the infinite space
>Hydrogen and Oxygen are used for rocket fuel you dipshit.
>What is stopping us
We are too busy being curbstomped: change.org
>25 hour day
Meaningless. Discarded.
... is 0.38 that of Earth. This is not good for (most) Earth life forms, including humans. In space we can manufacture our own gravity; on the surface of Mars we're pretty fucked.
>has water
Very limited resource. About as much as Lake Superior. Maybe.
Accessing & using it is a whole other problem, and we can only use a fraction of it without upsetting other balances on Mars.
What you didn't list was the vast amounts of other resources that are lacking on Mars, which need to be imported or otherwise solved.
Google up how to calculate the surface area of a sphere.
How much less sunlight falls on Mars than on Earth?
> hint - a fuckton less
We need to bring our own sunlight, somehow. And our own carbon mass. A fuckton times several million of carbon mass. And our own magnetic fields .. both for shielding from the Sun and for our own biological health.
Explain how we will extract minerals and metals from Mars? We waste several incredibly rare resources on Earth to accomplish that .. they don't exist on Mars and need to be imported.
Prove it wrong without reciting the merchant's teachings and referencing their "art"
>Good Goy, keep relying on white flight
Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids. In fact, it's cold as Hell. And there's no one there to raise them, if you did.
Is it not enough though? It would make living much easier, and building/ mining would require less energy. It's not like we would float away. Our bodies would still function as long as we have suits.
It would actually be bad for your body. You probably wouldnt be able to return to earth.
There are health hazards from long term exposure to low gravity.
This is the edge, the wall keeps in all the waters so they do not fall off.
If you were to continue walking on this you'd never reach the end.
In the 2012 "photo of Earth", North America takes up half the damn planet.
They aren't even trying anymore...
But they don't have to be the common man is an idiot who will believe whatever the government tells them.
Unless we find some kind of new and precious resource nobody has any reason to bother.
>What is stopping us?
That rocket launch has just been a pork project for a long time now
It's changed now with Elon Musk
So he says we'll be going in 2024
quads confirm it.
Another possibility is to crash several water-rich asteroids and Mars' two moons into its surface using rockets assembled on-site. An impact of sufficient size could create enough heat to vaporize large amounts of material and form an atmosphere. Furthermore the added mass of the small moons and large asteroids would increase the gravity of Mars to a more earth-like level.
Although highly unlikely, the impact of the larger moon, Phobos, might actually liquify a portion of Mars' interior, restoring tectonic activity and possibly generating a weak magnetic field
Jews have nothing to do with this. you're AN IDIOT.
>planes can only fly in a perfect straight line
Wake up.
> en.wikipedia.org
Good man.
Now, google up the term "recoverable." Going to need copious amounts of energy plus other infrastructure to pull useful mass out of carbonates ... but it's doable, at a certain investment level. $30 or $50 trillion per decade might be reasonable.
Certainly, mineral carbonates (as well as the atmosphere) can be used to extract and concentrate some carbon and some CO2. Maybe even enough to supplement organic carbon mass that will be required for plants and agriculture ... even at a small colony's requirements for 30 or 50 humans and possible even some livestock.
In fact, algae vats and small livestock (perhaps as large as rabbits) are one of the most likely possibilities to establish an agricultural ecosystem with enough biological activity to grow food in self-sustaining quantities.
Maybe only take 5 or 7 decades of importing basic carbon mass (and a few other necessary nutrients) before a stable, self-sustaining agriculture can be established. Probably to support 100-200 humans, possibly even 1000.
Assuming the lack of magnetic fields and low gravity don't prevent that.
When we sent men to the moon, we really had no idea what we'd find. We were pretty sure we wouldn't find moonmen, but that was about as far as science was confident in saying. It was true frontier exploration.
We know EXACTLY what we'll find when we land on Mars. A big lotta nothing.
no financial/political incentive = no
>implying we don't have to use fuel to transport it back to earth
natural gas is not a fossil fuel
theres shittons of hydrocarbons in the outer solar system
>low gravity
>barely an atmosphere
>mostly co
>stripped magnetic sphere
>no active core
>closest it will be to the earth still takes 9 months to get there
fuck mars. you know what's better?
>tidal locked
>only a few day trip with apollo tier tech
> falls within the earths magnetic sphere
>small enough to be easily turned into a active world
>land mass is equal to north and south american, australia, and europe
honestly mars is a meme
J-jews are not evil goyim STAHP IT.