
God dammit he was way off with his first guess. I was sure I'd got him on the ropes.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus fuck...

I did Biff from BTTF and he asked is he rich. Well, he kinda is one day in one timeline, so I put don't know. Then he asked if he used guns. Well he kinda does in the 3rd one so I put don't know. Then he asked is he blond and I put don't know because I don't know if that's blond.

He still got it first guess


Ha. Got 'im.

I was thinking of Wreckage Brother from TDKR.

First try he got Lars Lindstrom then I beat him with Omin Drann

fuck me this thing has gotten good.

Got him with Smee from TDKR

Which is odd since he add him in the database

holy shit I got one that wasn't even in the database

Jelka van Houten

>got one that wasn't even in the database

I thought his name was Mosquito Man

But how?

Couldn't even guess landwolf from Boy's Club. Had it been Pepe it would have guessed in two tries.

I've stumped him with
>pic related
>characters from 999
>LOGH characters

Is it really that hard to guess?

how in the fuck did it know i was thinking of mel gibson HOW?!!!

said yes to "only made 1 good movie"

>Is my character a big guy
For him

I stumped him.

I was thinking of the final boss in Dumb and Dumber. The guy that shoots Harry

Same character

>does your character use guns?
>is your character black?

Well shit

>Is your character abnormally large?
for you

>didn't have Jacques Rivette in his database

Well played

This is shit. He can't even guess Nicole Aniston. He always guesses Pheonix Marie or Jesse Jane. Fuck him

>Nicole Aniston

I got Samantha Saint

Akinator is shit now and it's easy to beat him with something semi-obscure.

>Answer yes to "does she have dark hair" early
>Get five more questions about hair color

>all of a sudden:
>does your character die?
>does your character have white hair?
>is your character associated with the mob?


That fucker even guessed the nameless hero from the Gothic games.

His official name in the film is Barsad.

His first guess was CIA but then he got me

how the hell did he knew

Couldn't guess her.

I tried to get him to guess Jim from the American version of The Office.

After 3 wrong attempts and 72 questions I gave up.

is this movie good?

You will address me by my proper title you little bollux

its very sexy

>I got one

I like it, and not just for _that_ reason.

>couldn't guess the main character of The Rover
>asks for his nationality 50 times after I specified Australian
o- okay

>asks for his nationality 50 times after I specified Australian

This is what I'm talking about. I got "is it a girl" like ten times even though I said yes on the very first question.


He guessed pretty much every famous Korean king apart from the one I was thinking off.

Though he was on the list.

What the fuck? I already confirmed the character wasn't real and from a Disney movie.

he got the main character of the Castle out of nowhere. He was still asking question like "Is he American?" "No", "Is he German" "No", "Does he have children?" "Yes", and the boom, answered it

You've won this time...

Lots of people make mistakes/answer things wrong.

He works off a probability matrix, so if he's unsure based off the clues you've given (i.e., you've gone really obscure or have been answering poorly) he needs to clarify

That was easy. 23 questions.

Beat him thinking of Richard Horpe from ASOIAF. He guessed JonCon and Gerold Dayne and some random Wheel of Time character.

He didn't know about Thomas-Alexandre Dumas(the famous writer's mulatto father who was general-in-chief in the french army). I thought he was getting really close a few times but apparently he wasn't even on the list.


Jesus Christ

Defeated him with José Antonio Primo de Rivera, he got pretty close a few times but ultimately defeated

>does your character have hair?
>is your character a hitman?

sneaky bastard

ok pretty cool, he also guessed condoleeza rice in only a view questions.

forgot pic



First guess was some Teen Wolf shit. Come on, akinator, this is as basic as it gets.



i know... worst part is i bought new Salomon shoes 2 weeks ago already...

fucking binary trees

Impressive 2nd try though

>didn't even guessed Phillip Jeffries

Fucking pleb Akinator!

pretty cool, he got it wrong first try though


Got him easily with "MEAT'S BACK ON THE MENU"-orc

He keeps guessing Lurtz or Gothmog

Couldn't get best girl, guessed Joan and Megan before giving up

>that feel guy

well played...


a best

oh no not akinator

you just tend to reach a point where you just know he's snagged onto your character and is just quickly eliminating other options

Well played

How is Akinator with non-human characters? Namely famous cars.

I thought of the V8 Interceptor from Mad Max and he didn't get it.

Fooled him with Steve Bannon. He was close though -- he was guessing David Comey, Mike Pence, and David Duke.

I'm thinking of Omar Sharif's character from Lawrence of Arabia and this faggot can't guess it.

Last question was 'Was your character involved in 9/11?', I answered yes and it gave me him

Akinator is red-pilled

>John Titor
I miss that guy.

Wow nice one. The questions really ramp up from general and broad to specific pretty quickly.

Took him 3 goes but der he iz

wtf, he didn't even ask a single question related to slipknow besides that he's dc, superhero and bad.

didn;t get hannah from arrival. fuck you akinator, i win

Okay I laughed

Oh shit

Couldn't guess Feels guy, kept throwing up forever alone.

Beat him with the metal fetishist from Tetsuo. Suck it, Akinator.

Got him in ~30 guesses. He guessed the monopoly dude first though.

I was thinking about mayor Chessani

B-but that's not Rick from Casablanca

Couldn't guess the salaryman, either. I thought he was gonna get it right when he asked if the character was involved in a car accident.

Defeated him with Tam Elbrun


how is this possible?

beat him. I was thinking of Wesley Pipes


Fucking who?

dont turn up on Sup Forums saying you dont know who a porn star is, you look a fool