How dumb are these kikes?

How dumb are these kikes?

>africa dumps low-lifes '''''refugees''''' into europe
>europe sends money

they will send more!, you need to stop them from coming! now they know that the EU will send money for not getting ''''''refugees'''''', and the now know they have that leverage, they wouldn't have if we just sunk the fuckers in the mediterraninan or sent them back.

fuck these guys are dumb, is it intentionally or are they really this stupid Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

They easiest way to stop them would be actively prevent the Italian/Greek/etc navy from rescuing them when they are floating one mile off of the coast of fucking Africa.

I have no idea why being a progressive isnt considered having a mental illness at this point

Why don't they use that money to send them BACK?

>spend all your money gambling
>spend all your money drinking
>spend all your money on shitskins
nobel prize winner

That would be a human rights violation. I am not joking. There's a reason why the US doesn't recognize those stupid things.

They'll use the money to buy boats.

How fucking retarded can Europe get?

We should focus on making a fake group to receive free monies. Not like those niggers are going to do anything useful with that money anyways. Might as well put it back into our economy thru steam sale and condoms.


10/10 would shelter, post original

It would cost way less just to sink the boats with deck guns. But then again Europe is retarded.

I hope the money is for a wave machine

I'm not a flat earther tard but why is the horizon straight?

There are a few people in this world who still claim that the refugee crisis is not just a big plundering operation aimed at spending all tax payer money on useless overpriced services from our politician's and their friend's private companies. Accommodate 10 asylum seekers in your little shed and get $1million a month.

I don't like these feelings pol. I'm going bald by all the stress this is whole thing is giving me. Last year I had the thickest, fullest and most beautiful hair you've ever seen and now all I have is a huge forehead with a thin patch of hair in the middle. My 90 year old grandpa have more hair than me and I'm only 22

apparently you are

That money should be spent on torpedoes and deck gun ammo.

Everyone's retarded when it comes to helping brown people. It's like they don't understand that dumping money into the third world only makes more third worlders. They didn't change their primitive dipshit behavior from when they had to have 30 kids to have one survive, so their population has exploded. Almost all the population growth expected to 2050 is in Africa and Asia. Ending colonialism was a mistake.

>"pay us money, or we'll do that thing you don't want us to do"

EU, black mailed by black males.

Stop drinking beer and drinking municipal water full of estrogens swede-bro. That junk crusts up your pineal gland that lets you dream.

You have to be at like 20,000ft before the curvature of the Earth starts to become noticeable.
If the Earth were smaller then you could notice it from a lower altitude.

It's weird that you say that because the last time I dreamt was over 10 years ago. I never drink though. I live in Stockholm, what other water could I possibly drink? All bottled water seem to come from the same sources.



The only way to stop the """"""""""""""refugees"""""""""""""" is to start sinking boats, after it gets out trust me nobody is going to be trying to cross into Europe by sea, but that's too brutal for the modern leftist so they won't do it.

why not spend like 1/10 of that money and shoot all those boats down

You don't need to shoot them. Just stop rescuing them. It's not like they are actually crossing the Mediterranean.


Lol this is the dumbest fucking thing I ever read

That will never ever ever happen. There's too much money to be made keeping the refugee industry going.

Also adding that it's another case of libcucks throwing money at a problem thinking it will solve it

Bullets are cheaper, more effective, and send a stronger message. Hell, you could do it with ICBMs and be cheaper.

Does he still sell them? I wanna buy one for the keks.

They know it won't solve it. They don't want to solve it. They'll never want to solve it.


>EU murders hundreds with ammuniton, drowning and killing innocent women and child minorities
>EU Lets refugees drown in their back yard, in full view of the European Navy!
>Hundreds of Europeans lose faith in their government and start migrating to USA.
>The Euro crashes and everyone starts investing in the USD.

Yeah, I wonder why Europe is doing what its doing.

Or, they could just have their navy drag their boats back to shore.
>build a tent city/refugee center in Libya or Algeria
>pay their government just a fraction of 62 billlion
>have the navy stations itself off the coast
>drag all the boats back to shore
>bring everyone on board into gated/fenced tent cities

This is easy af and the government of Libya, Algeria or even Egypt would be happy to get just ONE billion, not even 62 billion like in their stupid plan.

yea and deport existing ones
and stop spending billions on them in the country
and punish all the aiders of illegals
and stop falsly portraying them as "woman and children" or even refugees

Lot of shit they could do
But all they decide is treason, pay some foreign country with zero guarrentees of anything... that'll solve it...

Distilled water. Just don't boil it without adding salt back to it or it will literally explode in your face. Give it a good 8 weeks. Try brushing with baking soda to cut out the flouride (yea i know chemtrails shit whatever) you literally don't need fucking toothpaste ever. When you go to rinse your mouth after tell me the water doesn't taste better than it ever did.
That man is so silly I don't even know how to reply to the image you have presented

you are horrible at predicting the future

They are "Helping" countries that are worse off. Makes them look good.

The problem is that you can't "send them back" when you don't know where they come from. These coons throw their passports into the Mediterranean to avoid just that.

Obviously, you can't start sinking migrant ships with gunboats because of human rights etc...

This is probably the best way to tackle the problem but unfortunately it's too little too late.

That cunt whore Merkel has already invited over a million sandniggers and apes from Africa and the middle east. Europe is fucked.

Feels good to have left the EU.

Because it's a massive sphere and you are but a fucking ant.

The difference is so big that from the very surface it looks like a plain surface.

Why dont cha give us YOUR view of how murdering hundreds of thousands of minorities would play out?


I wonder how many boats you could buy for 62 billion euros?

So we start connecting the dots. who is housing the German refugees and who do they know?

They are not stupid, they know that they need to compete agaisn't China, for the market place. And the only way they have to do it is by pushing the bottom lines of the piramid by injecting more people into the society and low the wages.

Also one more thing, sleeping on your back flat tends to send you into dream mode. Those of you who are a bit on the unstable side are prone to nightmares etc. I got to the point from an early age where if I got into nightmares where silly monsters were after me I'd literally kill them before they woke me up and I stopped having them.

*with 62 billion euros

You probably couldn't buy too many at 62 billion a pop.

Who cares? Just dump them wherever in Africa.

>leave EU
>no longer have to pay money for this kinda shit
bravo UK

>The problem is that you can't "send them back" when you don't know where they come from.
This is not a real problem, there are many solutions.
In reality they don't WANT to stop them, so they pretend "oh we just can't send them back, or stop them, or not give them welfare..."

You know that they pick up ships just off the cost of libya and bring them all to europe, then put them up in camps while providing all their needs/wants?

reminder that all this money just gets funneled back into the EU shadow council

you know it isnt their money

its the taxpayers money

giving money for niggers escalates things even futher

>Thinking anybody will care
You'll get your standard virtue signalers which will last for about week before everybody forgets. I mean how often do you hear about the drowned boy anymore? Only time I'm reminded of him is when some Sup Forumsack decides to post a picture with Farage laughing at him or some soccer player kicking him, the left have completely forgot about him.

It's not that simple.

There's something called international law.

You can't just send people to some random African country unless they agree to it which will often require a "bribe".

That's what this deal is about presumably.

>you literally don't need fucking toothpaste eve
WHAT? proofs please
>please dont meme

All of this aid to Africa is not going to end well for humanity.

>EU sends billions to Africa
>Africans use money to pay smugglers
>Refugee crises increases ten fold

Then sell them to some random African country, that'll boost the economy.

A law isn't a law if it's not backed by force. Test it and see what happens. If you can get away with sending them back, there is no such law.

>Who cares? Just dump them wherever in Africa.
which then causes said african nation to bitch about having thousands of coons forced upon them.

You couldn't be more wrong. There's no united effort to compete or try to make Europe more prosperous. We're a dying continent in a civil war right now. All that's happening is that we're getting plundered and destroyed by our elites. If your theory is true then wouldn't it be better if we stole people from China instead? If we opened our borders to Chinks then they would all flock here.

Nobody wants these niggers. Not even Africa.

We need to start sterilizing that continent. I'm not even kidding.

The only solution to saving Europe at this point is the final solution.

They're not sending it to Africa. They're sending it to their own companies in Africa

Go grab that box out of the cabinet that you bought for 50 cents. Jam the toothbrush into it after you get it wet, and brush your fucking teeth as usual without toothpaste. Does your mouth stink? Is the plaque gone? Is your throat coated in minty chemically flavored horseshit?

It is backed by force because the first people throw their arms up would be the US and the EU.

Do you think your ape nigger president will stand by whilst racist white Europeans oppress da black man yet again?

Does that EU population line take into account the blackening of Europe and the 1 billion immigrants over the next 100 years?

The only way you will be able to get away with that would be if you could create a virus or something that only affected Africans and that could easily sterilize them and then spread it quietly throughout Africa.


turkey is
turkey knows the EU

Is that article from a tabloid ?

You retards like to post sceenshots of clickbait without even mentioning the source.

It is actually visibly curved. Look carefully. (Literally my job)

Do they really think this will work? USA has been sending those useless dirt farming coons billions for 40 fucking years. They still are clamoring to come to the home of us evil racists.

There's something called scientists.They like to make studies to prove things. You need to read those studies and start taking them into account when you draw conclusions.

meant to reply to this


Your modern day scientists take money to skew results so they continue to get paid. Your teeth are not going to die because you stopped buying "Brand Name Colgate EXTREME WHITENING". What clickbait? I posted zero links.

>it's a human rights issue to wage war on invaders

Shouldn't be a thing

Europe Pic related.

You need real water bro. With minerals and electrolytes n shit. You're getting crazy. You're blending comments togother. I never said anything about clickbait. The hungarian did and he didn't even reply to you

why not just patrol a few miles from where they set off, tow them back and sink them after they get back on land

>EU pays a shitfuckton of taxpayer money to unstable African nations to keep people from leaving
>half of them are leaving for economic reasons anyways
>the ones that remain will just continue to breed exponentially and just show up LATER
>if the EU fails we'll probably take them on the taxpayer dime

I'm not an ant, I'm a uncle!

He intended to as I read it, and I've been into the whiskey tonight. Unless you're eating TV dinners 24/7 and ramen noodles, trace minerals etc are a non-issue. If you're that fucked up and can't retain basic vitamins from the everyday food that nature would have you partake, then healthcare is for you. Water is a tough thing to get right when you consider the ready availability society provides. Nothing I suggested is going to hurt to give a try.

The EU should do a deal with Spain, that designates Cueta as a place where refugees can go but they are not allowed into mainland europe

Then bomb it

You need fluoride and toothpaste in order to keep your teeth when you eat lots of sugar, which I like to do.

>Indian poster having a man with his dick in his own poo hole on his computer

Makes sense. Remember to poo in your nearest designated shitting street next time you need to take a shit pajeet.

By he I meant you and by that I mean whatever
Toothpaste is like ointment. Does applying lots of lotion to your skin make you fireproof? It's not the paste, it's not magical. It's the mechanical removal of junk in your mouth frequently. You could go pure toothbrush if the mood strikes you, but the baking soda is a natural deoderizer hence why it's in a lot of toothpaste to begin with. It's not that far of a stretch man.

>Making sense on seeing a man with his dick inside his butthole.
>Talks shit about the guy who posted it.

Really makes you think huh?

genetic tests are fairly reliable, just check the haplotypes

>There's something called international law.

there is also something CALLED White geNOcide


what are they? racist?

The Top dogs of Eu threatened to sanction us to death if we try to push them back

even when they get things wrong?

>needing to waste that much artillery power
like. 15 yachts, fully manned with SMG's

it could even be a sport

How cucked your government actually is if it believes in this shit.
You gotta start having pride in your countries, but the sad thing is you call taking pride in your own country "racism"

Illegal immigrants who refuse to give a country of origin can be deported wherever the border control feels like sending them. Though they're supposed to send them back to the presumed country of origin, if it "can't be determined" then anywhere goes.

Bill gates was right, we need population control for bottom feeders like this. AIDS isn't living up to the hype, what else? Forced sterilization?