Anyone else watch My 600 Pound Life? It is absolute Kino.
Anyone else watch My 600 Pound Life? It is absolute Kino
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Imagine how much whale oil could come from all that blubber
there have been some truly kino episodes. the dr is so weird though, strange personality
>this is a common thing in the usa
Why does that woman have giant testicles?
I want you to lose 50 pound in the next month
>they lose 50 pounds in a month
ok do it again, and again, and again, you just proved you could ffs
What is happening to the skin next to her right leg is it getting crusty TF
How do you even lose weight when you're that fat?
I mean do they exercise or just starve themesleves?
big fat fabulous life is also kino
Who's your 600lb-fu Sup Forums? Mine's Amber. Those fucking legs are THICC
someone should put that fat fuck boogie on this.
she got real cute when she got thin
A damn shame really, DEM THIGHS
How do you even get that fat?
You have to eat like 8,000 Calories a day just to maintain that weight. All they have to do is start eating like a normal person and they loose 30+ pounds in a month.
One cheeseburger at a time, sweet thing.
That's a rather large fupa, user.
literally due to the amount of excess skin/fat, its getting chafed, you should see underneath that big lump of lard called a person though, her fat will literally suffocate the flesh shes sitting on and it'll turn purple-ish and start to die.
In some cases, a fat person can literally develop gangrene on the suffocated flesh underneath their bodies, depending on whether they move or not.
Fuckin disgusting.
Genetics, hereditary. Some people just don't lose weight as easily as others do.
>Watch this show the other day because I am so god damn bored.
>Shes talking about how heart broken she is and how she may die alone because a guy rejected her.
>Turns out he was just a co worker who showed her a small bit of kindness and her fat fucking ass mistook friendship as "OH GOD GIMME THE DICK"
>She then tells him she dosent want anything to do with him while he genuinely thought they where friends.
Ya, girl empowerment amirite.
>She then invites her ex boyfriend to a stupid fucking party and she dressed like a man.
>Her ex boyfriend brings a girl with him.
>She acts like a complete cunt the whole time to said woman.
>She then has other fat girls finger her because only a fat dyke can love another fat dyke.
Damn that was is phat
By actually eating food that isn't junk food.
And eating less.
Yeah, that's one thing I don't get. If anything, they need a psychiatrist more than a bypass since a lot of them cite some kind of shitty childhood or emotional issues which leads to them using food as a crutch. Getting them to actually get over their issue and stop resorting to comfort food seems to be the way to actually solve shit.
Imagine being so fat that you have to lay the car seat back just so your ass can fit inside
Burger here
Sadly it (maybe not this level of obesity, but pretty damn close)is a common thing here.
If there ever comes a time where America needs to mobilize its citizenry in a draft we're fucked
Before this gets 200 misguided replies. Genetics isn't solely responsible for someone becoming obese, but genetics, and more importantly your inherited microbiome largely influence things such as overeating and obesity.
t. microbio major
Eating a load of shit like this, never going to the gym/walks, or just blaming genetics instead of trying hard work and dieting.
And some people eat all day long claiming that its good for your metabolism to constantly eat yummy yummy get in my tummy.
Its easy to lose weight, know how?
>Dont eat
I like how people make this into such a shocking thing but seriously, guess what happens when you dont eat, you lose weight!
Guess what happens if you live on nothing but rice for a week? you lose weight.
Guess what happens when you cut soda out of your diet and only drink water, you lose weight.
>Im on a diet, so I am only eating fruit its better for me.
>Orders a bowl the size of the fucking table of mixxed fruits.
They also have people, usually family, enabling them. It's a very weird co-dependent thing.
>Genetics, hereditary
...but more importantly an utterly horrible diet and zero exercise.
Literally nobody can get that fat without eating enormous amounts of terrible food all day and never working off a single calorie.
There's a massive difference between "genetics causing you to lose weight harder" and "so fat that you're bed bound and/or you can barely do normal everyday things". Genetics doesn't make you become the latter. That's a lifestyle issue, as evinced by how those people in the show are always eating unhealthy shit in unhealthy amounts.
TLC is the equivalent of televised circus freak shows
I fucking love it
>they lose 50 pounds in a month
Really? How?
Exactly. It's a psychological issue. Bypass is but a temporary measure.
>Genetics, hereditary
You know it's bullshit when a fatass bring up genetics.
These disgusting bitches should be put down like the sick dogs they are.
>In some cases, a fat person can literally develop gangrene on the suffocated flesh underneath their bodies, depending on whether they move or not.
Fuck that reminds me of that paramedic story on /k/. Dudes roll up to get this 1 ton women to the hospital, user gives her leg a pull and I shit you not it comes clean off. It just fucking slides off the bone.
>Date a skinny bitch.
>She becomes a fat bitch over night.
>Whines about wanting to lose weight.
I would go to the gym if somebody would come with me, please.
>I am not gonna run on a tread mill so you will lose weight, you run on the tread mill and you lose the weight.
>Bitch you the one who wont put down the fuckin ice cream bars!
he usually puts them on a keto diet with very low daily calories
At bigger weights you have to eat a fucking shitload to stay that weight/gain any, it's just a case of managing what you eat and possibly going swimming so you're doing something active.
What the fuck. This is some cronenberg type shit
Your half-finished microbiology major doesn't allow you to fly in the face of medical science you scumlord. Obesity is 90% lifestyle, and that is learned behaviour.
Fat parents don't have fat kids because they have fat genes, it's because they have fat habits.
When you are 600+ pounds all you have to do is start eating semi normally and walk to the mailbox and back once a day and you can lose 50+ pounds in a month. The human body isn't made to weigh that much and it falls off fast when you aren't forcing 10,000 calories a day down your throat.
Their calorie intake is around 10,000+ a day, you figure it the fuck out.
They're making a live action Big Hero 6?
you are completely fucking dumb, no shit it is lifestyle. The gut bacteria of the morbidly obese is more than likely largely responsible for them heading down the obesity path in the first place you fucking mong. The gut isn't considered the second brain for no reason.
fat people make me nauseated desu
>be American
>get fat
>The gut isn't considered the second brain for no reason.
>tfw too intelligent to be fat
why doesnt he just get on a treadmill?
that's a woman lol
This is the thread where we laugh at Americans then is it lads?
Because Americans are fat and stupid.
post your country, pussy
I prefer My Strange Addiction
Imagine, just IMAGINE, how much soap you could make from these.
That does look extremely painful
How can people get this fat? I just can't understand. HOW!?
>be American
Why the fuck would these people want to go on TV and show off their depravity to everyone? Makes me think it's fake
After a certain point it's their family enabling them and bringing them heaping piles of food.
ask ur mum
>Still caring about whether it's "real or fake"
It's entertainment, and that's all that matters. Once you stop caring about "reality" in reality tv it becomes a helluva lot more enjoyable
If you're the kind of guy that goes to the comments section of shit like this and says "this is fake" then you're missing the point of the show
sick american fucks don't care what they're famous for.
>2,000 calorie burger is 99 cents
>it tastes good
>beta husband will feed you anything you want while you sit around and eat all day while he's at work
>eventually your knees would explode if you tried to stand up or you are simply fused to the chair
>continue eating 10,000 calories a day
>fast forward 10 years
The math is pretty simple
I gained 100 lb in a year. I'm currently 6'1 and about 295 lbs. You just get into really bad habits and the farther you go the harder it seems to ever get back to normal. I'm still far from being terribly obese, I can still walk farther and faster than my fit wife, could even run if I wanted to, but stress eating and poor will power is a deadly combination that can really fuck you up even if you know how bad it is for you.
do Americans really do this?
600 pound?? how much is that in real measurement?
You should finish high school english first. Your reading comprehension skills suck.
This summer...
She would look like a shar pei if she lost that weight
It's quite real. The Doctor on the show is a world renowned bariatric surgeon.
600 pounds
I really wonder how they can afford to buy all that food. Surely they eat like 8 meals a day to get that unbelievably fat.
Of course it's (misleadingly) called the "second brain" for a reason, you twat - because the "first" one is far, far more important when it comes to a person's state of mind.
>The gut bacteria of the morbidly obese is more than likely largely responsible for them heading down the obesity path in the first place you fucking mong
Hyperbole to the extreme, you irresponsible twat. I hope with all my heart you're never presented with an obese patient.
"It looks like you'll be dead within six months because your arteries look they're sculpted from butter, but unfortunately it's all because of your gut flora and there's nothing that you can do to fight it. It's actually all because of bacteria that you never travel more than ten feet without a motorised vehicle and consume in a day three times what a normal adult eats in two."
I understand that you're just starting to study this stuff and you've probably looked at a couple of studies that linked certain phages to obesity and got told by your professor that this is the key to curing the obesity epidemic, but the gut is not a real brain and it doesn't have psychology.
These people get this huge because they don't ever have to do anything other than eat and consume entertainment. The indigenous contents of our guts haven't undergone any massive changes in the last hundred years, but our average weight has - our obesity epidemic is almost entirely due to the advent of processed foods and the sedentary modern lifestyle.
>Standard grave sizes generally accommodate most coffins, with the occasional exception, although some cemetery owners do levy an additional charge for the much larger American-style caskets.
America is just the greatest country on earth senpai. Gtfo eurocuck.
That's pretty fucking fat user, what do you do for a living?
They always get enabled by a cucked family member. They almost never buy the food themselves.
i'm 5'10 king of the manlets and weigh 136
is this good or do I need to gain more weight?
Make it so.
Genetics influences everything, but do you honestly think genetics is the major determinant here? Not gross overeating? These people eat triple the recommended daily calorie intake, you can't blame genetics for that. If they ate normally, even for an american, they would lose weight.
Security, and I know, I'm hoping to start getting back to normal here soon.
>THE smell of human excrement reached the sidewalk
Genetics don't make fat-cells magically appear in your fat-deposits.
Yeah from when I used to browse fit. The same shit every episode. Gets boring after a while.
>you will never have an immobile 4 foot tall bariatric bowling ball shaped girlfriend to watch kino with
why live
>300 lbs
God bless america
oh look, it's our janitard
Do you stare at a screen or do you have to walk around? Are your parents fat?
272,155 kilograms
tv-channels pay the medical bills.
you know, this is the USA, land of no health care, broken education system and Capital of High Fructose Corn Syrup in everything, even bottled water.
Fuck you, microbiology has a tangible effect on obesity that approaches zero. Genetics is close behind. Every single doctor that ever told their obese patients that their genes and gut flora are even partially responsible for their weight was giving them an out, motivated purely by pity.
Changing the diet changes the flora - the bacteria don't transmit messages to the brain demanding to be fed a diet of corn syrup and lard from the very first day a child can start eating solids. That's a parents' choice, and the different bacteria flourish or die accordingly. You've got your causality spectacularly arse-backwards.
You fell for the feminist propaganda that everyone is great they way they are. As a man you are supposed to hate yourself you silly goose. Just tell yourself every morning that this will be the day your wife leaves you because you look like absolute shit. You can do it I believe in you!
I always stick around for the shower scenes at the beginning, they are always hot as fuck
how the fuck would you ever chase anyone?
on your fat cart?