Why does America ignore its vets?

I read that the US government treats vets - especially injured vets - like shit once they've finished their tours. Why is that? I thought vets were revered in America.




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It's just another government job. They should have prepared for the future.

Most vets never did anything valuable and just sucked on a tit for 4 years.

The tit runs dry and they didn't plan for it. That's on them.


Do you think that vets should be lauded in the media? Do people actually believe the media or do most Americans think like you, that vets are nothing special.

They had years to prepare for life after the military.

That's like asking why college dropouts aren't cared for by the government. They had years to train and gain valuable skills for a career when they finished. Vets had the advantage of having jobs paying in line with the median wage in the country. They are failures at life and don't deserve sympathy if they still fail after having these advantages. You can't count on anyone to baby you forever.

There's a lot of lip service given to vets, but that's all it is is lip service: most people only just thank them for their service, and nothing more.

I'm repulsed by the idea (and I imagine almost everyone else is) that just because someone was in the military for a couple of years that they should get their dick sucked and free shit for life.

1 in 4 vets are homeless. When they come home, their brains and bodies are so battleblasted that they can't even function anymore. You can't compare them to government actuaries or white house gardeners. That figure of 1 in 4 really shows that something's up. Their job is not just another government job. And the government should take a responsibility to ensure that vets get the care they need. At least the care that they were already promised. But they can't even get that much. The government has welshed on them.

It shocks me that, as a Canadian, I have more sympathy for US vets than the Americans themselves. What that says about the American people, well, you don't need me to tell you.

I'm a vet. There are tons of resources available but it's not handed to you on a silver platter, you have to be somewhat proactive. A lot of the stereotypical homeless veterans are severely mentally ill due to PTSD and are usually self-medicating with drugs and alcohol, which generally means they're not being proactive. It's really pretty simple.

Veterans are respected among the public, but the whole VA system is a clusterfuck. Too many vets, too much red tape, and not enough budget.

That said, I don't really feel like the guy that spent 4 years at an airbase in Japan should receive the same benefits as the guy who had bullets whizzing past him in Iraq.

>And the government should take a responsibility to ensure that vets get the care they need.

And by care I mean medical care, be it psychological or physical. That should be a given. Uncontroversial. But in America, it's apparently a scandal for the government to care for it's vets as per their promises.

I guess no one really believes that vets are good because no one really believes that these wars are just. Or are WWII vets treated just as badly?

>That's like asking why college dropouts aren't cared for by the government.
But amerifats don't pretend they care about college dropouts. Yet you have this huge "support the troops" propaganda

>It shocks me that, as a Canadian, I have more sympathy for US vets than the Americans themselves.

Another consideration is that none of the recent wars have been for just causes, so that cheapens their service.

>their brains and bodies are so battleblasted that they can't even function anymore
That's what they signed up for. They agreed to invade and attack nations that never attacked us. They are volunteer mercenaries. They volunteered to blast their brains for no reason other than to invade nations the government arbitrarily tells them to.

Most aren't homeless because they got mentally scarred. I'll admit some are, and those are the ones that don't want help. But most just made poor choices. No one told them the military will use them and when they're finished they'll won't offer a reenlistment. They weren't told that getting married too young means you'll probably end up divorced having to pay alimony. No one told them that enlistment pay is pretty shit and even if you make it to 20 years you only get 50% of your base pay. I think the military is a great experience but I tell my students to do their research and know what they're getting in to.

>And the government should take a responsibility to ensure that vets get the care they need.

The problem with this is that the severely mentally ill generally resist treatment. Tracking homeless people can be difficult, particularly when they are actively attempting to stay off the radar. I've known several guys who developed severe PTSD from our experiences in Iraq, paranoia was a common thread.

Yes, but I do not support Bush's wars either. I strongly opposed them. But I still believe that, however corrupt the leaders are, the troops themselves have to be treated with respect and be given the medical benefits that they were promised. An 18 year old kid from Arkansas is not going to understand Cheney's his PNAC crew's real motivation for war. This baby shouldn't be thrown out with the bath water.

Why does it send it's servicemen into conflicts on false pretences? Because they don't give two shits.

Who the fuck cares. At least the military is removing the term man out of 17 position names and is going to pay for trans surgeries. God bless us with nuclear hellfire or meteorites pls.

The VA has programs for just about anything, but you have to go to them, they are not going to come looking for you to see if you are OK.

My concern is strictly the medical help that was promised to the vets and which were cut off. I don't expect the government to do more.

Those are interesting points. But that self-destructive behaviour is part of the illness and as such the government is responsible for treating it. This may require institutionalization. If that is what it takes, then the government should do it. It seems, though, that mental illness is not seen as a real illness in the US. If a man is paranoid and self-destructive, then that is his problem, it seems. I guess it's just a cultural difference between us.

>An 18 year old kid from Arkansas is not going to understand Cheney's his PNAC crew's real motivation for war.

That's the interesting thing, though. Even treatment of vets is politicized in the US. I voted for Gore and Kerry both, so I personally have the attitude that I actually did what I could to stop it.

It didn't stop it, but I still vote. So, why should I be obliged to do more?

hospice nursefag here
Basically the way that it goes with elders here is that a lot of them whose families don't have enough money to pay for medical treatment end up getting abandoned by their families, if they have family at all.
Vets tend to have shit income after getting back anyway because they didn't get a lot of chance to have any formal schooling past high school, especially back in the day.
A lot of them get stuck with medicaid, if they can afford it, if they dont get straight up fucking abandoned by any family that they have.
A lot of my clients are disabled vets; a lot of them that I help who aren't in the nursing home for whatever reason don't actually have any human contact with anyone but me and their home aide like a max of three times a week for an hour, cause they just can't get out anymore. Not to mention the fact that medicaid is really close to bankrupting them anyway.
the healthcare system here is utter shit.. esp for older vets...

My story, say what you want.
10 years active duty, 8months average between deployments. 13 times I've been blown up. Operations gone south. Seen something no one should. Break my femor in the line of duty get bares from reenlisting because of a medical condition.

I don't fit in with normal citizens. I was homeless for about a year survived off the desert in Arizona. The Va does have resources for that but I'd have to go inpatient. Kind of for my self together between meds and therapy and my sheath.
Now I'm working on getting a stable job.

This is how the Va has treated me as of the last 2 years:
They say I've never left the us.
I've had no injury or illness tied to any time in war because I wasn't there. I have metals wounds and documents pictures that say other Wise.

I am a husk. I have sold my soul. I am heartless callous and couldn't care less. I have expended my karmic bank in a couple of villages in Iraq. The bright young man I was is dead. All that remains is the shell of a human surviving.
Not living. I am undead. I am the embodiment of the void of livliness that unjust wars steal from the foolhardy and the brave.
I bear this burden as it is my responsibility, I don't ask for help because most haven't eared that passage to see me weak.
I am unrelenting in my survival, I am ruthless in my own judgment because my moral compass doesn't spin.
The abomination that has returned from that crucible is what I have become.
My blood work minus DNA doest even look like me.

I think this is mostly bullshit. MY father was in Vietnam and came back at a time when he had to try to hide having been in combat in Vietnam, because people literally would not hire you to the point they had to make it illegal to discriminate based on "Vietnam Veteran status."

MY old man crawled up and made something of himself, and he was 1st marine division infantry and saw a lot of bad shit. I guess he managed to keep it in check at work, but if my brothers and I ever woke the bastard up at night, would pin to ground and choke within inch of my life.

That was not fun. Today, they'd call it "child abuse," guess it was in technical terms but..yeah, I don't buy most of the bullshit stories. Poor career planning.

>13 times I've been blown up
don't believe you friend. So you have 13 purple hearts, or just wear near enough to IEDS that you'd say "blown up?"

Why do people come here with COD type shit?

It's because your average normie has been bluepilled to believe that all your wars since WWII have been evil and unjustified. That's not necessarily untrue, and the US was probably the bad guy in WWI and II as well, but they project that onto the veterans instead of the higher ups responsible.

Do society a favor and off yourself

Because they charge too much for cat enemas.

Shit user.

What part of the AZ desert? I'm in Tucson, and it seems workable if you have the training. but the valley sounds like a real challenge. I was in school for wilderness leadership/survival so I'm curious.

I hope you can rebuild yourself into something you are at least ok with.

You were too dumb to go to college, so you fell back and joined the military not knowing what to do in life, you were payed slightly higher then minimum wage, and now your out with zero skills or experience in anything.

It's their own damn fault, I'd spit on his ass.

Iraq was a war of aggression. This is unique in American history. We had no justification to go in. We were not under attack. We were not defending allies. We simply wanted to remove a regime we found unfavorable. You are a blue pilled wingnut if you think we should have been fighting that war.

It's almost entirely bullshit.

Vets are treated VERY VERY WELL almost everywhere.

The ones that don't make anything of themselves and slip into homelessness, drug addiction, etc... were people that were already going to do that.

Veterans are treated slightly better than normal people but it doesn't elevate them to godhood or prevent them from making dumb mistakes that fuck up their own lives.

The military gives you the tools to better yourself (free education, a job for 4 years, a place to stay/food/friends for 4 years, etc...).

If you can't harness those tools and end up a bum then that's your own damn fault and nobody owes you shit.

Because actually taking care of your soldiers after you send them to war costs money, and that's inconvenient. Back in the day they fed you bullshit and propoganda to convince you you're alright, but with information being so plentiful on the internet we have generations of people who can see through that bullshit real quick.

Have forced conscription.

When everyone's a soldier, they know the pain. When only a few serve, people push off their feeling of humanity and believe someone else will do the job.

>When they come home, their brains and bodies are so battleblasted that they can't even function anymore.

The majority of vets sat in air conditioned offices IF they were ever even deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan.

Combat arms aren't the majority and most of the combat vets I know are very well adjusted.

because we're ruled by jews and jews hate vets

Because you get no extra votes or libtard PROGRESSIVE points for throwing money at them.
Politics in america are all about lobbies and getting re-elected, nobody gives a real fuck about the people.

>I thought vets were revered in America.
yeah, back in the 40s. theres a metric shit ton of homeless vets in manhattan. literally 1 every 2-3 blocks

>rolling fucking stone having the gall to publish an article about treatment of vets


Because ever since vietnam it's become the thing to do because all war is evil and you must attack the lowest level of that institution for american imperialism, colonialism, murderingwalkingtudsism etc. This is what the people who were big parts of that push say. "you should oppose all war no matter what". It's why we're such a fucking joke militarily these days. The US cannot wage war because the people and media are all against it and all war will be unpopular at home meanwhile the government throws them under the bus constantly while trying to pretend it doesn't. We are essentially de-toothed and de-moralized. You ever seen half the shit Obama has enforced on the military? Like having to ID the guy with the gun as "not one of our terrorists" before killing them? Why do you think he started the foreign legion? Why do you think he pushes shitskins, foreigners, women, fags and the mentally ill (IE trannies) into the military? Why do you think he attacks the police in all events?
Take a look at the swedish police force. Look at who it's been filled with under the guise of "cleaning out the racism".
There's this meme that the armed forces are full of nationalists that would never turn on the people. It's a meme.
Our forces were subverted to make them useless in international engagement and turn them into a domestic tool. Filled with people who feel nothing towards the nation or the people and only the state because they owe it everything and would die to ensure it's survival against revolt because if it goes down they lose everything.

The left wants a force to protect them from uprising as they forgo everyone else to enforce their perfect government and what they see as "the only real and legitimate" political agenda.

Murder leftists.

Also there are millions of homeless that only pretend to be vets because it's free money from "MURICA!!!" patriots passing on the street.

"Better you than me, sucker"

no we simply dont give them any special treatment. contrary to what any recruitment commercial will tell you it does not help in any carer except a military carer

so when you get out and have no job experience and dont have enough money to be a politician dont cry when you end up homeless

while many other western nations may give their vets more america actually uses its military and thus has less to spend on such things. our military isnt for show like canadas

Because homeless vets are useless people who most likely didn't do anything of value while in the military.

I served overseas in Iraq '04-'08 and again in Afghanistan '10-'14.

I joined because I was a spoiled brat who had too much money and no direction in life. Having a multi-million dollar trust made me weak and ignorant of the world. So I decided to change that. I signed up for the Marines, went to Islam land and killed as many of those fucking roaches as I could.

Now, in back home. I have a wife and two kids. More money than I can spend thanks to the success of my family, and a great job that keeps me preoccupied throughout the day.

But nothing...nothing at all in civilian life can replace the feeling of killing another human.

Its simply the most transcending feeling I've ever felt.

No regrets. Only wish I could go back for more.

Because our Government is trash. They can't even see doctors anymore

eh I know some pretty fucked up guys, TBI especially can ruin a man. If we're going to lie to people to get them to fight for our corporate interests we should at least treat them for the results of that.

When you sign up for the military
The government papers literally , not figuratively , literally tell you to plan for life after the military , before/during tour. No one is hiding it behind small prints

The marines take it a step further through council like a AA meeting for the unprepared
If you come home injured the government will pay , mentally scarred the government will pay , healthy then you are on your own

Even Trump says the Iraq War was stupid and did more harm than good. Is Trump a leftist in your narrow minded world narrative?

>deployed for four years

lol okay there chris kyle

The founding of our nation has been forgotten by almost all. What it's lessons were that is. That no government will ever care about people and it exists as a parasite on the nation and people but one allowed to exist because being without it is worse than being with it but only to an extant. The most important parts of this being, There is no such thing as a government that cares about its people and more importantly no people should ever delude themselves into thinking that their government does other wise it will be given more power than it should and we clearly passed that point a very very long time ago.

You're Living the dream senpai.

>But nothing...nothing at all in civilian life can replace the feeling of killing another human.
>Its simply the most transcending feeling I've ever felt.

Please, tell me more. Did it feel 'right' because you saw your victims as deserving scum? Fuck, I want details. Give them to me!

13 is a high number. I knew one guy that legitimately got blown up 7 times in 5 months. By the end of that deployment he had to wear a diaper whenever he got into an MATV because he'd piss himself every time they hit a large enough bump. He tried to get sent home but was denied. Shit happens over there that doesn't make sense.

>hurrr do I did a job i chose to do
>I'm entitled
Real vets don't ask for special treatment they act like a normal person and accept a job as a job which is why they are respected

Journalists from across the political spectrum have written about the disastrous care the US vets have received over a very long history. I chose Rolling Stone arbitrarily. There are plenty of right-wingers who are angry about the treatment of vets. Which makes sense: most people who support the military are conservative, not liberal.

Because their entire government is literally treasonous.

Our government is about to come crashing down as well because we elected a faggot with quite literally zero experience.

Remember folks, the Romans didn't know their republic was dead until one hundred years after it was killed.

What a bunch of nonsense, politics are corrupted but that doesn't mean every single country on this planet is filled with selfish assholes who never consider the general population, most of them will still try to care for their population if anything to make sure the state doesn't fall apart.
This is a problem with your politics because you treat your elections the same way you treat sports, the fact that your two major candidates are a clown with no idea on how to rule a country and a woman who has more skeletons in the closet than russia is proof of that.

>Is Trump a leftist

we dont treat them much better, man.

He is, look at his actual stances and this is obvious.

This is beside that though as the point isnt the war on terror but that this is the attitude all war will get. Once you reach the point you have domestic attacks being covered for by these same people it's over for the nation.

right answer

>that doesn't mean every single country on this planet is filled with selfish assholes who never consider the general population

Note how you defend other places politics and only attack ours. Also, yes they are. Even the so called Nationalists are the same. People put up with them because one is worse.

>most of them will still try to care for their population if anything to make sure the state doesn't fall apart.

That is because the more comfortable people are the less they will be likely to act to change it, by this logic of your a Socialist system cares the most about its people because it provides for them now how fucking accurate is that really?

>This is a problem with your politics because you treat your elections the same way you treat sports

I've learned more countries do than most know. Or should we talk about your own elections?

>a clown with no idea on how to rule a country

Common. Most of our most "revered" presidents were barely educated outside standard crap.

>a woman who has more skeletons in the closet than russia

Also not uncommon. Most are nuts and vile. LBJ always has a special place at the top of that shitmound to me though.

>proof of that.

I'm looking at our politics and agree how fucked it is.
But I'm looking around the world and not seeing what singles this shit hole out politically. I do see the usual European pretense of snobbery so I'll return it with, the last time your nation was notable was when it's king was so pathetic he surrender power to a man that only had to show up to gain it and proceed to lose every campaign even against africa because italians are even worse at war than arabs.

>Note how you defend other places politics and only attack ours. Also, yes they are. Even the so called Nationalists are the same. People put up with them because one is worse.
I'm attacking yours because this is a thread about AMERICAN war vets, I can't blame India for it.
And no, not every politic is a sociopath with only his own intersts in mind, it might shock you but some people can also be good.

>That is because the more comfortable people are the less they will be likely to act to change it, by this logic of your a Socialist system cares the most about its people because it provides for them now how fucking accurate is that really?
I don't understand what you're trying to say here, my point is that even assuming every member of the system is a selfish cunt there would still be people trying to serve the population just to keep the status quo. I also don't understand why you brind up socialism, you can care indirectly for your populaton without gibs.

>I've learned more countries do than most know. Or should we talk about your own elections?
I'll bite, what is wrong with our elections ?

>Common. Most of our most "revered" presidents were barely educated outside standard crap.
Fine, I'll admit the voters are mostly retarded and will always go for the more charismatic candidate.

>Also not uncommon. Most are nuts and vile. LBJ always has a special place at the top of that shitmound to me though.
Not arguing there can't be horrible people as candidates, my point with Hilary is that in her case her "crimes" are under the sunlight and yet she still enjoys the popularity of a rockstar.

Also don't talk about history without knowing it, our king was pretty much forced by public fervor to give up his authority to Mussolini, I don't know what they taught you in school but fascism in Italy rose to power with huge support, it wasn't a coup.
And yes Italy sucked in WW2, but it was either that or getting blitzerfucked by Hitler.

You are so annoying. Everything you say is annoying.


Don't worry senpai. Maybe you can think of all the innocent civilizations you killed so you can get a good night's rest.


>fight for israel
>expect any reward in return

Look, that is where they are wrong.

>america rather bring some shitskins rather than help their vets

on another note some of these vets get enough money from the government and some cant sustain themselves either way. so you cant really blame it all on the government.

fucking liar. kys parasite

Anti-war liberals demonize them and refuse to hire them for work when they come home.

Only on bumper stickers.

Its the truth.

Posting the fedora image everytime someone says something you cant dispute makes you a retarded.

Kill yourself my man.

are we talking about vet vets? or vets as in "i joined the air force and got paid to go to college and get benefits for life despite not fighting overseas" vet?

Nobody has even mentioned all the homeless who masquerade as vets to get more sympathy

For what it's worth though, I went to an upper-middle class high school and some of the chillest and nicest kids went into the army, navy, West Point, etc.

Saudi king: "Defend me murica!"
Israel: "Defend me goy!"
US soldiers: "I'm going to defend my country!"

Le I'm above war face.

Fuck off fag boy.