What is the lowest class of people in your country? for Ireland its knackers, balkan tier savages

What is the lowest class of people in your country? for Ireland its knackers, balkan tier savages

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These disgusting fucks

north african

>balkan tier savages
Well, fuck you too.

Istra i Dalmacija is our

This is similar to Japanese lowest class people called Buraku. They were mostly butchers.

English Wikipedia has a lot of misinformation though.

Wh*Toid """"people"""", like everywhere else.

Bogans and aboriginal communities, generally speaking. Doubt I'd ever see one of them rocking a horse like that, though. I'm kind of impressed.

The Irish

N*tive wh*Tes

I thought it would be Irish Travelers.

ancient celtic warriors

That's awesome. Fucking kek.

Gyps by far

why do they have this retarded Russians haircut?

In Poland it's pic rel.


>german license plate
did he steal the car or what?

is that a man u jersey? is that safe to wear in ireland?

We have the same problem germano

Gypsies, with "perkere" or basically any middel easterner slightly about that. Its a mix of the word Perser (Persian) and Tyrker (Turk).

But Im specifically talking about the ones who dress and act like British chavs.

ayy we too amigo

its Liverpool

People don't care if you wear jerseys of teams from other countries, atleast here in Poortugal. Dunno if it's the same between Irelond and England

Brazilians as a whole are low class subhuman scums.



it is. 90% of people here are either liverpool or man u fans and wear the jerseys everywhere

Majority^ especially in countryside

Fat old sexpats

>balkan tier
I've been to your country and I've been to the Balkans. Your townies and knacker scum are 10x worse than any Balkanite. The only comparable people to your traveler gypsies are Balkan gypsies themselves.

pretty obvious that he stole it

I bet if you dropped 5 złotys on his bum it would bounce right off...


Gypsies and squatters in Rome

beautiful girl(male)

How are the beaches in Thailand?

They should be sterilized, and ban their reproduction. Fucking parasites.

Situation must really be dire over there, if girls are willing to walk around with that for money.


Honestly I don't know which is worse

hello xiang, enjoying your stay in canada?

fuck off, Sven.


Those aren't even travellers, they're "people" from a Dublin housing estate. Though granted Dubs are worse than knackers.

How do you tell them apart from Italians? Serious question

By the fact that even the swarthiest Calabrian man from the deepest of the Sila mountains actually looks like a human being and you can't smell him coming half a mile away

Gypsies, sandnigs and nigs


gypsies, slavs, muslims and despasitos


None of them look like gypsies and those guys in the photo shower more often than once a year

North should get independence. Unification was a mistake.

Well, that's a bit rude.

Gypos, Moors and Andalusians who are a mixed of the both.

Why are you so obsessed over Southern Italy? Not even the people in the Lega Nord town where I live are this negative about it, and it sure concerns us more than it does you

ayyy finland's "mannes" reporting in

I'm not sure why they all get horses. They don't even have the land to house them so instead they let the hroses wander around the council estates they live in

gypsies are like chinese, they all look the same.

Fucking gypsies

>Not even the people in the Lega Nord town where I live are this negative about it
If their town was 50 south 50 north they would, believe me
>Why are you so obsessed over Southern Italy?
I like Italy and want her to become more successful.

>let me tell you about your country, your town specifically
I thought only Americans did that

You want to tell me nobody hates the south, and terronia is the prosperous land full of opportunity? Don't kid yourself, it looks like Africa.

>You want to tell me nobody hates the south
Not to the extent you do, at best you hear snarky remarks about them being lazy
>and terronia is the prosperous land full of opportunity
Never claimed that, but it's still more prosperous than your country

If you say so, culo.

You can find shitty neighborhoods in any town, what's your point?

The point is simple: the south of Italy consists entirely of shitty neighborhoods.

And how do they get those horses?

>the south of Italy consists entirely of shitty neighborhoods
That's not true, but I guess you would call every nice looking neighborhood in the South "fake" or "mafia money mcmansion", so I'm not even gonna bother. Can't believe I would have to defend terroni online against an autistic Russian

Probably breed them from the horses they've had for generations

Italians generally dress well, are less tan, and bathe themselves. I could see spot a gyp a mile away when I went to Italy, some even wear traditional garb and shit.

>tfw some old gypsy hag told me she had bambinos to feed while I was eating gelatto
>Told her to go feed them

Wonder if she actually spoke English or not

>Can't believe I would have to defend terroni online against an autistic Russian
>Hur durr if I relocated from the south to work in the north I'm not a terr*ne anymore

>Wonder if she actually spoke English or not

But I'm not? Are you so blinded by Sup Forums memes that you cannot accept the fact that people don't really care that much about the North vs South thing anymore? Even the Lega Nord dropped that kind of rhetoric, you are more Nordist than the Nordist party, and you have never been to Italy your whole life

Not a drop, just wanted to visit Italy. I did a few online half ass classes to pick up a little Italian and picked up a few words of what she was saying.

probably rednecks. fucking hicks are ruining this country

would say somalis but since we are talking about humans, maybe leftist-anarchist