I want to go to finland for the sole reason of destroying finnish gay posters

I want to go to finland for the sole reason of destroying finnish gay posters

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I want to go to finland for the sole reason of destroying finnish gay posters boipuccies

Get the fuck out of my thread you degenerate faggot. I have had enough of nordic homosexuality on my board

Rangeban Finland when?

Nuke finland rangeban isn't enough


No need, just delete anime on sight and ban the posters



I just wanked to some desi x paki gay porn hihihihi

yeah destroying their arseholes I bet you woofter

I wish i could kill every finn from /int, most finn here are just sjw losers and cucks thrown away from other boards.

need a really thicc bf

oh that's my bf
please delete his picture x

Except not really since most anime blogposts go down within an hour of being created, you fucking autistic faggot.



ironic that the guy below the animoo and pepe is finnish.

>all this butthurt


Disgusting homo trash keep your fagshit autism out of my thread and neck yourself

No you.

cute thread

Your cancer is infecting my country

I want to go outside for the sole reason of destroying finnish gay posters

The plan is proceeding...

>implying we go outside

Based paki or gay paki?

If the former you are homo man

I want to go to finnish gay poster's homes for the sole reason of destroying finnish gay posters


>this amount of butthurt


mmmm paki boipucci chai boi

There's a whole board dedicated to your autism fuck off there


And what would that be?

who was in the wrong here? i.4cdn.org/hm/1505492821581.webm

Hard question. Probably the one on the left.


In ancient Rome, homosex wasn't inherently gay. As long as you penetrated something, it was totally cool, but once you were penetrated, you were a faggot. If we apply this notion here, the guy that's giving the blowjob is at fault.

I'm not trans.

Is there a hierarchy with gays, like do they look down at the "bottoms" and call them faggots? I don't understand male homosex



Prove you're not gay by posting pic of your penis

>t. homo

Its also for homosexuals, shoo now

It's his bum you want

He is thiccc from high estrogen

No you.

I want to go to Pakistan because... oh wait, nobody wants to go to the bad India. Like, India itself is shotty enough and then you add Islam to it and reach a whole new level of filth.

Pakistani girls have the best feet in all of SA

not really, just banter
versatile is the master race anyway

>boipussy and atheists

>muslims and goats

Your levels of smugness can not be tolerated, cease this.

you are conflating the definition of effeminate and gay
being effeminate was looked down on, but two males having sex with each other is homosexual

>estonian thinking he can command me

Literally just sage and report him you dumb retard.

You are too late to the table. We will destroy int.

You should always listen to me, I am very wise.

post boipucci then

No, stop asking.

less anime
more porn

Neither of them is wearing those long striped socks.
That makes it gay.

The Estonian gets it.

What happened to your lithuanian boyfriend?

You are straight for big sisters after all, are you?

What on earth are you talking about? Did you just confused me with that cancerous /balt/ poster? My campaign is against all generals.

Of course. Not wanting a loving big sister would be madness.

What happened to your lithuanian boyfriend, don't troll me. I can see stuff.

Just as i said you confused me with another russian poster. I only like estonians.

That's a different russian.

Don't sexualize the estonian!


>tfw this will never happen to me

Came here to say this. Based swede

Come to Helsinki and we can cuddle.

>tfw no sub eesti bf

it's obvious that at least one of them is a janitor, because reporting their threads does literally nothing

this board is just so fucking umbelievably shit now, I hope hiro fucking nukes it and permabans every IP that has posted here within the last year

Maybe I should take a trip to Helsinki to... see the sights.

Don't make fun of me being a sub, I know it's wrong.

We will be waiting for you.

>someone saved my OC

>that filename
Refilling? What happened to the others? And are you going to get more later?
I don't think I like this plan anymore.

I'm being too nice to them. They feel my weakness, just as wild animals, and keep running away. I never hurt them, but they rarely love me back, no matter how i treat them. I hope you will love me, so you can stay with me forever.

So you don't actually love me, I'm just the next estonian you stumbled upon and decided it'll do.
I think this relationship would be unhealthy and damaging to me in the long run.
I can't afford that.

What are you saying? I clearly stated numerous times that i love you. Other estonians don't behave well, and I immediately noticed that you were different. Now i can spot you a mile away, because I follow your every step. No one will love you as much as I do, you should love me back, you have no reason not to.

Yes, you're right. A weak man like me needs someone strong to control him.
I would be very foolish not to love you back.

When are you coming then? Helsinki is a 3.5 hour drive from my place, i must be prepared.

Prepared how? That sounds a little scary.

Those are Fennoswedes fuck you you paki cunt

I want to go to finland for the sole reason of destroying finnish gay posters boipuccies

Having my van in good shape, enough gas to drive, I must also pick up Finnboy, because he wanted to meet you int the first place.

What do you mean by picking me up?

So we can meet him together, see:

Ah, I see.

Se we having an Sup Forums meetup to discuss international culture and to get to know each other better?

>you will never go to a euro sissy orgy

There will be no lewds.

aland is rightful swedish clay

This is no orgy.
And there's no sissies either. Everyone would probably just be a completely average guy.

>Everyone would probably just be a completely average guy.

Well, would look average anyway.

Like this average Estonian male?