My ancestors :)

my ancestors :)

Other urls found in this thread:

WE are your ancestors, knobhead

my ancestors :)

ı am turk

fuck you mongoloid subhuman i am greek

My ancestors

Y'all are fucking cucks

I think you'll find that the Normans were Norwegians

my ancestors :)

I think you'll find that you need to educate yourself


my ancestors :) i'm grreek

My ancestors :)

remember the 1066 gorillion



>LARPing this hard

i am greek

You are turk

you are freak

i am GREEK

albanian subhumans jealous of Greece
I am an Greek you subhumans

NO i am greek

I am gREEK

i am french

we are superior


you are algerienne

Britain is a blend of:


we are white man


t. East Anglian faggot

not at all

romans left no genetic footprint whatsoever
normans left very little either as they were the ruling class and did not mingle with the plebs

>East Anglian
try jórvík sweaty :-)

We're a subset of whites, yes

We wuz the largest empire of all time 'n' shieet

I saw something that said we shared about 40% of our DNA with the French and only about 30% of our DNA with the G*rmans

I wish... I wish so god damn much

'normands' sound pretty french to me

my ancestors :)

>normans left very little either as they were the ruling class and did not mingle with the plebs
yes, we are superior

>we shared about 40% of our DNA with the French
utter bullshit

we share our DNA with the rest of the british isles, and minimally with other germanics

french prefer to mingle with africans

the relevant part of england were tho

French girls love Anglo Saxon cock


>English genomes are a quarter German and 45 per cent French in origin

But also it says "French DNA dates from before the Norman conquests of Britain in 1066" so I'm guessing that's from Celts that settled both France and Britain.

t. ching chang small wang

t. Adam Pierre Jinping

>says the conquered country
nope lol



>I'm guessing that's from Celts that settled both France and Britain
which isn't the same as "french"

>says the conquered country

Not really
Unlike the American who romanticize British people, here we have the drunk chavs tourists who can't handle the sun so our girls know the truth

Then why do brits butcher french loanwords?

>English genomes are a quarter German and 45 per cent French in origin
You need reading lessons

This literally sums us up

That picture on the right is basically Marseille last year

literally every French girl I message on interplals says she wanted to be tagteamed by Ramsay and Jon Snow

Why is France so shit? I mean look at Ubisoft, disgusting

Guy on right looks alpha

>That picture on the right is basically Marseille last year

Those events provided good banter tbf I remember the footages of drunk fights

how were the Welsh tourists

>The average British looks like Kit Arington

I have bad news

I kinda look like him but my hair is shorter

we do japanese games n shiat

there was no such thing as france at the time, and the origin is clearly celtic

you're falling for absolute clickbait, from the dailymail of all places

remove the rabbids and it's a good game

we wuz unconquered

that's made by ubisoft milan though

Wtf tag team me now

>there was no such thing as france at the time
No such thing as Britain either, but this doesn't mean anything about our genetics you absolute fucking pleb