How many cars we need to burn, how many glasses we need to break, how many protests we need to organize in order to stop these evil rascist islamaphobic straight white males from bringing humanity back to stone age?
First is BREXIT, Second is Trump, and now this guy? Ugh! I'm literally shaking!
How many cars we need to burn, how many glasses we need to break...
Television & Film
this isn't your board, vacate the premises
Whenever I see a shit bait thread posted from a newspaper, it's always the Daily Fail, which has a 75% female readership. Peculiar, no?
I liked that movie
The JIDF is out of control tonight.
Did you just assume Geert Wilders' sexual orientation and gender?
Ugh! I'm literally shaking!
>mfw leftist want to accept muslims to their countries and at the same time advocate for LGBT and women's rights
take your bait to Sup Forums. Anyone with a brain knows islam is poison
>Let's just drop this potassium into some water and hope for he best
>>mfw leftist want to accept muslims to their countries and at the same time advocate for LGBT and women's rights
These aren't mutually exclusive. Otherwise we'd also ban Christians and Jews
Christians and Jews have come to tolerate gays and whatnot.
Muslims don't let that shit fly, no matter how much they say they're a religion of peace, they'll kick the shit out of any gays that come their way.
fuck off with your Sup Forums shit, faggot.
Dutch aren't white
>Christians and Jews have come to tolerate gays and whatnot.
Nah not really. A majority Christian country in Africa just announced they would publish a list of gays after they're thrown in jail. Bad point.
>modern libtards
>giving a shit about gays
Pic related is supposed to be the first openly gay PM of Holland but was assassinated by a leftist for the sake of (((((equality)))).
Muslims are now the top dogs of oppression olympics senpai.
Dutch are about as white as you can get.
You know things are fucked when the most anti-islam politician in Europe is an Indonesian half breed.
christianity has undergone centuries of criticism to the point where it has been liberalized and made almost irrelevant. jews are a tiny minority globally and almost all jewish "refugees" just go to israel because they can. muslims are over a billion people, their religion has not liberalised and a comfortable majority of them hate gays, with a sizeable minority believing that gays should be executed. stop comparing apples and oranges
We don't throw gays over the rooftops here in Shekeland. We even promote LGBTQWIDGAF in your countries according to Sup Forums.
Come on Sup Forums where's the counter narrative? I'm getting sick of Sup Forums posting their shit here.
t. Willem
>in africa
That shows a clear lack of understanding of history. The Ottoman Empire legalized homoexuality long before Europe did.
so why did they regress?
>Source: PRRI American Values Atlas
Christianity and Judaism doesn't have Sharia Law.
whatever, everybody will vote for VVD (conservative liberals) at the last moment anyway
Bunch of old people not agreeing with same sex marriage is not the same as excuting fags in Saudi Arabia.
When western nations started fucking in their affairs, drawing border lines, radicalized them by funding religious extremists and empowering dictators.
Saudi Arabia is irrelevant as it's a brutal dictatorship where citizens aren't given any rights or are allowed to vote. People aren't representative of their governments.
Just make Amsterdam a separate nation user! We will gladly build a wall around it!
son do like this
>SA is irrelevant
>a country where Muhammad and Islam came from.
When will Sup Forums come up with new jokes? They've been using the same ones over and over and over and over for years now, even Sup Forums is more creative. And will they ever learn about subtlety?
not my fault they sucked at WW1
Yeah because Saudi Arabia and the Ummayads and the Abassids are the same thing, right?
Yeah saudi is a backwards shithole ruled by an oppressive dictatorship I agree. What's your point
That guy probably doesn't know the slightest thing about history.
Isn't his party currently leading the polls?
the Ottoman Empire was legally secular
the Muslim countries that are problematic are the ones governed by their religious beliefs
>the Ottoman Empire was legally secular
Obviously, but it was still a vast Muslim nation just like USA are majority Christian but secular governments.
There's more to it than "reliegon bad" but yeah, basing morals of a 1000 year old book is a bad idea.