Enjoy your assult weapons while you can, rednecks.
Post YFW gunfags will lose their guns in the next decade
They banned guns, whats the next step of their master plan?
Hate speech laws.
Continue convincing that sucking the tit of the government is the only way to be safe from ourselves.
Who gives a shit about north Mexico? Let me know when this happens in a real state
California can get fucked
Worrying about gun laws in CA is like dreading when a person dies of cancer in the cancer ward.
No surprise and a lost cause. They like it that way can't be helped. The best case scenario for CA is to split that state info like 3 different states, the North ain't that bad.
>implying california is a good indicator of national politics
Commiefornia will belong to Mexico in the near future, Mexico has strict gun laws yet high gun crime so it's par for the course.
That's why I'm moving to Texas. It's basically Southern California, without the Californians.
Like pottery
CA and Mexico must pay for the wall.
Then we cut off their water. AZ's Lion Guard will move in and kill any survivors and make CA great again.
Yeah you have to make sure the libtards don't flee and proceed to wreck the border states, sure as shit they will repeat what they have done to Cali.
Fuck off, we're full.
Califags leave cali because of faggot shit and bring it with them.
well be at civil war before that
Because the list of allowed firearms was implemented across the US, right?
Because the mag capacity laws were implemented across the US, right?
Because bullet button/tool requirement for magazines was implemented across the US, right?
Because banning evil salt weapons was implemented across the US, right?
Well I guess that one DID happen, but it was in the early 90's and expired during GWB. It didn't seem to actually do anything.
California does whatever the fuck it does and sometimes it spreads and sometimes it doesn't. CCW is something that spread across most of the US, but hasn't really changed in California for decades.
>the most Mexican state becomes more like Mexico
A shocking turn of events.
In California, we passed a proposition called Prop 47. It was about reclassifying/reducing crimes with the end goal of decreasing incarceration and using the saved money towards schools, roads, etc.
Part of that proposition made the theft of anything under $950 a misdemeanor, anything over a felony.
Think about that for a second. This proposition made the theft of many firearms (since many are priced well below $950 dollars) a misdemeanor.
One of the bills Brown VETOED would have clarified on this 'missing spot' of the proposition and made the theft of a firearm, regardless of the amount, a felony. This is something that not only doesn't infringe on rights, but both sides would probably agree with. Who doesn't think the theft of a firearm should warrant a year or more in prison?
These people don't care about gun control. They only care about control.
>Implying a democracy magically overturns an aggrevated community of gun owners.
>Implying it will be democractically voted on
>Implying police force/military would enforce this.
Top kek
You can't ban the idea of the gun
>so much implying
>implying wont use superior kungfu and numbers to Fist of the North Star these fucks
>the most Mexican state
i live in fucking NEW MEXICO and i have to agree with this
California is such an embarrassment
I am sure the the lefty cuck politicians will be making a killing just like old Leland.
Fuck you commie. I was born with the second amendment and I will die with it.
I fully plan to celebrate the holiday shooting lots of 7.62x39 this weekend.
People are scared of them because they don't know about them.
It's the criminals they should be scared of
Jack up the good prices
Who cares
Can't wait for the next mass shooting to happen in that wretched state.