Explain why the fuck I can't go out and buy a fully automatic rifle?
NFA laws are a fucking disgrace.
Explain why the fuck I can't go out and buy a fully automatic rifle?
NFA laws are a fucking disgrace.
Other urls found in this thread:
>not buying a cuck AR instead
There a couple of states that say if the automatic is made in the state and stays there the government can go fuck themselves. Alaska is one of them.
assault pitchforks included.
Im completely behind you 100%
Basically, firearms with "evil" features that don't fit into the other categories. The most common example is a pistol with a vertical foregrip attached. I think OP's picture is an AOW because of some fuckery with shotguns that come from the factory without a stock.
Smoothbore pistol usually
Your supreme court or whatever just said they aren't protected under the 2nd
Which to me, reading the 2nd, is utter BS, unless you want to say they couldn't envision what we now have.
I'm sure they couldn't have envisioned fag marriage and abortion too, but you know.
Crikey mate, wrong case.
The case that you are referring to is about concealed carry.
Are Calico pistols with 100 round drum mag count on this law?
would count as a rifle
as long as the barrel is 16 inches its fine
if under its an sbr
God I love our creativity.
Just buy a hammer instead
Because they are big and scary.
amb montamda
If they are worried about crime and shootings, full auto only is safer than semi-auto
All full auto does is waste ammo and lessen accuracy. Semi auto allows well placed shots and ammo conservation.
Full auto is only good for target suppression, aka NOT hitting people but making them hide, and close quarters scenarios, where it is still only equal to semi since it will still spend ammo more.
The fact nobody points this out is astonishing. It's like they rely on Hollywood movies for gun knowledge.
Also the reason to own a full auto is FUN, something Libs can't grasp.
Live in the heart of commifornia, these new guns laws pretty much mean you gotta go to cowboy guns and shotguns. Thinking of buying a repeater and some revolvers. Got 1 more year then imma buy that shit, what about bows?
Don't forget that slide firing exists. The leftists have no arguments, just scaremongering.