ITT: Why women shouldn't be in power.
Pic related is a very, very obvious choice.
ITT: Why women shouldn't be in power.
Pic related is a very, very obvious choice.
We have been over this numerous times
Never trust something that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die
I agree
Long story follows....
Nine years ago I fly into Croatia, visiting family. Get taxi from airport into Zagreb
Cabbie asks where I'm from, oh NZ. I know NZ where the men do the dance before their sports. Tell me about NZ politics. What you have a woman leader? Women can never be leaders, they will always make mess. What you've already had two? NZ must be crazy mess of country bloody fucken.
I said really? Germany has got Merkel and she seems alright- (calm down guys remember this was 2007)
Straight away he said, 'you must listen to my words, she will make big problem for Germany. And even bigger problem for Europe . women always want to do mans work, but the never do any good. Too much feelings and crying. Only caring forbweakest people.
I switched off thinking this guys a typical but cab driver. Wtf would he know?
And ten years later, he was so freaking right.
Women are allowed to do this. But they will never succeed if we control the population enough to make them realise how weak and stupid they are. So to say a male candidate should leap towards a woman running, flip out his dick and show what being a man is about. Trump for example is doing that right now with berncuck and Hillary.
ITT: mysogynist imbeciles and cab drivers
Merkel's fine.
Nice try shlomo
>That ID
Good goy, yes Merkel is great.
No, they should not be in power. The only time it sort of works is when they think and act like men, but then why go for the substitute? Less important roles is fine though, imo.
t. culturally enriched cuck
I take it you are OK with the social reengineering experiment she is making on your country? The consequences of this can never been undone.
There's been a few decent female leaders, Thatcher, Meir come to my mind. I'm struggling to think of more though.
ID: goy
There's no experiment. There's a million refugees who are here because
- first and foremost the border states can't handle the amount even though it's their obligation
- some or all border states let the refugees pass through, even without registration
- we're an awesome country
- we have very favourable asylum laws and the means to support asylums, unlike Greece or Hungary for example
- the other EU member states are whiny morons or led by racist scum who won't take any refugees and help the border states and their partners in the EU
- we relieved our neighbour Austria even if we didn't have to
It was an act of solidarity on the EU level and humanitarian level.
I know you don't understand any of this because you're uneducated filth with no compassion, so go ahead and cry >muh race while we're being pretty awesome.
10/10 troll
Merkel is a placed former commie drone who simply follows the globalists instructions. You are head on retarded if you think that she acts on her free will
>Merkel's fine
>There's no experiment.
I might as well throw in the US, Turkey and Russia fucking up in regards to Syria.
I see a professsional state official and a yellow muppet clown who's not gonna be president of the US. :^)
Merkel did nothing wrong.
Yeah, no shit. Merkel wouldn't even be able to run for president of the US.
We should have more traps in power to make people think its women.
Whenever someone says Merkel is a good leader i always think of the video of Her tossing the German flag in what looks like disgust.
What's even the backstory to that?
>that ID
She was literally East-German stasi and was trained from childhood to loath nations and to fight for a one-world communist state.
Lmfao. I cant wait to hang you from a tree
She has done more harm to her country than Hitler ever did.
Germany was a mistake
The German people must be exterminated once and for all
That solidarity is getting you laughed at by everyone who isn't on the jews' short leash, Hermann
It's not her style, plain and simple. We don't do circus politics like the burgers do.
>Talking this nonsense while your country is literally failing
>Defending rapefugees over Europe and your European neighbors
>Talking about humanitarian efforts while German women are being raped on a biblical scale
>Talking about compassion while Germans are physically assaulted every single day
Germany stopped being awesome in 1945. The (((Left))) really fucked your head up.
All they had to do was send them to a camp in North Africa, and they would stop coming because there is no incentive.
Instead, Merkel decided that she wanted the country flooded with foreign people. It could have all been easily stopped, but they didn't want to.
>holding your nation's flag is 'circus politics'
Cleo "fuck my shit up and we waz not kangz" patra, surely a prime example.
Pretty much. I mean, what for? We don't have a flag fetish.
Apparently you need to have a yard long flag pole up your ass shaking it too, huh?
Yeah I still wonder where the massive scale ficki ficki went which was promised for us by pol imbeciles, or the gazillion more refugees forecasted by angsty pale pol morons.
Guess what, both isn't happening.
Do Germans say yard? Or is this a GI in an American military base trolling?
Because you are proud of your country?
Shills/trolls are pathetic.
Pretty sure Merkel's proud of her country even without waving a mini flag. It's not her style and Gröhe annoyed her.
Why shouldn't Germans say yard except for yard being a retarded measuring unit?
Shitposting skills: 0/10
Autism: weapons grade/10
Overall, you're a disgrace to your heritage.
It still pisses me off thinking about what the 3rd Reich could have done for Europe.
I guarantee you it would be in a much better condition than now.