What did the writer of the Harry Potter series mean by this?
What did the writer of the Harry Potter series mean by this?
Sup Forums is dead. gonna mosey on over to one of the other chans.
Fuck off
it's a good thing on one gives a fuck what she thinks.
she should take her billions and fuck off.sage
Does JK Rowling use Sup Forums? She's definitely a redditor
this desu
She's just a hack trying to stay relevant.
You sound butthurt
>incompetent joke
>won the US presidential election
>channers support him because of this, not because he isn't pc
Leftists are so fucking retarded.
post-irony has gone too far.
Hi JK! We're not racists, we're a website of peace.
>Sup Forums is now electing presidents
i love this timeline
she only has one billion, iirc
actually surprising considering how popular harry potter was
>Thousands of people follow me on Twitter for Harry Potter related tweets but instead I'm going to use it to have half baked political rants.
how is that surprising? she was literally the first author to even make a billion dollars on their books EVER.
I want to live to be 100 just to see what historians will make of this time
She donated most of her money to charity. She's not even a billionaire anymore. Maybe that's what Trump should consider. He claims to be a man of the people. Prove it.
>hurr durr people can't use their fame to promote political ideas I don't agree with hurr durr
Just like Sup Forums
why would giving his money to a charity who would probably waste it make him a man of the people?
its not her place to promote political ideas, she doesnt know jack shit about politics
it's not just books, though, it's an entire franchise with movies, videogames, etc
the last movie alone had $1.342 billion box office acording to wikipedia
Isn't it interesting the educated, intelligent people seem to be condemning Trump? Whereas people with limited eduction and low intellect seem to be praising him? Really makes you think.
>getting political guidance from a kids book writer.
kinda like getting medical advice from Stan Lee.
you're a fucking retard.
Just like Sup Forums then, alright.
another old lady believes everything she reads online
just like cher
>every book ive written without this identity has bombed
she is trying to train me to read stephen king
as opposed to the unwashed masses you represent which clearly do
I think your getting confused with educated people and people who part of the globalist community
Do you think these retarded leftist commentators and pundits and celebrities who say "Sup Forums did X" have ever browsed this site? I mean, they surely must have at least once, right? What do you think they make of it. I often wonder if those bait comments people will sometimes leave like "umm..so you guys aren't really racist, right?" aren't really bait comments at all, instead they're left by the sort of left wing turds who will come here once then leave
jk rowling was a highschool teacher single mom living on welfare before harry potter, dude
Kek what utter cunt gibberish. I'm sure the host of a reality show is such a mastermind of global politics though, right? Hell, maybe one day someone like that could run for president.
>tfw you will never be an 8th grade educated coal miner
Reminder that Trump won college educated whites.
I mean, weren't the dumbest demographic of all (niggers) also the most likely to vote against Trump? And didn't Trump win in the college-educated whites demographic? Really does make me think
>Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect
>but she still has more money than I ever will waaah
Sup Forums literally anally fissured
>going to college means you're smart
1. It's not her country. She should butt out
2. even her own people are sick of the shit leftism has brought down on the civilized world. That's why they voted BREXIT.
I keep hearing about how retarded "college kids" are from the trump fans.
> implying a high school teacher isn't intelligent
>implying a women who wrote the most successful book franchise of all time isn't intelligent
> I'm sure the host of a reality show
I mean, it's not like the guy was a successful multimillionaire before that or anything... in fact a businessman like Trump who has experience dealing with every facet of civil society is probably the most qualified demographic to run the government and give their views on the state of the world, not some dumb scottish bint who writes about magic and potions for 5 year olds
How far you planning on moving the goalpost
What went so fucking wrong?
It's weird to think that some user fiddled in Paint for 10 minutes to slap swastika on a Pepe image to get a cheap (You), and it ended up influencing presidential elections in United States
Well she's an unironic libtard so that automatically disqualifies her
They voted Brexit because of actual fake news. Not the 'I don't agree with what you're saying so you're fake news' that that Orange cunt keeps spouting.
>as sad as it's troubling
is that correct grammar? It makes sense but it looks odd
JK pls buy Sup Forums and shut it down
I can also be a successful multimillionaire if I inherit a few million.
Such is the will of KEK.
>influencing presidential elections in United States
nigga u srs?
>im more portanter than you because monies whaaa
that frogposter really got to her