Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte tells people to 'go ahead and kill' drug addicts

>The strongman president of the Philippines has told people to “go ahead and kill” drug addicts.

>Former lawyer Rodrigo Duterte was only sworn in at the end of June but has already incited the killing of large numbers of criminals, in particular drug traffickers.

>The controversial figure is known for his hardline stance on crime, with his favoured position to simply kill people he regards as lawbreakers. During his time as mayor of Davao city, once crime ridden but now peaceful, he gained a reputation for being involved in extra-judicial killings.

>It appears his presidency could be marked by the same trait. Just after his inauguration, he told an audience in a Manila slum: “If you know of any addicts, go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful.”
Sup Forums druggies BTFO

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He's still a socialist fag

wew lad
thats a eastern aproach on 'war on drugs'

Sometimes democracy needs to be bathed in blood.

>kill em all without a chance of defense

Kim Jong Un is smiling

>Philippines - In the first two days of the Duterte presidency, at least 12 suspected drug traffickers and users were killed while more than 700 drug users surrendered in the cities of Taguig, Pasay and San Juan. Duterte promised during the campaign that he would have drug traffickers killed because they destroyed families and the country’s future.

>From Thursday when he assumed office until yesterday morning, eight drug suspects were killed in Bulacan, two in Cavite, one in Manila and another in Ilocos.

>Meanwhile, at least 362 drug users voluntarily surrendered yesterday to the Taguig City Police to get rehabilitated as the city police rolled out its “Oplan Tokhang.”

One of those who surrendered, 63-year-old Romeo Evangelista of Baragay Bagumbayan, said he decided to seek rehabilitation following the advice of Duterte.

“This is my chance to change. I am not afraid of what the President said because I really want to change,” he said. “I am ashamed. I did not try other vices. I don’t know why at this age I learned to use illegal drugs. I had prioritized it over the food for my family.”

>In Pasay City, at least 300 drug users and pushers surrendered to Pasay City police.

The Dangerous Drugs Board admitted yesterday that there is a need to address the readiness of facilities for the hundreds of drug users and pushers who surrendered, but the DDB considers it as a “happy problem.”

At present, there are 45 residential treatment and rehabilitation facilities in the country, 18 of which are government while 27 are privately owned. There are also one government and two private out-patient centers.

DDB chairman Felipe Rojas Jr. promised that the government would continue to work hard to provide appropriate services and interventions to the patients.

“Drug users coming to us and voluntarily submitting themselves to treatment and rehabilitation is a welcome change,” he added.

Judge Duterte. Someone get him a Judge helmet.

Damn dude!

Honorary aryans and such...

Its retty bananas, where does it end? Go ahead and kill the obese, and the people who snore and peiple who put the roll on backwards.

But w/e its his country.

Smart - Kill the demand right at the source, and the suppliers won't have buyers

Simple, crude, yet effective

i kinda like his stance on journalists, although coming from a government official that is not ethical

Based. Addicts are starting to encroach on my small town and chimp out. They all need to be gassed desu, it's a virus.

It's not gonna do shit except make the drug traffickers more hardcore. All this shit sure is working in Mexico right?

The Philippines are the Mexico of Asia so I wont be surprised when we see some gooks with their faces ripped off on the street.

Rodrigo "La Muerte" Duterte.

> During his time as mayor of Davao city, once crime ridden but now peaceful ...

Good for Philippines. He's old school when it comes to drug addicts but so is the USA.

Buy some body armour online, get a steel pipe, wait for them to get all fucked up, break their skulls.

I fucking hate how Filipinos share the same last names with Mexicans
[spoiler]It makes people assume I'm a spic, I'd rather be an island gook than a spic[/spoiler]

>Sup Forums legitimately cheering this on
you're all horrendously frightening NEET authoritarians

>non spoiler board
I need to stop hanging around those other places.

He's like the cop from Only God Forgives

Fucking madman

>that filename

mein siden

>forgetting Sup Forums is satire

Fucking nice

Agreed. It's going to just make dealers become violent.
On another note: encouraging the citizens to just go out and kill people for doing something you disagree with is absolutely insane. I understand taking a tough approach to crime, but do it through the courts instead of acting like savages.
This is no different than an Islamic leader telling their people to go out and kill people who don't abide by Shariah.

No one can stop this bath of blood.

authoritarian governments are only good as long as I share the same beliefs!

Why do you think Sup Forums is so pro fascism?

Don't the Philippines have several muslim insurgencies as well a basically non existent army? Shit seems like it could really hit the fan there with this guy in charge.

It's weird. He's kind of an evil guy but I like him also. He's like a necessary evil.

>spike someone's drink
>kill them
It's ok, guys! He was an addict. President said I am allowed to do this.

>he said from the safety and comfort of his suburban home
Imagine for a moment if this had happened earlier in the US and normally law-abiding white citizens were given the opportunity to rampage through ghettos killing criminal blacks. Do you really think things would be any worse than they are now? Or do you suppose that blacks only respond to violence and would have learned to behave?

Hardcore poor
Hardcore unsold stock

>Things that can only happen in a country with gun control

You can blame Spain for that

>His ingenious idea of telling his countrymen to kill all "junkies" will never backfire

>Asian drug kingpins wont take this as a threat for all out war

People always find a way to sell drugs. You'll never stop it.

It doesnt matter that it would be better, this shit is ridiculous and we don't do that shit in the civilized white world.

Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte tells people to 'go ahead and suck my dick'

Yes. They have problems with Insurgents and other groups of revolutionaries.

No because killing doesn't solve the problem. It will just create resentment and further violence. Then even if you eliminate one "problematic" group, the focus will shift to another, until you're in the targeted group. I do not support fascism in any form. If someone does something wrong then let them be brought to court and be put on trial.

Duterte made his city great again, and now he's going to make the country great too. all you pussyboi stoners ITT who are butthurt because he's purging drug addicts need to get a reality check

>can rape children for money
>but drugs are illegal

fucking rice field, you can suck up the sewage you filthy junkie.

There will only be more violence among the druglords if they feel that the money they were making it worth the trouble. If it's not, and it most likely isn't, they'll move on.

Sounds like the life of an American politician

Fascism is a buzzword.

>implying corruption of power doesn't exist in court and law

Just look at Hillary and you will realized how fucked is your justice system. Before you judge pinoy president. Maybe look at your own fucking country.

And Filipino, which might be what makes him as violent as the most violent Moro Liberation Front Fanatic

Sign this, Sup Forums:

It's blood bath.

With how much it's thrown around it can be. But in this situation of a leader encouraging mob-mentality, extrajudicial killing of people he disapproves of, to "improve the nation"- it fits.

I imagine the whole country is just like "The Purge" right now.


>No because killing doesn't solve the problem
That's true when suppressing a minority, because they can't surrender their identity, but drug users CAN submit to rehabilitation.

If life is really that cheap in Philippine society, then maybe this is a beneficial policy.


wake me up when the jews are gettin shoah'd

>plebbit pothead junkies getting buttblasted

stay mad tbj
degeneracy shouldn't be tolerated

A buzzword is a buzzword.
When you say it's fascism all you're saying is that it's bad and you don't like it. If the word has ANY meaning it's ''this is bad and I don't like it''.

What if other people do like it? What if your opinion isn't fact and other people think this solves more problems than it creates? Is it still ''fascism''? And if this is fascism, is taxation and a police force fascism?
If a president says that you have the right to kill someone in self-defense is that fascism? Where's the line exactly? I think the line is ''I don't like this one, so it's fascism''.

sounds like you don't really know what fascism is.

>But in this situation of a leader encouraging mob-mentality, extrajudicial killing of people he disapproves of, to "improve the nation"- it fits.

sounds a lot like Khmer Rouge and many other communist/socialist movements, hardly exclusive to fascism, learn your history faggot

>Implying some drug lords are anything upon the government and the people
>Implying they can't just keep killing the stoners and dealers

I shiggy diggy

We are not discussing the American system.
No system is perfect and corruption will always exist, but some systems are inherently better than others. And this system of a leader encouraging citizens to kill people like they're vigilantes is pretty much on the bottom of things that should be acceptable in a modern society. At that point the Filipinos should just hand over control to the Islamists.

Nowadays the communists are seen as fascists too. The word has completely changed and all it means is ''I don't like it''. That's all it is.

Nowadays we can call lefties who attack Trump fascists, and it fits perfectly because the meaning of the word has changed.

Saving pictures on your computer of girls you don't know is degeneracy. Off to the camps you go.

Thank you, but I prefer it my way.

They can't submit to rehabilitation when the President is giving people free reign to go out and kill them.

700 of them already did.

wat gun is that? looks like ar and ak had a baby

>not having a dedicated MEW ssd

stay pleb


This. End of story.
For all of the shit we've done white people still value life above all else.
This is how we created societies worth living in.
Killing a problem should be reserved for more direct and immediate threats.
Drug abuse can be molded in a way to make it useful.
Making use of things is what white people do best.

I hope he comes up here and becomes President in 2024.
We have too many degenerate druggies plaguing this country.

>The best thing to do in order to eradicate drugs is to make the pusher and runner sing their boss and pnp protector.. Killing pusher and runner will make druglord get away with it... Sino ang magtuturo sa kanila...

This person made a good point.

well done anons

Not just 700. It's just 700 in a day he took power. prior to that, many drug users and peddlers are surrendering since the end of may. I rekon it's on 10k to 13k now.

Stop doing drugs and selling them, or die. It's simple, really. Watch drug abuse plummet.

fags have no time to look up the numbers and statistics, they're too busy blazing up and bitching about how Duterte is a fascist shitlord

Bloofthirsty monster, savage. Unrepentant scum.

I am only going by the confirmed numbers. Sure, it's higher than that by now.

Or lower.

Not an argument

Masturbation is degenerate.

Looking at any woman who isn't your wife and having sexual urges towards them is absolutely degenerate.

Off to the camps you go, degenerate trash.

Don't even try to argue this with me, you are everything that's wrong with modern society, you filthy animal, and you deserve immediate death without trial.

t. junkie

masturbation is healthy

Saying "not an argument" isn't an argument either my man.

It's actually funny. I have no fucking idea why the policed stepped up their shit when he's about to be in power.

Many speculators are asking why now? given the whole fucking Flipside is infested with drugs since and they didn't do shit. I'm actually happy walking around during the night a little bit of ease in my mind knowing the city is fucking clean.

>Convert to Islam or die. It's simple really. Watch immoral behavior plummet.

It is a refutation of a pretend-argument though.

>masturbation is healthy
t. degenerate and sexual deviant

Into the ovens you go.

His methods will be succesful and it will lead to a huge amount of butthurt

Excellent reference Sup Forums would love that guy

>and it fits perfectly because the meaning of the word has changed
No they fit the original meaning as well mate

enjoy your prostate cancer

Low IQ bait

It doesn't matter.

Anything is better than being a filthy degenerate piece of trash such as yourself.

Your ilk shouldn't be tolerated in any healthy society.

There's nothing wrong with this. It doesn't take long to remove the undesirables from society. A few weeks of violence at most.

This is what the day of the rope is going to look like Sup Forums... you memed it.

>pilak does this kind of shit
>based pinoy, stongest race
>malaysia does this kind of shit
>fucking savage muslims, legalize drug now, more proof muslims cant assimilate with western values

fucking hypocretes all of you

So they are part of the nationalistic fascist party? Are they Italian? Do they oppose Marxism and Liberalism?

Fuck off, retard.

>civilized world
Are you trying to tell me their little gook island is civilized?

>This is no different than an Islamic leader telling their people to go out and kill people who don't abide by Shariah.

No, these two things are different.

If anons in this thread aren't convincing enough, this is one of those things that you need to see for yourself how it works IRL

So he's basically lefty Trump x 10?

I have no qualms witchu malayanon. actually, dutdut was inspired to do this shit because of you guys.

Most westerners here assumed that islam= jihadists, I guess. I think we are the only catholic country in SEA, no?

Except Fascism is a description and has a meaning you fucking retard. Saying something is a "buzzword" isnt an argument against its meaning unless youre going to follow it up with your opinion, fag. We all know what someone means when they say "fascist." At least on this board. SJWs will probably call everything fascist, but here we recognize it as a strict authoritarian form of government. Cant wait to hear your argument for it user, this should be funny.

Pretty much, but Islam is not a perfect system so I reject it. What we have going on is far superior to the niggerish brainwashing of Islam, for now.