ITT: Simpsons characters and their respective boards

>Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forums


I thought Jeffery was representative of all of Sup Forums




>implying he isnt Sup Forums as well

>Sup Forums


the correct answer is sideshow bob because he's republican.


Sup Forums

Sup Forums

>Sup Forums

Is Mcbain kino?

Hes more Sup Forums than Sup Forums seeing as Sup Forums doesnt actually read comics.

Comic Book Store Guy actually watches movies and reads comics and he likes asian women

na that's /fa/

>not /fit/


Sup Forums


Sup Forums

Sup Forums



Yeah man if there's one thing kids LOVE it's mid century free-form jazz

Thanks Matt

more like Sup Forums

He's also /tg/

I don't know if you've seen the show or not, but Lisa is not an average kid.

Is this from a later season? This just looks fucking terrible. They only did this to show the writers googled some jazz artists and drew them in the simpsons style

sideshow bob would hate trump tho





He is Sup Forums
Moe is /k/

Also /tg/


>not /hm/

what the fuck is wrong with you?

you are both wrong. it's Cecil who is /k/


Why would Cecil be /k/

Herman owns a fucking gun store and war memorabilia

He's a fucking insane gun nut

>not /lit/


>Anyone but McBain

Puhleese proceed mit der whining und pleading vor merci

>/k/ is someone who even semi-frequently uses firearms in real life non-simulated situations that require the use of firearms

No /k/ is the kind of people who would make a multi gun and is waiting for his dog to cough a couple of time to put it down.


>not /asp/

Moe is /r9k/

Cecil is so /k/ cause /k/ is just weapons in general. He knows how to use a gun and uses explosives.


Lisa has been into jazz since the first season. She's not meant to be a normal kid.


Knowing how to use basic guns makes you a fud, not a /k/ommando. A kommando uses .50 cal for home defense and home made napalm for squirrel hunting.

there are too many zombie episodes featuring on frinkiac

>implying Sideshow Bob is not Trump incarnate
>Has crazy hair
>Strawman republican
>Has a wife from another country in europe
>Has a son

>has a son
truly evil

>A son that will eventually walk in his evil foot steps.


Sup Forums


>realizing season 10 is funny





>trump writing tweet
>"ah, le mot juste"

newfags don't remember /z/

>pump double barreled shotgun


He shoots the double barrel shotgun three times during the funk dancing for self defense class.


Sup Forums

You have a point there.

>Sup Forums

>Sup Forums



free choice



Why do normalfags keep saying that the McBain clips form a movie? They clearly don't. Its like taking 20 Arnold movie clips, putting them end to end and then saying they form a movie.

Wasn't there a compilation picture like this floating around?


McBain is Sup Forums because all of his lines are memequips


>not /s/

Can we proceed to posting rule 34?


Barriaga is the GOAT

It was the forst post-meme

>Sup Forums

t. (pic related)

>I consider myself politically correct and his views make me feel uncomfortable
>that Quimby ad
Sideshow Bob Roberts is underrated

Dare to dream, user.

Sup Forums

old simpsons would have had joke covers


Comic Book Guy is far more Sup Forums than he is Sup Forums.

No way man

Think about it. He's a tax payer, works his ass off, and his country rewards the lazy. He's frustrated that he isn't where he needs to be.

I can't dispute that. Besides, Sup Forums is more than just one faction, so it having various representatives makes sense.


what board is this?