Lets sort out the Men from the muzzies - user, how do you feel about Israel?
Lets sort out the Men from the muzzies - user, how do you feel about Israel?
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it sucks.
Im American and dont know enough about anything outside my borders to have an opinion. Or care.
fuck the lot of them
Before Israel, we didn't have enemies in the Middle East.
Throw the merchant out of your homes.
they stole my foreskin, nukem till they glow
Every fucking time
so the part in the koran about muzzies taking over the world is to do with Israel?
behead yourself and save us all the bother of ending your worthless muzzie life
paleoshit detected. Why they give you passports instead of executing you I will never know
Genocidal apartheid regime.
So pretty based.
What it teaches is that goys are dindus.
Considering we're 15 points below the average Ashkenazim, and they're holy book says they weren't picked by God, it's not an outrageous claim.
>JIDF still trying to push their failed psyops on Sup Forums
Why do you faggots even try?
oh look, its gaynada
not this again, Shlomo Bin Kike
Why are you shilling so hard for Israel you kike?
This is embarrassing
for you, abdullah. Don't get triggered
whatever you say, juden
>tfw rabbis never got to eat my foreskin and drink my blood.
well, I wouldn't want to embarass you, by, pointing out for example, that paleoshit women orgasm when their worthless products of incest die. Look at her face. She is cumming harder than that time her uncles ran a train on her for her 3rd birthday
Cut off all financial and military support. Fuck 'em. Let them fight their own wars.
M-merchant, no, I didn't mean it like that!
JIDF thread confirmed
I hate those insects as much as the next guy, and I love my country, but your shilling is still embarrassing. You don't even do it right
You're a faggot mate
they all have to go back
no better than the rest of the middle east
Why are camels the submarines of gaza?
They’re full of palestinian semen!
Its a somewhat nationalist country for single cultural group. On top of that they're anti-muslim.
Should be an okay country, shame its full of jews.
Always wearing fucking blue jeans. Honestly, watching the hoards flood into Europe really showed me how much of our cloths the Jews donated to the third world to replace their loin cloths.
Eh. I don't paricularly give a shit about what they do. From what I've seen in passing I'd say they're definitely being little shits about the whole Palenstine thing, but the only reason I pay them mind at all is because the fundiefags here will loterally always vote to funnel sheckles over there to protect the promised land or whatever bullshit the priests are peddeling nowadays.
our greatest ally desu senpai
Q: What do you call a palestinian who owns a camel and a goat?
A: Bisexual
they shot that guy for trying to check em'!?
damn we hot
this.. really doesn't bother me mate I'm not a pali
we're not that bad :(
we're not globalists or bankers, we don't want arabs in Europe or any form of communism anywhere
hell nearly all jews that fuck europe up with fag diversity and rapefugee immigrants say that Israel is fascist state and that's why they refuse to live in it
Q: whats the difference between a truck full of dead palestinian babies and a truck full of bowling balls?
A: The bowling bowls are hard to pick up with a pitchfork
Combat veteran here. Explosive detection k9, oif 07-08. I support Israel and would die for them. Not kidding and I don't care if you disagree.
Bottom line is they hate arab muslims, and I do too. If I wasnt fucked up physically I would go join their army to kill more Arabs. I'm 100% serious.
if you unironically support israel, you're joining them in the ovens.
Q: Why are there only 2 pallbearers at a palestinian funeral?
A: There's only 2 handles on a garbage can
Q: What do you call a bus with 2 palestinians falling off a cliff?
A: A waste, you could have fit at least 50 in the bus
disgusting how they parade around their human shields after getting blown up
>Reminder that Jews control the US Federal Reserve, government, corporations, Ivy Leagues, banks, and media.
>Reminder that Netanyahu said this, youtube.com
>Reminder that Israel knowingly killed American soldiers and sold confidential US documents to the Russians
>Reminder that billions of your American tax dollars go to Israel
You're the Jews bitch, burger boy.
Q: When's the only time you should wink at a palestinian?
A: When aiming
G-d bless the US Marines. More Israeli than 90% of Tel Aviv
Q: Whats the difference between a gazan and yoghurt?
A: Yoghurt has a culture
The filthy kikes killed my kebab shop owner's family with missiles. Fucking pseudo-arabs think they're better because they aren't mudslimes. I'd take a halal muzzie over a nasty kike any day
little girl is standing on top of a cliff, looking down at the sea and crying her eyes out. A imam approaches and says, "My child, why are you so upset?"
The little girl turns to him and says, "My mummy and daddy were in their car -- and it just rolled over the cliff and smashed on the rocks down there."
The imam slowly looks around him while unbuttoning his pants and says, "It's just not your day, is it?"
USAF K9, not marine corps. And I don't give a fuck about your stupid fucking pictures. One less arab muslim in the world is a good thing.
They got nice grills and I respect their right to exist.
Jews in america and Europe though are mostly awful.
Israel are like a post-op tranny, they shouldn't exist, but we made it happen with technology and now they want to be treated like a real human, when really they are a fucking mutilated abomination.
I got no problem with Jews. They are people with a different view on reality. But Israel isn't a real country. I am not too worried though, more moderate voices have been gaining traction there, the middle class is starting to question the common narrative. So hopefully before long there is at least a reduced state of war mongering. However, it is unlikely to occur before Palestine is wiped off the map.
I actually feel sorry for common Israelis and American dual citizens. They are raised to believe that their recent ancestors were shoah'd and that they are living in a time when all their neighbors want them to be shoah'd "again". They are forced into service, armed by the US military, and forced to commit atrocities against civilians. Their culture reflects their need to do this, which is why, ironically, they have become much like NatSoc Germans during the 30's-40's. They are so desperate to maintain this illegitimate country that they will commit acts of terror on allies soil to lure other nations into conflicts that aid their cause, i.e. the maintenance of the zombie state of Israel.
Q. How do you separate Muslim Men from Muslim Boys?
A. With a crowbar
Q: What did Mohammed say to his father-in-law when Aisha turned 10?
A: I’ll swap you a ten for two fives
that's okay bro we still love you.
The retard kikes should have claimed Madagascar when they had the chance but no muh holy land
do you actually believe me to be a Muslim or Muslim sympathiser?
you stupid illiterate kike
Greatest ally, killing mudshits, great science/technology etc.
Literally doing god's work.
I know, neither of us asked for this, I'm just mad about how entrenched we are in your situation (yearly shekels, NYPD has branch in Israel, ire of batshit Islam) because of the diaspora.
God wants all the kikes dead
it will be the capitol of a new world order.
I don't even particularly harbour any ill-will against the Jews, but dumping a shitton of angry ones in the middle of an already chaotic and tense diplomatic situation was a terrible, terrible idea.
A palestinian woman has just given birth to a little girl.
The father asks the doctor how long it will be before he can have sex.
The doctor says, “For fuck’s sake, Abdul, at least wait until the child can walk
A Muslim father is in the bath with his 3-year-old son.
Child: “Daddy, why is my willy different from yours?”
Father: “Well son, for a start, yours isn’t erect
The sooner they wipe out mudslimes the better.
Kill yourself. Israel has no right to exist. Why the fuck do we pander to superstitious fanatics?
Little Ahmed: “Ema, ema, can I lick the bowl clean?”
Mother: “No, just flush it like everyone else
He's kissing his dead child goodbye, you autistic retard.
kek'd hard m8
Q: What does a Muslim do when the dishwasher stops working?
A: He smacks her across the face
Q: What’s the difference between an onion and a Muslim’s wife?
A: The husband cries when he cuts up an onion
Q: What’s the difference between a Muslim woman and a basketball team?
A: The basketball team showers after four periods
>Pan Jewry
The biggest meme of all time
>shills shilling shills.
What gives a nation a right to exist? The question is too difficult to answer without either giving Israel the moral right to exist or taking away the rights of other nations to exist. They know this.
"By wise counsel shalt thou make thy war"
But Levi, don't you know memes are real in MMXVI?
Whats the difference between a Jew and a Pizza ?
The pizza doesn't scream in the oven
>muzzies or jews
>pick one
that's a false dichotomy, muslims are our enemies; that doesn't make jews our friends
I don't give shit about Palestine, jews are filth for unrelated reasons
two faced
>constant worry from a mad Palestinians chimpout
>houses or apartments cost a life or a Two
>"religious" jews are rats
>arabs get an uphand in universitys because they cheat on theres bagruts plus get a lower passing grade to go to universitys
>nignogs aliya
>soon a poo in loo aliya
>the next war will be a genocide
>i live to pay bills
Q: What do you call a man who performs abortions on muslim women?
A: A Crime Stopper
I'm even American and this offends me.
A Muslim walks into a bar.
No-one survived the blast
By abortion you mean to stone to death.
>If you support Israel, you're a man; if you don't, even though you're not a Mudslime, you're a subhuman Mudslime
Nice try, Schlomo.
Isn't that a muslim divorce?
Two birds with one stone
Spurred on by the attacks in Bangladesh, Muslim terrorists have stormed the streets of Paris and are shooting anyone who isn't a Muslim.
Police fear the death toll could go as high as 12
haha was thinking the exact same thing
Nuke all the middle east Israel included
Q: What is the most popular kids show in the Middle East?
A: Dora the Exploder
Q: What do you call a Muslim stripper?
A: youseen memuff
you havent made a single argument, there for you are shitposting.
I can't comprehend why people waste the time opposing Israel. Israel could stomp out every Palestinian in under an hour. They've got all the resources to win and can hurt anyone who stands in the way of their goals.
It's like choosing to back some annoying 5'2 autistic middle school child in a fight against a 6'6 college boxing champion. Palestine will lose from now until the end of time because they are simply deficient in IQ and every other area. There's no point supporting them to "oppose the Jew" because the Jews could KO them in one punch.
i actually agree.
But the way i see it, its subhumans vs subhumans.
I only hate them because they take our AID money and turn it into muh shekels. When the fuck are they gonna stand tall on their own?
Jews and Muslims aren't men, they're demons
I don't really have anything positive to say.
However, I will admit you motherfuckers have some serious balls to set up shop surrounded by people who want to kill you.
Israelis are great when they stay in Israel, kind of like arabs in that sense.
Who dis?
A ruski woth fake titz