Which race would you mix with other than your own
None, no dysgenic traits in my bloodline.
I would fuck but I would not marry.
I'd mix with any race as long as they're hot.
intelligence, talent and beauty matters more than race
would instamix with qt slav
thats not the fucking question you idiot.
She can get pregnant even on a 1 night stand.
I myself would fuck everything.
No such thing called pollution when making babies.
The darker they are, the uglier.
Nips, Slavs, Hispanics, no negroes.
and you are a redneck racist moran
you too
>The darker they are, the uglier.
>>i don't think that's true.
But, to each his own.
with whites
your mom
your mom
Chinese, Japanese, Jewish, or pure blooded Aryan. There are no better options.
A sexy Latina
Hesitant on Asian as I don't want to create a supreme gentleman
OR an Asian qt
gf is hispanic and native. no fucks given
Caucasian traps are pretty cool.
Women are for betas and faggots at this point.
Anyone that has blue or green eyes.
So still only white people I guess.
This is why Australia has problems.
This is why "white Americans" are not 100% white.
Dont put your dinger where it doesn't belong you disgusting excuse for a man.
Eastern Negroid.
Already married to a half Scottish half Somaili girl to be quite honest.
Dominating a nigress is one of the biggest turn-on for me. Too bad niggers were banned from entering my little %12 white country since the times of the colony until the 90's (when Bill Clinton forced us to change that law or the US wouldn't give us gibs)
>posting on Sup Forums
Sounds dysgenic as fuck actually
she's white moron. a white latina
It's honestly my life's goal to fuck a girl from each race.
That said Dominican girl.
post pics of the mongrel, please
Do you know who that is? I'm conducting research right now and may need to source it for future publication
Jewish. I would sadly betray my race for a nice piece of Jewess ass. Probably wouldn't marry/breed with her unless she was Ashkenazi with high IQ.
That implies you'll ever breed
What race likes vidya, sports, outdoor stuff, and into some fetishes? I assume some asian one, but afaik they only do some of that. Already white, so I can't say iceland perhaps or some country-urban like place.
no, there are standards to beauty
It really is sad that they are the best "women" that society has to offer. Im anti LGBT but I'm seriously considering changing my viewpoint due to modern feminist horseshit.
>Buying into the trap meme
Yes, good goy
I'm not even going to breed, but OP put out a hypothetical.
>>there are standards to beauty
It depends on your own standards not others.
Whites ;)
Fuck off, kike.
Traps suck in reality dude i've met real ones and they're dysfunctional and more inclined to cause drama than a regular woman
no there are general standards of beauty
Let me give you one: symmetry
ill probably marry a rich asian girl
White or Asian.
This is degenerate
And this is just plain stupid.
I would.
>intelligence matters more than race
If you meet the intelligent ingress unicorn, be aware that she would be considered an extreme by nigger standards. Your kids would end up being more average. So, you'd still end up with kids dumber than the average white kid. gg, mate.
Black only obviously.
It's the only real choice.
Your kids will be low test. Why would you reproduce with a Mongolian Spanish rape baby?
Is El Salvador considered a rare flag?
I'm mexican, honestly I love black women. Since I'm not white Sup Forums probably doesn't care. I just love how they fucking ride my dick.
>bringing more self loathing hapa kids into this world
>And this is just plain stupid.
Latina, Slav or Scandinavian.
I am black, so some blond blue eyed Aryan beauty. Fuck, I am getting hard just thinking about it.
An Honorable Aryan obviously.
admit you're a fag and choke yourself to death on cock.
>I am black
Not since I became a regular poster earlier this year
Probably any race apart from 100% black and 100% asian. Not because of racism, but because the kid would be way too different from me.
Hispanic or Asian
>Extremelly skinny legs
>Bony ass
Do you really want this? Why not going for the juicy nip gravure-tier girls?
What's wrong with being black?
>inb4 muh IQ
I scored 125, no big deal, but I am not a retard.
>Muh crime rates
I've never been arrested and I've never commited any serious crime, not even theft.
Because you're going to dominate the blue-eyed and blonde haired traits, and remove it's prevalence in the future. You're essentially removing the traits from the population.
i would race mix with any attractive female
as a high test male my dick isn't racist
>general standards of beauty
Who's general standards of beauty are you being convinced of.
So you have someone else's standards of beauty.
hot niggers, arabs or latinas, no gook or pooinloo agender weirdos
irish btw
>What's wrong with being ugly ape?
>I scored 125
By mixing with a blue-eyed blonde girl, you will be destroying the very thing you found beautiful in the first place.
asians are played out, the market is flooded
>tfw my surname is an insult
Wew senpai. Hot.
Honorary Aryans
>hot niggers
If your black, can you give me a mexican any tips on how to pick up black women?
>chinese over korean
top cuck.
My children will have the blue eyed gene anyway and will be able to pass it on, like any white with brown eyes. It won't die off.
And who gives a fuck if my children aren't Aryan gods? I just want to pump some blond chick.
alright stay ignorant to objectivity
1. Asian
2. Arab
3. Hispanic
4. Black
5. Indian
In that order, but Asian is far above the other races.
> totally wants to fuck a fat-assed independent strong black women, but is ill-equipped because tiny asian member.
so much sad...
>not fucking qt ayy's
Will you just fuck off already you fucking leaf?
Why Indian last?
they exist
They don't really date out of their race. But if you really want one, it's the same as any woman, show them you're clever, rich and fit.