what year do you think japan will reach 51% african/arab?
What year do you think japan will reach 51% african/arab?
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We must secure the existence of our waifus and a future for weeaboos.
I can't decide if mass immigration will happen soon and all at once due to their aging population and non-breeding youth, or if they'll avoid it entirely because asians lack the suicidal altruism that sells whites on the influx.
The way things are going, probably by next summer.
Back in the day the LDP would have had Yakuza goons out there to fuck those commie losers up.
There are leftist magazines in Japan now that write articles, shaming Japanese for their xenophobia, glorifying western things, pushing tolerance, sjw values, etc.
And if you look up who the author of these Japanese articles are? Jews. They're already in Japan, naturalized, starting the cycle all over again.
Probably 20 years after Europe does. So it could be 30 years; could be never.
Never. They have some of the strictest screenings for immigration. Last year they let in something like 25 refugees, and I remember reading something that 2 of them were arrested for rape.
Good thing it's all a laughable spec on the radar. This isn't even a thing.
The rest of Japan views Tokyo the same way English view London: not the real Japan and the one place where it's overrun with foreign trash and ideas. The moment you leave the city proper (even go down to Yokohama) it's already subdued.
>in Japan
What? How is that even possible?
Kek is on their side now.
Jake adelstein will be keked by Kek.
that disgusting weeb is also a globalist?
I don't think we're ever going to see Japan or Korea accept Islamic colonists.
> what year do you think japan will reach 51% african/arab?
Never, because they don't share the continent with curbstomping La Raza fanatics
Sign this, Sup Forums: change.org
It's steven seagal's fault, he's destroying his enemies from the inside
Why not both? :^)
dubs says 2099 will be the year japan hits 99% arab/arfrican.
kek willsit
Americans have such colorful imaginations.
The Japanese Supreme Court just approved of blanket surveillance of all Muslims in Japan , about 10,000, and nobody in Japan gives a fuck about it. "Islamophobia" doesn't exist as a concept in Japan
Never, because Japs are unapologetically racist and based. They hate Korean-Jap half-breeds, and loathe Chi-coms. It's not how well they would do with muslim immigrants, it's that the Japanese government would never allow them to travel there in the first place. Factor in low housing space, insane cost of living, and massive natural borders (a big 'ol ocean) the Japs will ride this one out high and tight.
prease make it so, we want all those chink girls for our selves
Gook Jews friend, the almighty Jew is a shape-shifter.
I think they hold out for a while. I'll say 2070
>They hate Korean-Jap half-breeds
Pic related was the most popular character from her show and is voiced by an extremely popular half-breed singer. Japs don't seem to care about that stuff anymore.
So long after the US and EU has crumpled to muds.
( Snowden is wrong on "afraid" - the Japs just don't want their country fucked by barbarian Kebabs... But otherwise his analysis is great fucking news. Based Japan)
Speaking at a Tokyo symposium on government surveillance via weblink, NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden said: "People of the Islamic faith are more likely to be targeted... despite not having any criminal activities or associations or anything like that in their background, simply because people are afraid."
if you can't answer why they're allowed to be alive in the first place, then Im not sure what makes you think they aren't slowly succumbing to degeneracy and islam as well
just 50 years ago they'd be dragged into the streets and murdered by just about every civilization on the planet.
they're not being killed. that's a sign of worry.
example: in the 50's there was a nigger who got a group of nigger servicemen in japan to go to a japanese town and rape the women. the men gathered and waited for them to return, killed 10 niggers with knives, threw their vehicle in the ocean, and buried the nigger bodies in the jungle.
they finally brought out the remains of the unsolved murders about 10 years ago as a veiled threat towards niggers who wer still raping.
why aren't they doing that now?
any country that can't do this is doomed.
Give me one example, not that I doubt you or anything I'm just genuinely interested to see this with my own eyes.
soooo 15-30 years and japan is over run?
I expect there to be 150 million muslims in japan by 2100
That's just the nips being courteous, their racism is polite in nature.
They won't scream "nigger" to a mans face but they will never do business with him.
Japanese nationalists need to do something violent and harsh about those leftist magazines.
Don't let shit like that fester.
so japan is fucked?
The UN will hear about this
RIP Japan
That's over one and a half 9/11s
>Good thing it's all a laughable spec on the radar. This isn't even a thing.
This is what we thought too in the 60s.
Crush it while it remains a laughable spec, don't wait until it becomes an unrelenting tsunami.
It always starts like this. Huh user? Haha
Remember that 23% of the Japanese population will die off in the next 20 years; And who are these 23%? The elderly. The conservatives, nationalists, xenophobes, the ones that vote for a conservative government, the ones who want to keep the borders up, the ones that keep Japan the way it is.
When those 23% die off abruptly, what do you think the sociopolitical effects will be? That small growing (((speck))) will suddenly be a proportionally significant and influential voice.
I've been to tokyo once, and I was the only white guy between the sea of japanese people. Big european city's are already lost, tokyo is still pretty based
Japan does not know Christianity. They do not know slave morality. There is not Abrahamic delivery vehicle for post-Modernism.
>having no faith
godless heathen
They do know Islam though - The Japanese Disney version of course.
Checked. Some posts above are related.
In Europe? Yeah, seems so.
Really, at this point the west needs to die so there's no one to try to threaten and tell the East Asians what they can and can't do when they start purging Muslims, and maybe even genociding a few SEA countries. Whites can live on in Eastern Europe, but western Europeans and North Americans are Black Numenorean tier now.
That's actually my point, duh. Japanese are already rejecting the advances in trying to follow Europe. "Overrun" in this case means barely a problem if applied to any other city.
Wrong because the bubble economy generation will still be around, eg: those who were kids in the 80's. They will keep the status quo for as long as they're breathing.
The only minor difference with the sociopolitical landscape will be from Japanese with kids to foreign partners, who are now in school and are being accommodated. Their influences, despite being 50% foreign, will fall in line with the wider Japanese community on cue. There will be very little erosion of Japanese homogeneity at the cultural level.
Things will also improve culturally when the declare the Emperor a god again. I think they'll do it just out of spite of the west.
OT, but I've got a question for j/pol/.
Will Abe accept nukes if we offer them? I know he supports amending Article 9.
>amending Article 9
Already passed. They've even already allocated the budget for the new military next year.
Those 23% are the leftists, communists, SJWs. They don't support the LDP and other conservative parties as much as younger generations do. The thing about Japanese nationals who were born between 1940~1970 is that when they were at school, they were indoctrinated with cultural communism and apologetic views on history as well as international relations. If you go onto youtube and watch videos of Japanese SJW protests, you will see that the vast majority of participants are over the age of 50.
Oh really?
So the younger Japanese will be the Nationalists?
They won't.
Never. Japan will sooner awaken Mt. Fuji and crash the islands with no survivors than give up on their culture.
They are being mind controlled by kancolle / yes.
by the time that happens the US and EU will be 80% shitskin.
Having nukes is too contentious, so I'd say no, he wouldn't accept.
I think the government will underline its "de-facto nuclear state" status publicly and watch the effects.
God damn
how is every black and white picture of Japan so god damn cool
/r/ing that one of the guy tearing through the canvas
Jajaja Japan has it right. God bless the chinks.
Why would Japan have a large influx of Africans an Arabs? Are you retarded?
Nico is the most popular LL in Japan, tomato is second.
probably never
Yes really. Watch the vid more carefully.
This is how it starts.
In western countries you mean? Yeah, I know.
Mass immigration is a politically correct term for invasion. Because that's what it really is when large groups of foreigners cross your borders and settle your land. Only difference is these unarmed invaders don't need weapons to get westerns to acquiesce to their demands.
Are there nationalists that would accept them if they could, or is the concept of nuclear armament just a non-starter across the board because of the war?
Based elevens.
They will be a bastion of traditionalism when the rest of the world inevitably falls.
Hurts, doesn't it?
>the west shouldn't tell other nations what they should and shouldn't do with their country, they're entitled to their cultural opinions and values
They have almost no immigration so never. Hopefully the government will start pushing propaganda to get them to have more children though.
I thought Japanese birth rates were on the rise this year
Their birth rates have already started to trend back to parity.
these guys are a tiny tiny minority in japan... the vast majority of the population (easily 90%+) want japan to be basically isolationist again
Uh, never, Einstein. They'll be over fifty percent Robot before the Japs themselves are a minority in their own country due to any fleshy race.
>Japan is not anti-muslim
>TFW saw some sandnigger praising Allah in Yokohama station and walked down to the police stand to let them know
Felt good man.
Is that the rally of 100 useless people against 130 million?
For you:
>tfw ywn be able to report muslims to the police even if they're raping your children
Based nippo bro, hope to visit your based country soon.
Why are the signs in english? It's almost like this is a paid stunt to manipulate the perception of Japan from the outside..
The whole no muslims in Japan is myth bro. They're even making Musim friendly Halal foods in Kyoto.
I'm going to slay them.
Wonderful. Dump all related content you know of please.
Hopefully rest of the based japanese know how these sandniggers must be treated
I Japan to stay Japanese. There needs to be a nation that takes none of this bullshit that is infecting other western nations.
Don't ever change, Japan.
Jews fear the samurai. Don't let the kikes ruin your society. Once the leech is attached there is no easy way to remove it.
Whites are okay, they're usually respectful and not retarded. Black and Arabs though can stay out.
Thank you, white teacher.