I think we can all agree that Arnie has gotten too old to convincingly play the Terminator

I think we can all agree that Arnie has gotten too old to convincingly play the Terminator.

Which actor would you like to see as the Terminator? Maybe a different one for each movie since they can look different.

After seeing The Accountant I thin Ben would be great.

They should just put the franchise to rest

This - how about we not have any more Terminator movies

Seth Rogen

Tom Hardy...done!


truly terrifying, great choice.

All joking apart that form would be much better at infiltration and blending in generally than looking like some jacked Austrian guy

How bout his illegitimate child?


No, that would be an original idea. And original ideas just don't enough for daily coke orgies anymore.

it's a shame the Christian Bale one was so badly recieved because that's realistically the only route they can go. how many times can they do "terminator sent back in time to kill [x person] from John Connor's past"? they need to branch out and do new things using the universe.

or a total reboot and bring it back to the suspense/horror routes, instead of the sci-fi action schlock it's become.

Idris Elba would be a pretty good Terminator.

How about dropping the franchise?

Honestly. The only ones I consider canon are 1 and Salvation. Even though Salvation is shit. Also 2 is great but does not organically fit in the timeline.

Why not The Rock?

Considering the Terminator is meant to blend in, they should make him a 90lb fuckboi.

Why do we need someone else to play the terminator? Why do we need more terminators?

No one else has the kind of overwhelming masculinity of prime Arnie to convincingly portray a literal killing machine like him. Let this series die.

Salvation is not that shit, it has it's moments


Hear me out here guys


Like the role Summer Glau played 10 years ago

>like the show Summer Glau terminated

Human-cyborg sexual relationships only really resonate with spergs, normies will shun it

a great big fat person

was this already 10 years ago?

need to do the original casting idea. A Lance Hendrikson-type. A nameless face you'd lose in a crowd instead of a hulking behemoth you'd spot a mile away.

Someone completely original. There's no one in Hollywood today with the size, presence, and masculinity that Arnold had.

The Rock COULD have done it I think, but not now that he's become such a meme and so typecast into comedies.

The Rock isn't scary enough, but that probably doesn't matter since the series has been lighthearted since the second film.

Maybe they could just stop making Terminator movies.

