Can someone please tell me what this symbol means...

Can someone please tell me what this symbol means? I see it a lot online (like in murdoch murdoch's videos) but can't find what it means.

Bumping with qt waifu

Help me goys.

Someone help


Maybe australia can help....

lol come on dude help me out

Maybe Ukraine can help me.

Maybe Canada can help...

Maybe Ireland can help me...

its the 'lambda'
ancient symbol of manhood, aggression etc etc

the opposite, a 'V' is for womanhood, tenderness and care.

some say they represent genital aswell, lambda goes out, like the penis
the 'V' goes in, like the vagina

Japan help me...

Sorry I should have been more specific...I meant what group does it represent? I know it represents a white nationalist group, but which one?

Already tried reverse image searches etc. It's bugging the hell out of me.

Help me goys come onnnnn

well, probably lots of groups use it, but generation identitaire uses it

not a 'white nationalist' group though, but a french nationalist group

It's the symbol of the Identitarian Movement.
The way I understand it, they reject having multiculturalism and false tolerance forced on them by the establishment. They are white and proud of it. They prefer to live in a white environment, best free of immigrants.

They are strong in France, but other European countries have started their own movements under the same symbol.

Thank you!!!!!!! Norway truly my greatest ally.

dude holy fuck im dying that bantz was hardcore

And Germany too!! Thank you!!

Don't forget it's a sunday and Europe is just having breakfast. In most of Europe it's 8.35 AM right now.

It's currently the symbol of Generation Identity, which could be the nationalist group you mentioned. If it isn't, then the only group I know it represents is of course Sparta, due to it standing for its region, Lacedaemon.

Ironically considering , the lowercase version of the Lambda is also considered the international symbol for gay and lesbian rights and was declared so in 1974.

That's what I really know about the symbol you have, the Lambda, and who uses it. Hope this helped a little.

Google Sparta symbol, read and then watch the movie "300" to see how kebab is grinded. That will give you an idea of what the lambda symbol in the circle represents.

Came here to post this

It represents the Spartan shield.
From Wiki
>The letter lambda (Λ), standing for Laconia or Lacedaemon, which was painted on the Spartans' shields, was first adopted in the 420s BC, and quickly became a widely known Spartan symbol.[39] Military families passed on their shields to each generation as family heirlooms.

vaporwave pacman going on a bender


It's the last thing a nigger sees as he falls down the well.

Ironic that generation identity use it considering the Spartan's treatment of the Helots. It represents oligarchy.

Spartans were a bunch of queers that put the women in charge. Just like the Jews, apart from the warrior part.

Literally did nothing wrong
Literally a national hero
Literally kept our beaches clean from red wine and sleeping pills explosions

And here we have the dumbest of all comments for the day.

Please die of AIDS

underated toast

>Just like the Jews,
spartans = jews

kek chaim, you have to do better than that, you little grabbler

Great people, they're all young and modest people who simply want to improve their countries. Unlike BLM who chimp out the moment they see a white person in public and start a riot and say "we dindu nuffinz"