ITT: Ask a drunk person anything.
ITT: Ask a drunk person anything
Other urls found in this thread:
Would you let a squid cuck you and fuck your gf (dad) in the vagina?
How was your first divorce Staff Sgt
When will badass antifa Americans eliminate all white racists?
im drunk too
what did you drink
Why have you not moved out of South Korea yet?
Oh, forgot the petition, just in case you wouldn't want that to happen:
Howd you get there?
I miss the feeling of being drunk. I can only get tispy lately, because my state only allows 3.2% ABV beer and I'm banned from my local liquor store.
>I'm banned from my local liquor store.
Is there a story to tell here?
I hit a pedestrian in the parking lot. But my headlights were out and I was only going probably 5 mph. They weren't even hurt.
what did you mean by this?
Do you like kitties?
Has you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
innawoods all by myself repoting in here at 2:50 AM on a sunday ngiht ebcause i have no friends
wew lad
What's it like being the grandson of a comfort girl?
Your entire country garbage and should have been nuked along with japan.
How drunk?
Give me quantities and alcohol percentage
hes dead rabbi
its been 30 minutes
Damn, we fell for the 1 post by this ID trick again
friggin kikes
i can fill in for him if you want
oy veyyy
How much did you drink, friend?
How drunk would you say you are?
i lost count a while ago, but i want to say maybe atleast 9 shots in the past 2 hours maybe
im getting tired so i might go to bed, but i might take antoehr shot first i dunno
im at the point where i hate everything again, so id say im somewhat drunk
10/10 saltpost
nice numbers tho
What is happening here?
If it makes you feel better I always hate everything and I didn't sleep all night and I'm broke
So, vodka?
i also hate everything and I keep waking up at 5 AM to go to work at the job i got laid off at, despite being in a fucking union
im also broke, im down to my last $60 an it could be weeks before i get called into work and get my next paycheck
vodka it is, vodka it always is, rabbi
im sure we've had many conversations before, ive been in plenty of your jewthreads and talked about israel with you
Are you sober yet
Do you need help dude?
We probably did talk, but I'm not the one making the Jew threads, I'm the ultra nationalist one who really like the USA
Hey feel better alright? you gonna be ok dude, you'll get by
And I'm a whiskey man myself, I just drank too much vodka as a teen
i left my NYC home to come to rural pennsylvania, and everybody here are backstabbing, lying cunts that only care about themselves and their own little insignificant lives, and im stuck here for at least 6 more months before I can transfer unions. everybody up here are alcoholic drug addicted dumb fucks with double digit IQs and no work ethic.
this is one of the rare times in my life I get drunk, so i think ill be fine, things usually get better for me after they get worse
if you saw me youd think im a whsiky guy, but ive never had it before. i just stick to vodka because it gets the job done quicker than other alcohol, since im a big guy (for you)
Man, that sucks, I always wanted to move to the rurals parts of America and assumed that the cities were full of backstabbing liars.
And if I wanna get the job done fast there the timeless combination of beer + hard liquor together. Never fails to get me fucked up
What's it like being drunk? Can you jump higher because of it?
i live in rural america and it is great
no neighbor for atleast a mile
ask a borderline suicidal person person who drinks every night anything, insult me whatever works for you
I'm more into finding a community though. You know, something small and christian.
But solidarity would also be nice I guess
No but you think you can
What do you like drinking?
yeah, I thought that too. i miss the fuck out of NYC. the people there treat you like family, and they always have your back, and strangers stick to themselves but are kind if approached. it has a bad reputation because of tourist retards that act like tourists hten get a bad reaciton
rural america fucking sucks, its full of hillbillies and rednecks and I cnat fucking take it anymore, my nyc firends have always had my back, you can actually hold an intelligent conversation with them, and the food is fucking amazing there, its utter shit here
ive actually never had beer before, it smells like piss to me. i rarely dirnk but when i do, i just take like 2-4 vodka shots at a time every 20-30 minutes and just let myself slip away
What about flying?
my nearest neighbor is hafl a mile away, my nearest grocery storei s 10 miles away, nearest walmart is 16 miles away, and i commute to work 30+ miles into the nearest city
its beautiful, the landscapes are amazing, but if you weren't born and raised here, you dont fit in, you wont know everybody, and youll end up being stabbed in the back constantly
seclusion is the best option, and even that drives yo ufucking insane
Jose Gueruvo tequila gold, plus beer for chaser, living a rough life so Sup Forums is my only escape
Huh. I really don't like urban centers so I think I'll still give the countryside a chance, but it's nice to know there's some solidarity in the big apple.
And yeah it makes sense if you don't drink a lot. I do.
Not really
>Not really
What, is it that crappy dream-flying where it's more like you're just falling slowly? Not worth the liver damage.
Sucks, feels like I'll never have a home at this rate
Whatchoo doing? Like, professionally/academically?
thanks for asking btw thats the post anyone's noticed me in months
It numbs all kinds of shitty conditions though, I'd say that this is the main strength of alcohol.
So does weed though. And speed.
i can only get it when my buddies get it for me, so i dont drink enouigh as i would like to
the countryside isnt a christian paradise like Sup Forums paints it. most of the girls here are either "christian" or atheist, and they're all sluts who fuck anything that walks, and half of them are obsessed with lifted diesel pickup trucks
the guys are hillbilly retards with double digit iqs who you cant hold a decent conversation with unless its about drugs or alcohol or guns
live in the country, but commute to the city and make a lot of friends or youll be fucking lonely
there are alot of small towns with mainly christians all over this country
there is one close to me but you have to drive for like 45-60 minutes to get there
pretty much any big city in usa like population 150,000+ is going to be a shithole unless you have serious money
Yvette Felarca, a leader of a violent child-abducting cult is trying to punch a peaceful man to the ground:
I just work, hardly getting by with construction work like my dad, but the thing is everyday im treated like trash for the littlest thing, im not trying to turn this into a r9k thread but fuck im so tired, but please believe me i try
you can get an apartment in staten island for $900-$1200 a month, or in NJ for similar, and commute into the city to make a shitton of money.
cities aren't that bad, you just need to find the right ones. I commute into scranton for work, and even though everybody is a drug addicted piece of shit, the only place id rather be is NYC
tfw this is true but it isnt that bad because theyre so far away
What's it like knowing Japan is better then your own country?
I'm DUDE WEED LMAO asf and this got me trippen bruh.
Not like alcohol, at least not for me. Speed is based
Hey us borderline suicidals need to take care of each other amiright?
Yeah, that sounds nicer that living among hillbillies, although I'll take pretty much any place in the states in a heartbeat
>apartment in staten island for $900-$1200 a month
kek fucking rich cityfag
i cant afford that shit
i live in texas where cost of living is one of the lowest and in the cities here even you have apartments going for those prices
I like living here, i just hang out in my garage and work on my car, or chill out in the forest with my creek and stuff, and its great
but i wish i could call somebody and hang out with them and talk to them about anything like I can with my friends in nyc. i have maybe 3 "friends" up here and i cant really stand any of them for more than a day or two at a time
in scranton you can get a 3 bedroom house for $450 a month in the good part of town, and I currently make $30k a year here, in 4 years itll be $60k
if I go to NYC, id be making $200k a year
What are you drinking captain?
ive never been to either, but my dream is to live in North Dakota or Utah. in 6 months when I can transfer unions, I can go anywhere in the US or Canada, but im thinking of NYC again because my childhood friends are there
No, I get it man. I don't know if you need to take shit from other people seriously, if you're talking about your boss treating you like shit. He's a stranger, who gives a fuck? You're working for your survival and you survived so far
And yeah, I don't think the tiredness will go away, but maybe it's pessimism.
You have any grand plans or do you plan on just doing this for a while?
rent or buy
this shit here is cheap as fuck to buy and i could fit a small size apartments on it
tfw less than 100 thousand
my friends told me they pay maybe $550 a month for their mortgage here
yeah man its getting there and the liquor does that, its so sad but all i got is you guys. im a user in need
I'll look for those town when time comes because I really fucking hate cities with passion. Although maybe American cities are different.
Sup Forums is my only friends too, I know this feel, and I can't even afford a beer and I think I'm getting a bit of withdrawal. And don't be actually suicidal though. It's bullshit, better to go do something else, better to starve. Anything is better than giving up.
I had plans till my dad died of lung cancer and since then its been loneliness and alcohol, its like your hero dying. like if one day trump or frage died. you just dont know how too handle it what to do
im sorry user im tearing up i probably wont reply past this point, but thank you so much
How I get my sister to have sex with me?
rape her
Alright I hope you'll read it though. Your dad is with you man, and I know that he would have wanted you to keep on fighting. Dads die, and Moms die, it's just the nature of things - but it sounds like you've had a good dad who did a lot for you, so survive for him, and don't let him down.
Why did you move out of NYC in the first place?
holy fucking shit my sides
top kek
I moved to new jersey, which isnt far at all, and then I left new jersey for pennsylvania because my family owned this house for a while, so i decided to just settle in up here.
i think im gonna go to bed now, farewell my israelibro alcoholic friend
Nighty night mate, sweet dreams
>1 post by this ID
Excellent advice
I know, we're just talking about stuff. Did you see Sup Forums lately?
Sup Forums became a self-help memetic warfare board anyway
Name the top three items you've had in your butt?
my penis
Hey, how hard is it to learn Polish if I know Russian?
is she arrest?
not hard, its pretty similiar, i can understand around 20% spoken russian, would prolly get more from written if i knew vodkarunes
increasing your estrogen with the alcojew
even tho that was an anonymous message from maybe around the world its the most support ive got in a while, i just got myself together and hope too keep moving forward
thank you user even the smallest thing help, always remember that
Nope. She's also a cult leader or some shit
Nice. I wanna visit soon, I've heard it's nice.
Sure thing, good luck. I believe in you and you'll be in my prayers if this kind of stuff means anything to you.
israel is your greatest ally, after all
yeah its nice
i heard that it will be pretty crowded this year tbough, since people are afraid to go to more touristy places due to shitskins
Ojcowski Park Narodowy and Krakow are 100% worth visiting, Malbork is pretty cool as well, especialyl when you visit during some medieval festival