Have you tasted this traditional Finnish snack?

Have you tasted this traditional Finnish snack?

It's called pizza, retard

yes, it is very tasty yum

No. It is called juusto and meetvursti.

I wanna taste a traditional Finnish boipussy.


I want to try it too :(



It's very good with ketchup.

oispa juustoleipa

Is it cheese on salami?

No. It's juusto and meetvursti.

Finns actually eat this

>americans don't eat this

Nice settis desu.

We do in Wisconsin

>sisconsin :D

W-why do you have that picture saved, user? Wisconsin is barely even spoken about.

where's the shit pudding?

It's a Finnish meme my brother made.

>sisconmakkarakeitto :D

Mämmi is delicious.

That looks good

Hey what the fug i've invented it when i forgot to buy bread

Stop stealing Finnish accomplishments please.

But it was independent scientific discovery

Okay Ivan. Also can you vocaroo you saying хлeб?

Sorry I cannot.
Х is pronounced like H in English 'hold'
-лeб like Leb in Lebanon

>Wisconsin is barely even spoken about.
We hit the big time.

Why does it sound so funny?

4 U

wish all an*meposters would just fucking hang themselves desu

it's no coincidence they're all wh*Te subhumans (well mongols in denial)

>wh*te p****e food

what's it made of?

R u jelly,Lulumba?

it's wh*Te

and you're meant to censor the vowels you fucking idiot, do you have some wh*Te blood in you or something?

No idea. Tastes a like rye.

where did smorgasbord come from?

I too would like to sample fine supple finnish boipu$$ı

is this proof Finns are wh*Toid?

Why does everyone want Finnish boipucci?

Their autism wasn't enough proof?

It is our biggest premium export.

does either of you know the name of that one dresses as Saber? I need to know for reasons


Finnish language cucked by Germanics lmao

literally who

You've turned the whole damn board gay

Do you like it, user?

>Have you tasted this traditional Finnish snack?
Whats that DICKS???

But you like being gay, don't you?

And no one can do anything to change that.