How can we beat /lit/ ?
How can we beat /lit/ ?
>/Lit/'s choices
I don't believe they contributed to the making of this chart user, nor did Sup Forums.
Get rid of the Sup Forumseddit and Sup Forums cancer
There's no one to "beat", you can enjoy all mediums because they all have something to offer. Yes, that includes video games. Deus Ex, Planescape: Torment, System Shock 2, Thief Gold, there's things worth checking out in every medium.
Aside from infinite jest, those are the three most memed books on lit
Don't shill your childrens toys here
Get this fucking normie instagram meme off/tv/
Ulysses is /lit/'a favourite book and they talk about C&P all the time
Pet Sounds is also Sup Forums's album
>cinema above music
>reading fiction after elementary school
What are you pleb? Go read philosophy.
>flicks above music
>fiction can't be 2deep4me
There is a reason Dostoyevsky is discussed in philosophy classes.
>he isn't aware most philosophy is written as literary fiction
Dostoyevsky is good, but far from deep.
Lol reading a book over playing video games. Faggots.
He's the best sort of deep: profound and prescient, but easy to understand
This. He's incredible.
Give me a quick rundown on anime section.
I only seen k-on
This has to be a troll image, right?
>wakfu, umeru, avatar under anime
>reading fiction high-school books
i didn't know /lit/ was this pleb
>no GITS
>no Bebop
>fucking K-On!
Your bait is fucking stale.
Well at least it had Berserk.
K-on literally changed anime forever, faggit
>6 English language books
>Ulysses in high school
Even parts of Moby Dick would be too much for kids
i think this is the first list on Sup Forums that's actually right
Ulysses is probably the most difficult book in the standard Western canon