Honestly, how many of you are here because of one of the following reason?

Honestly, how many of you are here because of one of the following reason?

> stormfront said this is a better place for your MUH WHITE RACE
> someone said this is the real Trump fan base
> someone told you what "alt-right" is

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm here becuase I always browse pol when your dad is sucking me off

So you just called yourself a fag who likes old men to suck their cocks. Brilliant comeback.

I'm here because I can post this without getting banned

I'm here because I HATE NIGGERS

I'm here because I already use Sup Forums, and I like politics.

I don't even know why I came here. I don't get to talk about certain things anywhere else. That might be it.

I'm here because it's one of the biggest Happening seasons since Sup Forums has existed.

this and I used to lurk a lot of conspiracy boards (stormfront never being one of them).

All of the things OP mentions are things I never even heard of much until coming here first.

I've been here since /n/

I came here because I wanted to see the place everyone was always telling everyone else to gb2.

I stayed for Trudeauposting.

Somebody told me I was a racist and to go back to Sup Forums
Then I lurked

I lurk here for the bantz.


i'm here because I've been coming to Sup Forums since I was a junior in high school in 2006


don't really remember /news/ tho

Started coming to Sup Forums the day It was created

Did not go on /n/ when it existed

Have had several periods where I've stopped coming but been back here pretty much every day since the Republican race/Paris/Migrant crisis in general started heating up

I want to stop coming so much. News, politics and talking about the world gives you a headache after a while. After Orlando happened I couldn't even be bothered going on social media, I just knew it would be lefties complaining about white people hating muslims and saying that guns are the root of all evil and how shit America is.

OP is a fag meme was never funny

I had a discussion with someone on facebook and I got told to "go back to Sup Forums", so I decided to check it out.

Same, bro. I know I posted on /n/ and /new/, but all I remember from all of that is Investment Banker and !Pedo riling up a bunch of people.

I'm here to shitpost.

I've been on Sup Forums for like 10 years famalam

>> stormfront said this is a better place for your MUH WHITE RACE

There is no good place in America for white race.
Any white person can be curbstomped at any moment. Sign this petition to save the endangered species: change.org/p/berkeley-unified-school-district-fire-yvette-felarca

because i was always a reclusive outsider with right leanings but not mainstream thoughts so when i happened upon here i just kinda ended up staying.

i never had any hope to have a future so at least i can brighten my lifeless husk of a self by hanging out with you fags.

implying I haven't been here since 08

Same. I also love to talk about politics, make racist jokes, and shit on other countries. So I found the perfect place.

I'm here because I've been on Sup Forums since 2007 and Sup Forums is the most alive and memeing board these days.

At least 5.

I'm here because I like exposing myself to new ideas and laughing at retards, both of which I can do on Sup Forums

Because everyone on every other board is constantly talking about this board, particularly the whiny butthurt posters, so I naturally thought it's probably pretty good and started browsing.

I started on Sup Forums as underage b& around 2008 but back then it was great. Went to /r9k/ back then too when it wasn't pussy NEET tier. Now i'm here on Sup Forums where I imagine most of the oldfags have moved.

dank memes is the only correct answer

I'm just here to shitpost

Former /x/ lurker who changed boards after seeing through the mystifying bullshit that I used to be obsessed with.

idk, got bored of Sup Forums today and realized I hadn't really ever been here. It's pretty faggy, to be totally honest.

I'm from Sup Forums about 10 years ago. I'm here because of Dorner, still here because I like it.

im here because of dorner

i originally googled him one day and wound up on Sup Forums i mean i had gone to Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums before but never unfiltered politics it was great. You get to say what you are thinking without having someone spout buzzwords at you for disagreeing.

was on Sup Forums in 2004 and have spent at least a while on virtually every board

this one is far and away the most fun atm

I like to come here and say all the shit I can't say elsewhere because social consequences are a thing. Instead of shitting all over my Trump supporting dad, I just come here and call you guys faggots instead. It's therapeutic as fuck, wish I'd thought of it while I was still Navy and had a fuckton of stress to deal with.

Can anyone explain what the fuck happened to Sup Forums. Now half the posts are gay/furry shit. Is this the secret vice of kids today???

Looks like it's time to go to war soon.

at some point it became another porn board and people are going there exclusively to look for and to post it

traps took a life of its own because traps were originally a joke to catch someone out and make them feel insecure, i dunno why this happened

furries are literally autistic so their internet presence is nuts

it is total shit now but the other boards are better for it

I started coming here after they added flags.

I'm mainly here because I work with a bunch of libertard regresive-left a-holes who think they're better than the world because mom and dad sent them to the state college 90 minutes away for 4 years, so it's good to hear the opposing side of their opinions.

>getting reckt by a four foot Asian
>not dealing out a sneaky cheeky gob lob

Sup Forums helped reaffirm my faith in magic after a crisis.

Multiple reasons. Furries were always on Sup Forums but they used to get banned. Obviously Sup Forums has mostly the same threads everyday, and Sup Forums used to as well. Most of those old threads are gone because all of the old users are gone. This just leaves newfags and furries, and the current mods don't hate furries because they weren't around to learn to.

I gave up on Sup Forums when it turned into majority trap threads and meetup threads. Meetup threads were around for a long time but they eventually consumed the board, everyone of note left, and /soc/ was made to get rid of the remaining camwhore, meetup, and chat threads. This left Sup Forums with literally nothing. It was around this time that moot became active with his Q&As, Sup Forums's biggest happenings occurred, and eventually everyone who was edgy enough to enjoy it just stayed here. I'm sure a lot of those edgelords were banned here for some kind of Gamergate-related offense and it's hard to even go on other boards with all of the "GO BACK TO Sup Forums" in every thread, even though it's usually some newfag accusing someone for saying nigger.

From what I understand, pretty much all of Sup Forums is now on Sup Forums. Sup Forums has a lot of older Sup Forums's qualities. Posting is just fun and the atmosphere is fun. Every time we have this thread everyone is either a newfag or from Sup Forums. Really when people talk about Sup Forums's influence and degeneracy and "racism," they're talking about old Sup Forums and they just don't realize it.


I didn't come to Sup Forums, Sup Forums came to me.

Me too, doubles-posted leaf-brother.

>Really when people talk about Sup Forums's influence and degeneracy and "racism," they're talking about old Sup Forums and they just don't realize it

This is so true. RIP Sup Forums, pic-related for fellow oldfags