How excited are you for MArvel's Cloak and Dagger?
Olivia Holt is a true 10/10
How excited are you for MArvel's Cloak and Dagger?
Olivia Holt is a true 10/10
>interracial romance
Wtf happened to the other 2 people that were cast like 2 weeks ago?
She refused to get Blacked IRL.
Why is it always bm/wf in comic books? You never see indian man / white female, or white man / anything else female.
What is this obsession with glamorizing bm/wf (especially blonde) relationships? Who is behind this, and for what purpose?
Not too familiar with the comic 2bh, but it's good they are actually using Black characters instead of just Blackwashing.
It's almost like there's an agenda
Really makes you think
>Why is it always bm/wf in comic books? You never see white man / anything else female.
For reels?
It's on some family drama channel so it's going to suck
what about asian male + white female?
What is this, from deviant art? And besides, it can't be denied that there is a clear and deliberate choice in media to normalize / glamorize only certain and particular racemixed relationships. The mixing is not being spread around evenly. It is only certain pairings that are portrayed as what it means to "be not racist."
You're a retard, you most definitely don't read enough comics or watch enough television to know what you're talking about but you certainly get your daily dose of Sup Forums to tell you want to believe.
Kill yourself you fat fuck.
Yes, because ir relationships DO happen on a regular basis
>Yes, because ir relationships DO happen on a regular basis
Yeah but BM/WF isn't the most common irl, not even close
>You don't know enough to make that comparison
>That comparison is inaccurate
You can't prove the second by arguing the first, regardless of how true the first may be.
>telling another white to >hurr kys over a difference in political opinion
Grow up, bud.
>all these Sup Forumssters who don't even know Cloak and Dagger's origin story showing off their racism
Marvel cuts the tree branch below themselves with all this forced interracial crap, meanwhile Fox makes the top quality superhero show
And yet that pairing is extremely over represented in media, why is that?
You seem to be avoiding or failing to understand the argument here: That the advocation of interracial relationships in media is selective and particular. wm/af, bm/wf, wm/lf are the predominant archetypes. But why? If assimilation is truly their goal, why only market selective pairings?
>calls people sheep
>thinks he's patrician
>responds to posts about Sup Forums multiple times
eh shes okay, not a 10
i'd give her an 8 or a 9, but shes got a big fat pumpking head
Interracial relationships with whites is usually a white man with an Asian/Latino woman. BM/WF is a Jewish porn fantasy pushed by cultural Marxists.
>didn't use the word sheep
>don't know what patrician means
>this is my second post
you're fake news
Its the relationship that people are most resistant to for whatever dumb reason so if they massively promote that one every other mix will be accepted.
Then there is less resistance to mass importation of cheap labor, stagnant wages, stressed public services and expensive housing as well as crime committed by new comers.
If you object to the rich getting richer and the poor staying poor, you are a racist.
Because white women are the peak of the female beauty
And black men are the peak of male beauty
Gooks and other races are uggly and no one cares about them
so what is the story you fucking cuck
79591005 actually thought he'd get a (You).
Sub saharan Africans truly are the most beautiful and all around best race on the planet. I mean, the men only. The females are basically worthless for some reason.
two runaway kids from separate homes and lifestyles get abducted, one was a wealthy white girl and I forget what the black guys deal was, and they get given drugs that turn them into superheroes instead of killing them like the rest of the kidnapped kids, and they become a duo like the punisher, because they have no qualms about killing. They are a parallel story to spider-man, if spidey had no uncle ben to guide him. Also Spider-man finds them and eventually persuades them to stop killing.
Yeah, no, come to the South. WF/BM has been a thing for many tightly spaced generations, cranking out a lot of kids - especially recently with white boys getting into the meth so young.
>, because ir relationships DO happen on a regular basis
yeah cause you americans and westerners are conditioned so for at least 50 years now
so basically what your saying is just because it has a "story" its okay that it is yet again a black man with a white women
I'm sure Cho will get a girlfriend eventually.
If only they were actually allowed to be together in the comics outside of these alt-universe shenanigans. They're way too cute together here.
>with white boys getting into the meth so young.
which you sell them
Well the south is filled with niggers of every color.
anyone noticed that the dumber animals are the more likely they don't have coloured iris
>WF/BM has been a thing for many tightly spaced generations
Kek, you'd believe this if it wasn't factually untrue. The ghetto mulattos are coming from meth addict wm/bf pairings, contrary to what everybody wants you to think in media. The men are always the ones who outbreed more
da joos are behind what I don't like, otherwise they can't happen any other way
>doesn't know what archiving is
>literally posts on Sup Forums
>is canadian
kys yourself
Well, it'd probably be okay without a story, doesn't really matter either way. But they aren't lovers, not like you think, they are like yin and yang. They literally can't live seperate from eachother, because Cloak needs to feed off of Dagger's light, and if he doesn't get that he really goes on a murder spree because he can also get light by sucking the lifeforce from criminals.
Hollywood and the porn industry being mostly run by Jews isn't exactly a groundbreaking revelation.
>da joos
Pretty much own the media. And as the owners, they seem to have made a decision to advocate only selective, particular interracial relationships, while, on the surface, advocating that their goal is universal acceptance and assimilation.
That's hypocritical, you see? If universal assimilation is their goal, they can't just market wm/af and bm/wf relationships.
ah, so that's your game. Well you got me, I did only mean this is my second post in this thread, not the site as a whole.
Sup Forums is the largest board on Sup Forums now. What is wrong with posting on Sup Forums? We are trying to stop the evil that is the corporatists masquerading as liberals.
Honestly I don't feel anything anymore. I don't wish I was dead, but I wouldn't be sad if I died. Is it normal to feel this way?
They do own the media in the US. They boast about it. You dont need to hate jews to know that.
You've been outed as nothing but a shit poster so your opinions are invalidated. It's probably best if you just stop posting.
>cause you americans and westerners are conditioned so for at least 50 years now
You mean like how asian women do everything it takes to get white dick or how frequent arabs assault white women? Must be those dumb brainwashed westerners huh?
>black men are the peak of male beauty
HAHAHA among gorillas maybe but not among humans
Here, should answer most of your questions
Never gonna watch. It will maybe last one season, but i doubt it.
Literally who characters, literally who actors, cuckshit, capeshit tier writing.
They miss out on male and female demographic: no hot white guys for women to tumblr over. Coalburner chick puts off all males.
>We are trying to stop the evil that is the corporatists masquerading as liberals.
Not really. What you're doing is complaining on the internet. Actually working to "stop the evil" is, well, work. You'd have to actually organize, pool resources, form legal and political entities, etc.
You're all complaining and waiting for more capable people, out there, to take the reigns and actually do something to stop the globalist borg state. But there's nobody to do that.
I'm a funposter. But since you're the only one who knows what you are talking about, could you explain why my opinions are invalidated?
Or vote.
Memes win minds.
The idiocy is thinking that it's all some big conspiracy and listening to anyone who unironically uses the term "cultural marxism" for anything other than a Karl Marx book club.
>It's all some big conspiracy
Well, you can't say that jews don't conspire (as in "conspiracy") to see that other jews benefit from their influence.
>cultural marxism
Why are we not allowed to use this term? It has a very clear and established meaning. What's wrong with it, exactly?
Capitalism is a conspiracy you brainlet. The rich conspire to stay rich. Jewish owned media is part of it. Not that any other group would not behave the exact same way. That is why I dont hate jews.
I do hate the jewish media however.
Posting fake images and hiding the source will never help your case, same applies to using buzzwords with no actual and established meaning
Shit! I fell for the trick!
more like Cuck and Nigger
That quote sounds like John is pissed off that they expect a promotion if they suck his dick lol
>no actual and established meaning
Seriously, though? For someone with that link on hand, you should know the basics of modern history...
>Jews are white
Only when they are benefited from it
>everyone should get a price because muh underrepresentation
Special snowflake syndrome
>pitch black eyes
pick one
Why are the jews exempt from being analyzed at all? Why do they get a free pass while everyone else has to be monitored?
t. Mad snownigger
i wonder what story you will tell yourself when your wife gets fucked by a black guy
Mouse looks pissed she has to stand next to niglet
why would that happen to me? And why is skin colour relevant when it comes to cheating?
You're not making him look bad, you're making yourself look like an insecure freak with porn issues. Time to spend less time on Sup Forums breh
Why cheat if it's not BBC? If she want the regular penis she can stay faithful to you
There's a dude. In a tree.
>why is skin colour relevant
Please stop pretending the only difference between the races is "skin color." Like, otherwise, we're all exactly identical. It's like you hate actual diversity
I don't have a wife, she left long ago, unrelated to black men, and my cock is larger than average.
Go away Rabbi
no, there's obviously other differences, like for example, the asians and their slitty eyes. But I don't see what relevance that has with adultery.
>it's a Sup Forums thread rapidly erodes into Sup Forums episode
>I don't see what relevance that has with adultery.
Sup Forums has had bm/wf porn spammed on the board daily for years, replete with continual insults and mockery aimed at white men. It's turning the board into Sup Forums, as you can see.
That's what you think buddy
>be paki
>mom is a dirty blonde and has blue eyes
>so does my younger brother
'white' is the dumbest classification category imaginable
somewhere in your family tree someone actually bred with a human then
define 'race'
where does one draw the line
why? does someone, not in Europe, sharing your prized possessions, make you insecure?
wow is majority of pakis all blondes?
I'm a brown eyed, brown haired western slav. You have no right to tell us how we are allowed and not allowed to view ourselves and our racial history.
Imo white is of course a nebulous definition, but that doesn't mean white genocide is acceptable.
>Ashkenazi have some genetic overlap with Italians
>Welp, better eradicate them all!
I think you need to stop telling white people what they can and can't do, including what they choose to classify themselves as. Being the mixed race abomination you are hardly gives you the authority to meddle in our affairs. I hope you burn at the stake one day along with the rest of your shitskin family and whore mother
but what defines certain 'race' as such, when does something become it's own 'race', when does one belong to a certain 'race' and when does one not belong to another 'race'
A race is the probability of having numerous characteristic pheo and genotype.
>You cant define race
Ordinary plebs cant but races are distinct, with some overlap at certain geographical locations.
Saying there is no such thing as race is like there is no such thing as species or sub species. Its a useful way of subdividing people in fields such as medicine but it certainly is something you may want to gloss over when it turns out some races are prone to more risk taking and what people in urban civilizations might consider anti social behavior.
Probably gets cancelled after 1 season.
There's "white," and there is "kind of white." At any rate, what is being done to native Europeans through pseudo charitable politicized immigration policy is a crime against humanity. Poles have a right to stay Polish. Germans have a right to be Germans. Taking their nations away from them by force is an act of aggression, war, and hatred against those peoples. We can nit pick the definition of race when no Germans are being raped, robbed, and murdered by foreign immigrants who were brought in undemocratically and against popular will.
>Watching coalburner cape shit
At some point you got to ask yourself what are you doing with your life and have some self respect. If you watch shit like jessica jones and this you fell too far.
>A race is the probability of having numerous characteristic pheo and genotype.
That doesn't sound scientifically accurate description at all.
>doesn't answer the question
>goes to a rant about unrelated subject
gee whiz if only I gave a fuck
>being white means having blue eyes and blond hair'
Well, there's your problem, user. Maybe it's you that's retarded
>mom is dirty blond and has blue eye
>so does my younger brother
Geez, it's almost like it's because he's fucking half white
>That doesn't sound scientifically accurate description at all.
I'm never going to give my consent to assimilate into the borg race. I like that we're different, and we should stay that way.
I misspelled "pheno" so maybe that's why.