I fucking love my country.

What did you buy when voting? Personally, I went for a roll with the lot: sausage, bacon, egg. Overload on tomato sauce.

Other nations, feel free to express your jealousy behind thinly veiled mockery.

>having snags is viewed as fucking weird by everyone else.

For what purpose?
Snags are always good and any reason to get some going should be taken

Bump for auspol general

Because other countries are too panicked about their politics to think about a quick feed

Just reflects how good we have it, when there's more attention on our food than hung parliament

Didn't have sausage sizzles in my old neighbourhood in Aus for elections.
Wouldn't have trusted them either to be honest.

Same. I've never had one.

If you can't handle a few germs on a sausage, you're definitely not white australian. Glad to hear you left

The liberal order everywhere is being ripped apart, democracy is collapsing and Australia is having a bratwurst.

Polling station I went to just had a small barbecue going with shitty sausages, shitty bread and nothing else aside from onion and sauces to put on them.
It ruined my day.

Come eat pig and vote!

You may be on to something here, Australia.

I doubt it would even be edible.
I was on in Melbourne western suburbs.
>Started watching Cops for fun
>found Highway Patrol
>see my old neighbourhood twice an episode

Can Australians make real bacon?
Or are you guys clinically retarded like Britian or Canada with their sorry excuses for bacon?

Barbecues at polling booths just incentivizes the poor to show up.

Voting is mandatory in Aus.

eat some bratwurst faggot

Don't be haram user

Jealousy? We have sausages in the UK. Hope you enjoyed your food m8

>implying that wafer thin slices of processed pig fat fried into charcoal strips is bacon


sausage sanga was fucking $4 at my polling station, bloody disgrace.

Also muzzies BTFO

Yes we can make real bacon, none of those pathetic chewy or brittle strips of oil here

>shitlibs losing votes because their policies are retarded
>this means democracy is collapsing

I would argue that it means democracy is working.

What are you doing in toothpaste land, Aussie?

Watching advanced multiculturalism destroy a society in slow motion.
Well, not so slow motion anymore.

Why did you move there?

Got married, decent job, was already dual national.

Get fucked faggot American bacon is the only kind

Poor lad, if only you'd tried ham from this part of the world.

what is this exactly about

like you buy a sausage from the party you vote for like a donation ?

>not pre-polling to avoid the plebeian scum

fug :DD i wish i could have this

The Dutch Embassy held a sausage sizzle for voters this year.

People in switzerland get drunk and arm themselves with swords before voting.
Thats a lot cooler tbqh famgaroo

>tfw my polling station had a cake stall, burger stall and sausage sandwich stall
>all were staffed by cute white kids who were raising money for the local school and community groups
>not a shitskin in sight

They should have offered rookworst and hagelslag. That would have brought out Dutch voters.

That looks like the flesh of one of those 2000 year old guys that was found in a peat bog.

I went figuring it was like, vote and get a free one you know to encourage voting and shit, anyways i went there and stood in line and these 3 kids walk down the line with a tray of sausages going anyone want a sausage, one of them was even on cruches, i mean i'm down for free food. "only $2" guess im going hungry then. I don't carry fucking coins on me.

Speak English

No, just community people setup a barbeque usually to raise money for local charities while there are lots of people concentrated in one spot and likely hungry.

Good ole sausage sizzle

You want Trump to win? Make his supporters run sausage sizzles at booths on polling day

It's one of the things I do feel sorry about Americans for.
I don't know what you guys do with your bacon/ham but it's not right.

If peat bog people tasted like that, Ireland's peat bogs would have been dug up several times by now.

In America we have to bring our own sausages and voting-booth-anvils.

Mine too. Did you vote in Hughes?

So a normal sausage sizzle?

I bet you get a soy latte at the faggot coffee shop you poof.

T. Proxied Kiwifag

i havent been in usa my whole life honestly

i lived in bamberg germany for a few years and it was dank as fuck

>below average BBQ selection
>inner city voter confirmed

White suburbs usually have so many sangas they have some left over at the end of the day

I always vote later in the arvo when they stop serving snags.
The lines are too long earlier in the day ;_;

I went at 2 this year and it was still fucking long as.

Voted at my local masonic lodge. Shit was weird.

Still confused as to why almost every type of sausage comes in a can or glass jar in Germany.
When I was living there I missed my vacuum packed rookworst (fresh ones in the supermarket too, I don't understand why fresh sausage is so rare in Germany).

America has the best BBQ you dumb eurocuck. Off yourself before Muhammad does

Face coverings aren't allowed when showing ID to get your ballot, either. Snags, no burqas and girls from the beach voting in bikinis. Australia truly is the blessed land.

Was in America, I contest this.
Australia has better BBQ and Germany has better ham.
Sorry man, covering everything in BBQ/hot sauce doesn't make something better.

Not a chance. Lived in the US for a time, best thing you guys do is melt cheese on paddies but wouldn't know quality meet or marinade if it was thrown in your face

Where did you go for BBQ? You do know it varies state to state and just by thinking it's all BBQ sauce or hot sauce I know you're retarded

Another retarded Abo

when i lived in germany it was the mid 90s and i was a young tene like 13 when they used deutsche mark still and we lived above a butchers so we were able to get fresh cuts

travelled the world for 2 years and the only place I found decent bacon was the uk. even new zealand had shit pig.
American bacon was ok but was very processed. when I returned to wales I ate bacon every day for 2 weeks. It was glorious.

Was in California, Texas and Florida.
Some things vary state by state but it doesn't change what I saw which was hot sauce/BBQ sauce on almost everything and sub par meat.

Have you been to Australia for a BBQ? Or is this reactionary protectionism?

>Sausage sandwiches and banter as you queue up to vote
God I love the Ozmen. Doing it right

Oh wow. So no place known for BBQ.
>inb4 MUH Texas BBQ
dumb nigger

I wasn't anywhere near a butcher when I lived there, just REWE, Penny etc. Was really disappointed with what's available in German supermarkets vs Dutch ones.
Would be nice to go to a proper butcher more often though.

american bacon has way too much salt imo

So, have you left the US or is this reactionary protectionism?

i cant rememebr the name of the castle but it is basically a torture device museum

that was probaly the most based thing i went to in germany

Yes I have

Not sure which that is.
I do know there's a torture museum in Amsterdam, though I'm not sure if it's a museum or just torture because it's in the Randstad.

Did you go to Australia then?

Yeah but it always rains on your sausages and your bouncy castles blow away

it is rothenberg castle mideval crime museum

yes. You IDIOT

>British sausages

Sausage contents: 50% "meat", of which 30% is pork fat with a bit of jowl, and 20% mechanically recovered chicken meat, 17% water, 30% rusk and soya, soya concentrate, hyrolysed protein, modified flour, dried onion, sugar, dextrose, phosphates, preservative E221 sodium sulphite, flavour enhancer, spices, garlic flavouring, antioxidant E300 (ascorbic acid), colouring E128 (red 2G). Casings: made from collagen from cow hide.

what? you're trying to tell me you believe every sausage in the uk has exact same meat content and ingredients as the one you just posted ? behave yourself

Floridian here. Unless you're talking Cuban (which is very different), our BBQ sucks ass. If you want good barbecue you'll have to go somewhere in the Midwest.

Wouldn't mind having a look. Would have to go through NRW to get there.

>being this defensive
Sounds like you're telling fibs m8

Sounds like you're ABBQIDF

Standards are quite low in the UK for sausages to be truthful, family.

next time you come to uk buy you're sausage from a butcher in a local market. much better than any store bought shit. I always go for cracked black pepper 1s. so good

Have a suggestion? Might try next time I go.
Cuban was alright but for obvious reasons I'm not calling that "American".

Take your finger out of your nose next time you type.

Always try to make butcher a first stop. Though going to a store is a better indication of the 'standard' most of the time.

its pretty dank if youre into that shit i have a polaroid photo of myself inside an iron maiden and the gallows there

Mine had just run out of onions but was still breddy gud.

Literally any state other than the ones you went to have better BBQ you dumb shit toothpaste cunt

stores hit or miss , but they're all mass produced so it's always gonna have loads of additives in. If you do have to buy from a store go to tesco and check out the tesco finest range.
Love a good sausage

More into history in general really.
Would probably enjoy the castle more than what's inside.

i usually don't buy anything when i vote, it's cheaper to eat at home, bought a pop though when i voted for trump

I has a snag with onion and tomato sauce. They also had freshly cooked cinnamon doughnuts so I got a few of those.

>be American
>work minimum wage
>have to forgo most cheap foodstuffs because they're too expensive
>happy because you splurged on a can of soda


They can be hard to find.
Would recommend similar for you if you come to NL, go for "Gelderse rookworst".
If you have to buy from a store, get Unox.

>my bbq is better than yours and anything you say against me is wrong lalalalala
Yeah, what I saw was shit and beaten by Australia on a bad day.
Prepare your panties for an epic unbunching

i don't give a shit, if i'm typical for an american I just hope it means trump will get the majority vote in november

It's like going to Canada and expecting good Mexican food you stupid shit

I just hope you celebrate with a sip of coke. Don't overdue it tho senpai

So it's like talking to you and expecting to hear something worth hearing.
I understand now m8

Explain the tomato sauce. You mean ketchup? Or as Mexicans say, salsa de tomate

no, ketchup has more sugar than the aussie version

Only the good ones. Most are high fructose corn syrup and I can tell goddamn it. I can tell.

Sounds good tho, bud.

Nice dubs bitch

fuck you, if trump wins i'm going to ihop to celebrate afterwards and i'm gong to get all the free refills i want!

Kansas City is the BBQ capital and definitely makes some good meat. But I don't know if I'd say it's worth the trip to the middle of nowhere.

Memphis is also known for quality BBQ, but the style and quality is all over the place. I've had really good stuff and really bland stuff from there.

Some people like North Carolina BBQ, but it's clearly a strong, simple style originally made to mask bad meat even though they use better cuts now. Not really my cup of tea.

Texas has a LOT of BBQ, but I've never much cared for it. Like you said, low-quality meat (probably because they shovel down so much).

snag sounds like something you would find in a dumpsters.