>be fucking white male
>have cute black female neighbor
>see her wearing a MAGA hat the other day
>strike up a conversation
>we talk about trump, bulding the wall, and making america great again
>decide to go out to the bar that night
>we drink and dance together
>black guys eyeballing me
>one tries to conversate with us, but once she tells him how we met and that she's a trump fan, he backs away
>him and his friends later try to tell people we're "Racist" but we are cleary a white man and black female hanging out together
>take her home
>we immediately start making out and i get to clapping that black booty
>she's enjoying the hell out of it
>she giggles, not sure if she knows what i'm talking about
>i tell her i cucked those black guys at the bar by getting with her
>she laughs, still not sure if she knows the memes
>she blows me and as i cum on her face i yell "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"
Fucked a black Trump chick
Other urls found in this thread:
and then you woke up?
>ITT: things that never happened
How desperate do you have to be to make up a fake story where you fuck a black chick?
sure thing man
It's about time blacks learned the power of white cock. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't stop you from taking one of their own.
Truly gr8
That black neighbour's name?
Albert Einstein
Other way round.
why would you do something like this? Go on the internet...and lie?
>Fucked a black Trump chick
>be fucking white male
Hey, that may just be enough to save you from getting curbstomped by La Raza: change.org
t. jamal
Hell yeah.
who would lie on the internet? that makes no sense
OP post a pic or it didn't happen.
>she blows me and as i cum on her face i yell "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"
this is fake ri-right? I refuse to believe such autism is actually possible.
I had to pause my bbc porn video to respond. I believe every word he says
Beastiality is not Okay. If you want a monkey to blow you go to Canada you degenerate.
thats hot. thats a hot way to live. seriously got my dick hard.
Fetish fiction isn't really my thing.
It's not a lie you fucking autist virgins. I'm in my 30s, getting laid isn't that hard. This is only the second black chick I've had though. I see how this story might be hard to believe if you're still a 20 something NEET.
I don't have any pictures because most women I've met don't allow this. Tried a couple times and they accused me of wanting to put it on the internet.
Boom, you see that cop bowl the bitch over right at the end?
Nice fiction famaroo.
mmmmm hell yeah.
Lulz, I was drunk. I didn't get around to asking her if she knew what I was talking about. She did laugh though.
> right at the end
You mean when she finally kicked a peaceful protester to the ground?
1. nigger chicks are easy, they will drop panties in a heartbeat.
2. you fantasizing about nigger chicks which are again easy, is kinda fucking sad.
nice turbo cringe OP
Women "support" Trump to try being unique and stand out from the other bitches. She probably doesn't know the intricacies of his foreign policy.
its about time the Big White Cock sees its time in the spotlight
we should started BLEACHED or maybe DEKCALB
What's the point of sharing your story on Sup Forums honorable Ameriburger?
I figured most Sup Forumslacks fantasize about getting with black women. At least for the sake of bleaching.
>i cucked those black guys
that's not what it means.
you need to hide your power level you're ruining memes
Nice things that didnt happen
The quality of your thread belongs on Sup Forums. Please see yourself out of our community.
she's so tiny and cute
I want to FUCK an activist
>not even intercourse
>just "making out" and blowjob
You 92 years old?
So many anxious Jews in this thread.
10/10, would lol again you filthy niggerlover
"clapping that black booty" - hitting it from behind
You virgin?
I believe you. Most virgins can only project, so dont try too hard to convince them.
Also, dont have kids with her
MAGA 2016
>ITT: fantasies of a kid not old enough to post on this board
Trump is making being gay, being trans, and now racemixing okay.
He truly is dangerous.
Man, black people smell bad.
Even qt pie black chicks have that blackish smell.
>American flag
>40% white
it checks out
>"clapping that black booty" - hitting it from behind
I am not into "negro speak". But whatever makes you feel good.
What's it like not getting pussy
You have done your patriotic duty op
now get off my nat soc board
I don't believe it because I refuse to accept that someone who gets laid on the reg is attempting to be a real life memelord
You tell me, you're the expert.
shhh, let him roleplay.
>shouting memes during coitus.
You have regained your virginity.
>calling fucking "coitus"
Wow, only your second negress? You sure are a player, Carl. Niggers are looser than your mother senpai.
>I see how this story might be hard to believe if you're still a 20 something NEET.
It's not the part about fucking a black chick that's unbelievable
it's about your diction and how you think the things you say in the story wouldn't be cringy as fuck if you said them IRL
just admit you have an attraction to black women and you're conflicted about it because you also like a racist demagogue candidate, it's not hard bruh
>tfw Swede
>tfw all our niggers are ugly inbred somalis
>tfw you burgers are enjoying pre-bleached negros
Oh well. At least we've got some Persian girls.