This is what cucks actually believe

>this is what cucks actually believe

Liberal stupidity at its finest.

Please tell me this is just a troll

This guy needs to see a Psychiatrist.

i dunno man, he IS a doctor

Liberals are literally claiming Islams is a mental illness now. I count this as a good thing.

So I guess that this would apply to shooting then too right? Do they finally admit that the problem isn't the tool, it's the person?

He does have a point, a portion of it probably was caused by the fact that he was living in a shithole country with nothing to live for. But I don't think people from either side of the argument have ever considered that it might be a blend of shitty life condition and religion. You convince a bum that he's gonna get crazy sex and all he has to do is blow himself up he'll do it.

>Islam is mental illness
I agree.

No, he's a legit fag.

>The problem is mental health

Says the guy who thinks it's perfectly healthy to chop off your dick because you think you're a women

Not saying Mudslimes aren't mentally ill, but this guy's one to talk

suicide bombing is the last stand of implicit whiteness

Either this is a troll or political correctness has leaped so far outside of reality it transcends dimensions.

Well if you do this for isis theres something wrong with ya.

Well believing in magical sky faries is also a sign of poor mental health, so sure, mental illness all around.

Pretty sure they think they're going to paradise. They think this because of Islam.

If you believe in paradise for martyrdom, you're not making a crazy choice

But when a white person goes on a mass shooting, it's not because of his mental health, it's because of white supremacy...?

To be fair, religion is a mental illness.

Holy shit.

Way to disrespect the kamikaze pilots.

I'm a therapist and the reason this is a retarded tweet is that our understanding of mental health is almost totally culturally bound. Yes, we think someone who blows himself up is mentally ill. But our idea of wellness and how to nurture it DOES NOT TRANSLATE outside of western cultures.

You could do therapy with a suicide bomber for five years and likely get nowhere because his assumptions about life (and death) will be fundamentally different.

Yeah poor mental health caused by all your ancestors fucking their cousins and following a religion started by a pedophile warlord

He's right though, you have to be mentally ill to be a Muslim.

So what is a terrorist then?


Blowing yourself up is definitely a sign of mental illness. I agree that it is a form of suicide, and it is also murder.
Both those things have a tendency to show up disproportionately in muslims.
So Islam is at least a cause of mental illness.

When a man blows himself, it's not simply "gay". It's LIBERATING .The problem isn't faggotry. The problem is masturbation bigotry. #Stockholm

Islam confirmed a mental health issue. Thanks, Dr.

>So what is a terrorist then?
posting racist things on the internet


wtf i'm holistic medicine now

To believe in a magical invisible man in the sky giving you orders on how to direct life is a clear sign of mental illness

So if Islam leads to mental health issues, shouldn't we section all Muslims under mental health laws? Maybe we could introduce sterilisation, as it is cruel for mentally disabled people to reproduce.

That idiot, like others atheist scum and non-believers, can't even understand FAITH.

> The problem isn't Islam
> The problem is mental health
..oooh so close. Almost put 2 and 2 together there.

The problem is more Muslims aren't "mentally ill"