Will you apologize, Sup Forums?
What if WW movie turns out to be good?
> woman director
> capable of producing a good movie
if WW gets good reviews ill jerk off on cam for Sup Forums
Based off of the trailer, I'm not holding my breath.
The amazon swinging on that rope and the slow motion bullet hitting her was just so fucking cringy. It looks like, once again, over stylized over dramatized steaming garbage.
But American Psycho was directed by a woman.
y didnt they give her blue eyes?
Make sure to print this out and cum on it
It'd be a nice change, I've been disappointed int he DC movies, but not because I prefer Marvel. I think Marvel needs good competition. I always believe a good competition gives the viewers the best possible results on both ends. As such, I've been very sad to hear about some of the shenanigans going on behind the scenes with the DC movies.
i think it will get positive reviews overall. better than bvs, ss and mos got from the critics. fun movie, i think.
That's not important to the overall character, it wouldn't change anything storywise, Aquaman doesn't have to be blond either.
those sexual arches...
I'm sure there will be a vocal minority of DCucks circlejerking over it while the majority agrees that is sucks and moves on
..and is a shitty movie
>Aquaman doesn't have to be blond either.
And Momoa still dyed his hair and is wearing blue contact lenses
What's her excuse?
Never going to happen. DC doomed.
People went to the test screening this past week. Pretty much everything they said seems to be consistent except for Steven's death.
Apparently Ares is scarier looking than Doomsday.
We know it won't.
>actress cannot act
>bad fight sequences
>unrealistic action scenes even for a comic book movie
No amount of glamour shot poses will save it. That is why everyone loved her in BvS. Because she gave a couple sexy action poses and did nothing else. Minus a cgi'd jump which you can tell is cgi.
Momoa is a better actor that would actually agree to changing up his look for a part. Some people are more vain, and refuse to go through the extra steps.
>tfw Wonder Woman is the one that actually saves DCEU
the issue isnt that its a woman but that they have a female director just for the sake of it. of course there are way less talented female directors since there are also way less female directors in general, its not like a woman is unable to make a good movie.
i seriously dont understand the move though .. not even from a marketing perspective. its not like any of the major mainstream audience will care or even notice who or what gender the director is. who the heck at DC would think that the small credit they get from some crazy people who appreciate this "feminist statement" would give them a box office boost ?!
that kid is too young for kino, let's face it. he might be just right for ww, i think.
>And Momoa still dyed his hair
They gave him some minor highlights but I would say he's a blond.
>and is wearing blue contact lenses
They look less like they're supposed to be blue and more grey, almost fish like I guess.
if they cast a male director, bigger chances that critics would bash the movie for being anti-feminist or some shit
I'll give you the highlights. As for the eye color? The way they saturated their movies it's impossible to really tell. I'll never understand what the DC movies, for the most part, have again color.
WHATEVER. the point is they should have given gadot blue contacts
Should have been Wonder Woman
>Where I'm from, we call that slavery
>Um, excuse me. But that's why I pay her money. I don't make unreasonable requests from her or demand total access to her body (which an actual slave owner has by right). Also, the whole point of feminine occupations like secretaries is to give women a productive trade (such as it is) so they're not driven by desperation into prostitution or made to work at a sweatshop-esque work house or factory. Factories, I would have you also understand, that do not have nearly the same level of protections for her well-being as an "enslaved" secretary has.
thanks MRA
Just like how BvS and SS were supposed to be good? And how JL is going to be good?
What was Themiscira's tax policy?
>Ooh, I like her!
>Mabel, I'm giving you your two week's notice.
Silly user, tax policy is man-made.
>What if WW movie turns out to be good?
the day DC makes a good movie is the day I leave this site for good and get a life and friends
That kid is just born to be pleb.
Who gives a fuck you stupid bitch it's based on a fucking superhero from a fucking comic book you pretentious hipster reddit fuck fucking kill yourself holy fucking shit
Well, they didn't let down so far.
Also Sup Forums like DCEU, don't get mistaken with Sup Forumsomblirinas visiting this place from time to time.
>the whole point of feminine occupations like secretaries is to give women
yeah that's how capitalism works alright
Scatophile apologist.
10000000% screencap this
And missed the point of the book and especially the ending
>missed the point
>>actress cannot act
>>bad fight sequences
>>unrealistic action scenes even for a comic book movie
>dark scenarios
>wonder woman killer
>slow motion
>bad music theme
It will get ok reviews because muh feminism. Ironically what DCucks are seeing as a conspiracy against them because Ghostbusters and reasons
will gal punish me if I don't?
It'll prove to white dudes that diversity sells and can be profitable. Also, more blockbuster movies that don't star white guys in the lead, but are more ethnically diverse. Oh, and when this movie proves to be awesome, it'll mean that there can be a good DC movie that isn't about Batman, which are also good movies.