In all actuality, what are you going to do if Shillary is elected?

In all actuality, what are you going to do if Shillary is elected?

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Sup Forums gets deleted.

Sup Forums didn't really like Romney back then so the reaction here is going to be 100x worse


Someone post the "Trump will never win" version.

killing spree

If anyone were going to do anything they wouldn't admit to it on an imageboard that is archived in a dozen places.

allah snackbar, and bide my time

celebrate while masturbating with your tears

Wait for the next elections.

The tide is turning. Brexit, that austrian election, etc. The pendulum is swinging and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Apply for neetbux, I encourage you to do the same senpai

Sit back, watch the world burn, and drown in regret.

The australians just cucked themselves, didn't they?

Could be worse.
Leftie cunt got less seats than a cuckservative

Because Australia is still relatively untainted. The revolution will start in the USA and western europe (France and UK specifically) and will spread eastwards.

It's basically going to be like Obama, but much worse and shit getting bad at an exponential rate. Oh, and instead of being called a "racist" for criticizing Obama you'll be called "sexist" for criticizing Hillary.

To be quite honest, I really won't be surprised. Disappointed maybe, but not really surprised. I've become nihilistic about the country for a while.

In reality, I'll get on with my life. Finish my degree, start work on my masters, get a well paying job to finance my inna woods property buying plan, continue to get /fit/, find a (white) wife, and start working on getting a tribe together.

The moving of the elites will not change my goals or how I achieve them.

Dry my tears with the shitload of money I'll make off all the AR mags I've been buying since 2013.

This seems like a good idea, there hasn't been a push for gun-grabbing in a while, something must be a-brewing

Start to seriously work out. That way I'm ready for the war I'll eventually be drafted into.

Pull myself together and really pursue my science and get a proper hard-to-get career.

If Trump is elected I'll pursue my art.

I'd probably move to Japan or S. Korea until her term is up.

Kill her if the fbi doesn't beat me to it

Gunning up and waiting for the inevitable armed tantrums from the right. The assfaggot Oathbearers and Tea Party were making shows of force a bit too often until Trump showed up to give them a safe space to talk about how persecuted they are, I don't exactly expect them to take their loss with dignity if a Shillary win ruins that for them.

Trump won't win. But that shouldn't stop anyone from voting for him. A last stand before the fall is sometimes the only acceptable act left.

It's better to fall fighting than to do nothing.

I have a running bet against my soon to be wife from back in 2012 when I bet her that Hillary would win in 2016. As a Trump supporter this election is already a win/win for me

Wind up being a patsy.

>Fucking France

France is so cucked we expected it to nuke us should we touch the chinese and was viewed as an enemy because of how fucking socialist Europe is through out the cold war.

go on welfare and never have kids in America

never pay another cent of tax again to help theis new non white nation

shitpost about her for four years then shill for the next Republican candidate I presume
t. Sup Forums


Buy more guns.

>going to do if Shillary is elected?
To start with, I'm gonna be sad and angry. Then I'll be resigned to the fact that America isn't going to be the same as when I was a kid.

It's not like I'll flee to Canada (ha!), or go on a murder spree.

I'll pick up smoking and drinking again until I eventually die.


get some popcorn and watch the CLINTON FOUNDATION where all the corruption is

Except if you actually cared about winning you would be doing something than circlejerking on Sup Forums because Hilary is only a step ahead of Trump, but they both have major opportunities to gain and lose votes.

I'm going to play Santa Clause.

Ho ho ho.

Mark my words, sonny boy: Hillary Rodham Clinton will NEVER be the president of the United States of America.


Laugh at Trumpfags in damage control for a while and then watch anime

Apply for neetbux and study to become a feminist interpretive dance professor

If Hillary wins I'm going to accept whites in America will slowly become disenfranchised like the Zimbabwean or South African or Haitian white minorities but before my family is raped and killed I will try to make as much money as I can within the system

i guess ill just sleep go to the gym, post on Sup Forums, and masturbate

not much else i can do

> 1 post by this ID



> Your home in ashes, your starving children strewn about you half-dead and sobbing, packs of vicious wild dogs roaming the streets of once-happy American suburbs feeding off the weak, the cities burning on the horizon and the ground rumbling underfoot from the Chinese tanks out enforcing the new government's mandatory curfew.

> And always, through the din of screams and smoke and jackboots marching in unison, above it all you hear Obama laughing. It's been three weeks since you've had anything but pages torn from the family bible to eat. Your feet ache; your shoes have long ago been stolen by roving gangs of armed minorities and the tattered strips of the American flag you've bound them in do little to stop the cold, let alone the blisters.

Just last June Ms. Gratz filed a report with Detroit police accusing Luke Massie, national chairman of the activist group By Any Means Necessary, of displaying a knife during a heated confrontation outside a state civil rights meeting. "It was one of several attempts to either intimidate me or attack my character," she said yesterday in an interview after a speech she gave at the National Association of Scholars meeting in Boston. She said Mr. Massie had a knife in his right pants pocket and toyed with it, pulling it halfway out of his pants but not drawing its blade. Mr. Massie denies the allegation.

>I have a running bet against my soon to be wife from back in 2012 when I bet her that Hillary would win in 2016. As a Trump supporter this election is already a win/win for me

What do you get if you win?

>Not Race War

nah you start a race war and then ill think about it


I am hungary for an explanation as to why

Revolution already started, first was Hungary then Poland, then Brexit. It's not hard to tell "the only choice" gets to sit the next years out.

>Not if