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2012 apparently.
If you really want to be rustled, look up the demographics of American school-age kids.
balkinization WILL happen wether we want it or not.
its been happening since the 60s. You are the frog in the boiling pot of water. Only now you have realised what has been happening but now it is too late.
When the census decided to classify Latino's as a separate race than white.
No one complained when the Irish migrated en masse and started redefining the ethnic make-up of America and the Germans before that. No wait, actually they did.
Let's just agree that we hate blacks more and will not let this Jew trick distract us.
They count Middle easterners as white btw so that's actually like 59% as of 2016
They count everyone all the way down to Senegal as white.
Go look up what Senegalese people look like.
>white minority by 2020
>tfw you're a minority among minorities
tfw we're literally LONDON: the country
>look up the demographics of American school-age kids.
way before you were born. sheltered white boy
>dat nigger life expectancy
uh the chart you posted says 2012.
Ok, I want to understand. Do you guys hate all Hispanics, or just the illegal ones? Because I don't have any issue with law abiding ones, personally.
Yeah the white figure is probably closer to 50% now in 2016.
I knew they baked in arabs etc into the stat but really? They seriously throw in west Africa too? Thats terrifying.
This is what you get for choosing the wrong side in both world wars
When mexican immigrants are the majority, expect the same corruption and inequality here as in Mexico.
I don't think there are less than 2.4% Jews in America.
I guess I could see that happening. But it isn't inherent to their race or ideology. For example Spanish people are generally very nice.
It happened since white women got equal rights.
Wtf were white people thinking giving their countries away? Anyway it's over, now you're fucked. I'll take a non white over a lot of whites anyway. A lot of white people are hideous people.
Buzzfeed is really making a fantastic point for removing the voting rights of women. (but I am sure they tried to make the opposite point)
At least our cum will be worth millions by 2050.
Chinese girls look like dumpsters but get grade A dick just for being somewhat rare.
arabs, eastern europeans, russians, some mexicans, and jews all select "white" too.
it's really closer to %48
it's ogre
What America needs to do is stop demonizing Latinos and instead assimilate them culturally. From what I'm seeing they're hard working, anti-SJW, have close family ties, and very patriotic. Just make them honorary whites and let them get a proper education and citizenship for those who do and move on with life.
>What America needs to do is stop demonizing Latinos and instead assimilate them culturally
That's exactly what is happening now and is what the majority of people here don't want. That's why there's this thread.
>From what I'm seeing they're hard working, anti-SJW, have close family ties, and very patriotic.
Is that why Mexico is such a wonderful place? Shut the fuck up.
Legal Hispanics have every right to be here. Illegal ones should be shot on the spot.
I agree with this. It would allow for a conservative reign in the US that would be almost impossible to break. Make them like the Hispanics of Europe.
>That's exactly what is happening now and is what the majority of people here don't want
You don't want them obeying the laws of US and stop voting Democrat because muh identity-politics? Because if you keep treating them as an inherent enemy then liberals will rule the US for the decades to come. Which will only worsen the problem of illegals and crime, since to liberals improving such issues is racist.
Most third and fourth generation latinos don't even speak spanish or portuguese, except for the ones closer to the mexican border
Spain is a corrupt mess though.
Mexico is a shithole of a country. But unlike all nigger countries and sandnigger countries, not all Hispanic ruled countries are shit.
Mexicans tend to be very patriotic towards Mexico while they live in the US.
The problems not on our end. Anti-Americanism is a massive part of Mexican culture. They dont call us gringos to offend us, they do it to remind eachother that we are different from them and that assimilation isnt an option.
But the people are nice as I said, and the corruption isn't at unbearable levels. High yes, but I can think of tons of countries that have it worse.
I love how it doesn't happen straight with age because everyone knows the niggers kill themselves quicker
Hahahah. Take that, britshits. Turns out we did more than you did back in the day.
>not all Hispanic ruled countries are shit.
Name one that isn't.
Wasn't that girl deported recently after posting about being illegal with a high academic score?
Don't you have a bull to prep, Sven?
Not only that, it would encourage the best Latin America has to offer to emigrate to the US knowing that if they're successful they'll get citizenship. Win-win.
That is very normal if they feel mistreated in the US.
All I'm saying is that the Latinos would be a great addition to the USA if they're treated properly, and I don't mean this in an SJW way.
Care to explain how ALL of south America is a shit hole then?
Spain also is an economic nightmare so...
There's some kind of predisposition there friendo
IDGAF about hispanics, the point he made is stupid. People on Sup Forums understand tolerance, they don't want it.
I won't align myself with that ideology, I think if the white race wants to prosper again, white people need to worry about themselves and show the rest why we're always the implied apex.
You don't live near Spics. Spics are like Arabs except instead of their women dressing like garbage bags they are fat as hell and dress in the skimpiest clothes they can. The Middle East has ISIS beheading people, Mexico has drug cartels beheading people.
>Wasn't that girl deported recently after posting about being illegal with a high academic score?
Are illegals on the census? If not, then it's irrelevant.
Isn't the average life expectancy for Russian men like 70? Or maybe even barely that
Please don't compare Mexicans to ISIS. At least ISIS has dignity and kills homosexuals / trannies / feminists / Jews instead of stoners.
This is why you have to stop slacking and shill as hard as possible for Trump.
If Hillary gets in it won't just be the death knell of the US, she or her successors voted in by the hordes she lets in will probably carpet bomb European nationalists in future years, just like Serbia.
>All I'm saying is that the Latinos would be a great addition to the USA if they're treated properly
You sound like a jew. Non-whites are never and I do mean NEVER a "great" addition to any white country.
Spain. Portugal.
Tbqh, I'd say about half of hispanics are cool.
I really wish this fucking meme would die that people in South and Central America = Spaniards
The Conquistadors raped villagers like 400 years ago. Most of them are not even 50% Spanish
South and Central Americans are an admixture of Natives with a small amount of European blood. In some places like Argentina, Chile, and Southern Brazil, yes they have people who are like 80-100% European because European immigrants went there in the 1930s-1940s during WW2.
But aside from that, the rest of South America are fucking natives or native mixed. They are essentially "Indians". They're tribal people.
You seem to be confusing them speaking Spanish with BEING Spanish. The only reason they speak the shit is from Spanish colonization that ultimately failed.
THEYRE NOT FUCKING SPANIARDS, stop putting them on the same plane as Spaniards, it is an insult to Europe.
Nigger-tier compared to germanic countries.
I'm going to tell you something too.
Our census here is a copy of yours. I'm half black.
When asked back in 2008 what ethnicity I was, I replied with "mixed".
They then told me it wasn't valid option, but asked if I was half black and I said yes.
APPARENTLY, Mulattos are put in with metzitos, and they filed me down as Hispanic.
So all those half blacks in the states are grouped in with Hispanics.
This also means you had a Hispanic President before a Black one
t. Spic
Don't know why all of South America is a shithole. But over in Europe for example Spain is not. And what country in Europe isn't in an "economic nightmare?"
Sven, I would much rather live in Spain that in your sandnigger infested shithole. Especially in 20 years.
And yet americans claim europe is fucked
I think you mean latinization. Balkinizaion is literally what has happened in our country when we took in tons of Kosovars and Albanians after the war.
>all the degenerates pop out shitloads of kids
>those kids then pop out even more
>2 to 10, 10 to 100, 100 to 1,000, etc.
Why did the demographic problem have to be exponential.
I hate it when it gets exponential.
Texan here, that image right there almost what every single Mexican woman over 30 looks like. For real.
>Sven, I would much rather live in Spain that in your sandnigger infested shithole.
Spain already have a sand-nigger majority. Also, it just goes to show that you're not part of the germanic portion of Finland. You're probably one of those mongols who can easily identify with the people of Spain because you're sub-human trash yourself.
>comparing European immigrants to border hopping spics
Nice try, Jew
Not a Spic, I just think it's insulting to the European empire and our people to say that South and Central Americans are Spaniards. They're not. They have admixture. That's why they're slightly better than Africa but not as good as America or Europe. Even if I'm not particularly fond of Spain, they are part of Europe and we need to defend their honor or beaners will think they're entitled to Europe as well. Let's not rope them together with some 3rd world villagers.
>All I'm saying is that the Latinos would be a great addition to the USA if they're treated properly, and I don't mean this in an SJW way.
That is precisely the SJW argument of ''immigrants are not responsible for their own integration'', that if we just pander to them more they'll assimilate. It's literally failed everywhere in Europe and in the United States. They literally have ''sanctuary cities'' for illegals - essentially Mexican colonies inside the US.
If we ever recover from this, the beginning 21st century will be the laughing stock of future generations. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to realize that if you let half a billion Chinese into Japan, it's no longer Japan.
People in the Philippines are Spanish two.
why do all the questionnaires put ppl under Hispanic, along with spain?
>Spain already have a sand-nigger majority
What the fuck are you talking about? Your wishful dreams won't change the fact that your country has way more sandniggers that Spain. (by percentage)
Seems like I also hit a nerve. You know that soon most children born in your country will be sandniggers, right? Have fun with that.
Honor? Race?
Spain is a bunch of half mudslimes!
>Brown and Hairy
>What the fuck are you talking about?
Most spaniards have turkish blood flowing through their veins (not to mention nigger blood thanks to the moors).
>Your wishful dreams won't change the fact that your country has way more sandniggers that Spain.
See previous response.
>You know that soon most children born in your country will be sandniggers, right?
Already happening in Spain.
I want that to be true just to put fat fuck South Asians in there place when they try to claim Spanish as their language but pic related has destroyed my faith in hapa fatfuckrace.
That's why you give citizenship to those who get a proper education.
Not at all. I'm saying the USA should keep the ones that get a proper education, who are objectively very likely to contribute to the prosperity of the country. Pandering to them is treating them improperly. Basically treat them as normal human being and don't complain about them on the basis of race.
Deport the criminals and reduce welfare, reward hard work and academic achievement.
The USA is a collection of immigrants who worked hard, people who in europe would've been at each others throats created the most powerful nation on earth. I see no reason to kill that tradition.
>hurr durr a percentage of blood
>compared to my countries full blooded sandniggery
I'll be sure to think about you once the Swedish people become a small minority in Sweden.
>Isn't the average life expectancy for Russian men like 70?
In Russia? Definitely.
In the states? Way higher than negroes since the Russians in the States rank as high income earners.
Be that as it may they're part of Europe now. We don't need to make Europe even worse by inspiring beaners to migrate to "their" homeland.
I don't think you fully grasp what it's like living with spics. No, they're not nigger or Muslims-tier, but they're pretty damn close. Go take a look at the crime, murder and education stats for Latin American. You really shouldn't talk until you've spent some time with these shits.
Also, believe it or not fucking Poo-Loos,
Arabs and Africans currently assimilate better than spics in America.
Regardless if they assimilate or not, I don't want them here. Do you want a wave of foreigners (non-white as well) completely changing the demographics of Finland even if they assimilated? I don't think so.
>>compared to my countries full blooded sandniggery
I don't think you quite understand. Spain is predominantly shitskin already. Sweden isn't even close.
>I'll be sure to think about you once the Swedish people become a small minority in Sweden.
You'll die of old age long before that happens.
haha get fucked :D
>You'll die of old age long before that happens.
I won't die of old age in 40 years. I don't know how old you'll be then, but I hope you get to see it.
Wanna switch mexicans with colombians?
>eastern and southern Europeans, Middle Easterners including Turks and North Africans are all considered white
>mfw America is barely 35% white (Anglo and western/northern European)
>'white' people in America often have negroid and native American ancestry
>only around 10% of Americans are pure white
>I won't die of old age in 40 years.
>Also, believe it or not fucking Poo-Loos,
>Arabs and Africans currently assimilate better than spics in America.
That's because they're an actual minority. If there were as many Africans or Muslims in The US as their are Mexicans, you wouldn't be saying that.
>America will be fucked to death by Spanish-Aztec mongrels in your lifetime
Feels good.
The one's who get into academia are likely legals in the first place.
>Basically treat them as normal human being and don't complain about them on the basis of race.
It's getting increasingly harder to do that because the more they pour in the less likely their are to integrate and more likely to leech off welfare. Race relations aren't about to get better before mass deportations.
>The USA is a collection of immigrants who worked hard, people who in europe would've been at each others throats created the most powerful nation on earth. I see no reason to kill that tradition.
It's a collection of white, European immigrants. Which is why a part of the reason why she's been declining over the decades is letting in non-white, non-European people en masse.
This. Hispanics are pretty bad.
I've worked alongside dozens and dozens of Hispanics, they are nigger-tier lazy. I've only ever met one Hispanic who was a hard worker and he was like 80-90% Spanish, he looked like a white guy.
Most young Mexicans also assimilate into the nigger culture rather than white culture from what I've seen.
And yeah, you're right. South America is Africa tier in some parts. Ridiculously bad crime and the people are pretty savage.
lmao a huge chunk of latinos are white and a big majority are white descendant
Maybe you are right, I don't know.
>Americans are a multicultural people
>Balkan Turk rape babies
>determining who is white
Top KEK m8
Yes, very true, which is why they need to fuck off and build the wall on their way out.
Most Americans on Sup Forums will disagree with you, either out of denial or pride.
But I completely agree, actual white Europeans are probably only like 30-40% of the population at best.