I spent a lot of time learning about trading and one thing I can tell you is that "day trading" or really trading in general is a suckers game. the only person that wins long term is your broker. if you're not taking latency into account when implementing your strategy you 100% do not have a successful strategy.
HOWEVER: owning stocks/bonds/funds is perfectly acceptable. the best advice I can give there is don't fall into the trap of trying to buy "the next apple", because the next apple is not for sale, at least to you. you want to own stocks that are dependable, have been around for a long time (30/40+ years) and pay a steady dividend you can reinvest.
oh and don't go on /biz/. they're fucking stupid.
Hunter White
Have you read archeofuturism?
Angel Wood
yeah, /biz/ is stupid. They invest in meme stocks (hyped penny stocks).
I downloaded Robinhood so I don't pay commission fees on trading. It makes any form of daytrading or swing trading really easy.
I think I'm finally getting the hang of things though. I made $72 in 3 days after the Brexit crash.
Carter Gomez
No, can you give me a rundown?
I've read The Way of Men, and am currently on 'A Sky Without Eagles.'
After, I plan to jump to Meditations
Gavin Robinson
I recently started lifting again. I'm also training my dogs to walk with me off leash.
And I'm reading books on that Dilbert guy's persuasion reading list, I had already read The Art of The Deal and How to Win Friends and Influence People and both helped me so now I figure I'll try to become a top tier persuader.
Caleb Turner
>tfw completely cut out caffeine a few months ago I've never been less anxious in my life
Owen Bennett
lately I've been working out a lot and concentrating on his to read/work people. watching peoples body actions when they speak and learning about their character and then more or less abusing them to get what I want/need.
Going pretty well, one thing ill tell you guys: never trust or get close to someone who flaunts their ego with no substance. ie: talks highly about themselves in ways that's up to you to inffer
Nolan Kelly
Hunter Wright
>How to Win Friends and Influence Peopl really really good book
Everyone on Sup Forums should read it if they hope to spread their beliefs.
Jaxson Allen
Trying yes, but no matter what I do, I will always be an internet addict.
Either way all I want now is to fuck off from society and live in a cabin.
Juan Perry
Everyone here should begin reading the following:
Thomas Sowell Milton Friedman Ben Shapiro
While you may not agree with everything they say, they have excellent points about the left, why the Constitution is good, and how to fix a lot of current issues.
Also, masturbating once a week is good for your prostate, its preventative against for prostate cancer.
Jordan Watson
yeah but they sell your data to hft firms. they way they trade is they buy a stock a few milliseconds before you possibly can and then sell it to you. its called latency arbitrage and it is one of the few successful forms of trading left. what you are doing is gambling and while it is a lot of fun overall it is a waste of time.
Henry Rodriguez
Not fapped in 2 years. I read a minimum of 10 hours a week. I lift 4 days a week. I do MMA training 3 days a week. Just finished a BS in engineering. I should have a pretty decent life but that feel when 5'10.
Adrian Murphy
Hell yea man
Meditating all the time, used to be a pill popping adhd fuck up, now I'm just trying to build up a decent life. Only problem is I have trouble trying to get a clear picture of what I want my long term goals to be. I know I want to go to college, Biomedical engineer/neuroscience. Just shit keeps getting in the way, I can't seem to decide what to do in the moment to decide how to get where I want to go.
Also nofap, seeing dietician & primary care doctor (free medical care because AK native), and reading books/ playing chess. Better than just sitting around playing games/jacking off.
Carter Cruz
I've started going on hikes and/or bike rides two or three times a week, am going to start working out every couple of days again tomorrow. I also bought a couple of cookbooks and have made it my project for the summer to cut down on fast food and learn to cook healthy shit for myself. I'm going to start planning what I eat in advance and going grocery shopping once a week as well.
Also need to start reading more. More books and less manga.
I also got a Treehouse account and have been learning to code.
Logan Parker
Learned to cook simple stuff like chicken breasts and steaks.
I'm still trying to sleep at proper times. My brain fires up at around midnight to 1AM so sleeping through that time is wasted effort.
Angel Price
this fpbp /thread underrated post
Benjamin Bell
>literally "have a good handshake and look him in the eye" the book
The book was written for 1930s business men in a time when business was limited to white men. It feels completely irrelevant today.
Justin Price
Pro tip from a cu/ck/, chicken breasts are one of the shittiest cuts of chicken meat.
Nathan Rivera
confirmed for not reading it.
Parker Bennett
you wanna learn how to manipulate people to get what you want?
Read the 48 laws of power.
Wyatt Bennett
Enjoy that early onset of alzheimer at 22, pal.
Kayden Lewis
how so? also is buying a whole roaster worth it?
Jackson Smith
I downloaded Martha Stewart's cook book to get the basics of cooking, and downloaded one of Gordon Ramsay's cookbooks for later use.
I recommended making his scrambled eggs. It makes you feel like a real chef
Can you recommend titles? I've been looking for some good non-fiction to pick up, particularly Sup Forums related.
Landon Stewart
I was just going to put money in index funds at first. I might try some more active trading later on but I'd rather get some money out there without me fucking up.
Benjamin Flores
Guillaume Faye lays out his plans for Europe and the world after a world catastrophe which he predicts will occur early in the twenty first century.
Faye envisons a two-tier world economy where only 10% of the world have access to technology (select cities in Europe and Asia) while the rest of the world returns to a medieval style traditional society based on agriculture, craftsmen, etc. Hence the name "archeofuturism".
This is a very brief rundown and the book contains so much more, so if you are interested you should definitely read it.
Owen Lee
>Sowell Just don't mate. He's a legitimately bad "economist".
>Milton Friedman Better. Monetarism is super interesting.
Not trying to shill, but I'm considering adding some of these to my reading list
Sup Forums's recommended reading is a good resource
it's also very balanced for left and right.
Ian Young
One of the best things you fuckers could do is go high carb vegan. YOU WILL GET SHIT DONE!
Mason Rivera
I would hold off on the index m8, I feel like a big correction is coming soon. Buy the dip;-)
Austin Robinson
when people ask me about stocks the thing I tell them is "if it's exciting you're not investing". trading is a lot of fun. investing is extremely boring. I can't rag on people with a couple grand wanting to try their luck at day trading: I did the exact same thing. you win some you lose some but long term you spend too much time looking for meaning in meaningless data.
I went into my steam library and deleted all my installed games
Leo Anderson
Lifting weights and doing kegels
Brayden Garcia
My problem is that I used to look like a pear with toothpicks in it, and I hated it. A really simple without routine combined with better eating fixed it within the year though. Push-ups, jumping jacks, and jogging every morning. The push-ups and sit-ups are warm-up, the jogging is the real thing. Just run until you feel like you're being stabbed in the side, then stop. Tomorrow that should be further and further. Eventually I decided to run a marathon
Jose Sanchez
It's not something you stop, you must mentally outgrow it for it to really go away!!
Nolan Baker
Since this is a more honest thread with less meme replies I'll ask this here:
What do you do about a friend who has turned degenerate? At what point do you cut off ties and leave them to their failure?
My friend recently got his first gf ever and she is complete trash. He was in her friend zone for about a year while she fucked around with other guys but he stayed around anyway, and the whole time I tried to warn him but he always acted like I didn't see the "real" her. Now he lives with her in a shitty house that they rent, she leeches off of him and his family and he still doesn't see. She is also a huge pothead/alcoholic (I've only talked to her once while she was sober) and Bernie supporter.
They have a fucked up co-dependence that, however destructive, I don't want to break up because then I'll be the bad guy. So should I just leave them to their degeneracy, remain neutral and somewhat distant in the hopes that he comes to his senses or do I be straight with him and throwaway or friendship in the hope of saving him?
Landon Taylor
Had a coke for the first time in 2 weeks and couldn't finish it
Cameron Powell
where do I get started with kegels?
What do I do? I know the muscle and how to contract it, but what's the routine?
Andrew Flores
Want to read more often, work more hours per week (inb4 wage slave), lift more weights, stop fapping, and sleep more. Also redpill the gf
Noah Thompson
If you want general politics, race, economics, etc read sowell.
Books that expose the left and how they've become so influential in academia and media, go Shapiro.
For a heavier mix of econ with a bit of politics, go Friedman.
To start Friedman, just read "capitalism and freedom" and "free to choose".
Sowell, "basic economics" and "wealth, poverty, and politics"
Shapiro, "brainwashed" and "primetime propaganda".
Daniel Reyes
this it really is a growing up thing it took a lot of will power to stop after 1500 hours of csgo
Noah Gutierrez
How is Sowell a "bad economist".
Where are your proofs?
Logan Anderson
There's a few, generally start by doing 50 three times a day ( if you can't manage 50 at first do whatever feels comfortable and build up). After you get comfortable with this incorporate 10 squeezes held for 5 seconds at the end of each 50. After you get comfortable with this do 10 reverse kegels after, eventually building up to 50 I still can't do reverse kegels though
Mason Campbell
Self improvement is masturbation.
Samuel Lewis
literally throw it all away including the computer you are typing on and go into a library.
Stop having anything with a screen in your house for several months.
Elijah Cruz
>What do you do about a friend who has turned degenerate? inspire jealousy because of how good you are relative to them. Don't show off, be a good man for the sake of being good, but do it so well that onlookers will aspire to be like you.
One of my friends is a huge autist who seriously video games.
Now I'm taking him to the gym. He's also now more interested in getting a gf.
>At what point do you cut off ties and leave them to their failure? when you you reach a level of improvement in your life that you realize you can no longer relate to them and they have just stagnated and you have no more links to them.
Zachary Morgan
What kind of benefits will kegels give me?
Justin Hall
Honestly, you have to cut people out of your life. The christians, however stupid, do make a profound statement when telling people not to be unequally yoked, to be friends with good people.
Shitty people will drag you down to their level. Your goal really should be to be friends with people who are better than you, so you're brought up to their level.
I'd refrain from initiating contact with him. If he does, invites you over or whatever, go hang out, but keep an eye on the situation. If it feels degenerate and not part of your goals, after that, don't accept his invitations. You don't even need to tell him you're cutting him out unless he specifically asks, just let things drift apart. He'll be out of your life and you'll be on to better things.
Jack Morgan
Exercise and poo in the loo everyday.
Not watching anime, not posting on Sup Forums(with exception of this post)
James King
>poo in the loo everyday.
Would someone actually do this? Go on the internet and tell lies?
Michael Nelson
I'm sleepy, and am not going to get my sources right now. You can choose to believe or not, I couldn't give a shit.
But generally, he makes the same errors as people on the far left do. He lets politics influence his theory rather than relying on empirical data to inform his view of economics.
People like Sowell, people like Veblen, people who use economics as political ammunition instead of studying it for its own sake ruin it.
Justin Baker
>be recovering uselessfag >tfw feel bad about cutting tethers to irredeemable permauselessfag
Vampires are real.
Eli White
I'm trying to study for the mcat. It's pretty hard.
Tyler Jones
It's impossible if you have aspergers
Juan Reyes
Because nothing remains same after swallowing the red pill.
Elijah Flores
Rock hard erections generally speaking, the ability to control yourself more during sex ( be actively relaxing the PC and BC muscle I.e. Reverse kegelling ) and finally holding back cum by doing a hard kegel squeeze at the point of no return
Jackson Hernandez
Thank you, appreciate it.
Blake Wright
All of his books are heavily cited.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying I don't want to trust some internet rando when I find a lot of his conclusions and sources well thought and credible.
Jordan Brown
only certain things.
People like us are better suited to ascetic types of lifestyles that may lack as much socialization but make up in other ways
Josiah Stewart
Are you implying caffeine causes Alzheimer's or not using caffeine causes Alzheimer's?
Gabriel Turner
this t b h, plenty of talented autists, shame it's a "who you know and not what you know" world
Elijah Campbell
Don't trust me. Read up on his sources, see if there's anything published in the last decade, and see if anything has changed from the original experiments.
Adam Hall
What are some ways I can improve myself Sup Forums? >stopped fapping >cut down on vidya drastically >eating better, no junk food. Ever. >working out, gonna start lifting soon >deleted all of my social media because it's cancer >half tempted to not get a smart phone when my contract is up and instead get a basic flip phone
I'm also considering going to the local tech college and learning a trade or two. Possibly enlisting in the National Guard as a Combat Engineer or something similar. I'm also considering once I finish taking care of me joining a church to find a nice midwestern church girl to marry.
>tfw vidya fatigued >tfw don't play more than a couple hours a week at most anymore
Most new vidya is shit and gets ruined with microtransaction bullshit or just halfassed programming and I'm too tired of old vidya.
Anthony Martinez
Will do. I'm glad the shitposters have a bedtime.
Thank you for making me question, and have a fantastic fourth burger bro
Jacob Rodriguez
quit Sup Forums.
this will help more than everything on your whole list. Trust me. Good luck doing it though
Thomas Mitchell
Instead of buying chicken breasts buy boneless skinless chicken thighs. Way more flavor for a similar cost.
Gabriel Morales
I've tried. I just limit coming here and that seems to work out.
Brayden White
true it's really only Sup Forums that's this addictive, because it's fear porn.
Other boards don't keep me for hours
Caleb Morgan
Aw yis. Might grab some beers and discuss politics with a buddy. Enjoy the 4th m88
Caleb Gutierrez
Started no fap, no sugar, no caffine, and soon, no surfing (just need to get some furniture for my room, and then the computers going away except when I directly lead it.
Next week I'm going to start exercising, and the week after that I'm going to sell my car and buy a small-capacity motorbike. I'm sick of working just so I can pay for the vehicle I use to get to work in the first place. The bike will also force me to become mechanically knowledgeable over time, so even more self-improvement.
Basically I'm going on a week-by-week basis just so I don't get overwhelmed and call it quits too soon.
Reading more and getting more exercise will also be a by-product of spending less time shitposting and fapping.
Bentley Morris
I'm studying Business Studies in University, Reading every day, and trying to think more confidently and positively (because I have anxiety and don't want to fuck my brain up with prescription drugs)
Eli Nguyen
Don't put off lifting any longer and never skip leg day.
Bentley Ross
learn an instrument
Henry Green
Decided to go back to working out. Still have a lot of progress to do on that. I'm in a place where I don't feel comfortable working out (the countryside, where it can be dangerous to go running, for example, I'm living next to a highway, so it's not easy).
Reading more fantasy books and books in general. I'm preparing myself to write fantasy books and to finish those I've started.
Stopped drinking alcohol and sodas unless it's a special occasion. I've done a good work with sodas, but I've drunk more than I wanted to (one glass per week).
I started learning how to cook. I've done risotto, fried rice and various recipes of pasta so far.
Daniel Myers
I actually played guitar throughout middle and high school. I just left it halfway across the country so I haven't played in almost five years.
I've been meaning to get it shipped to me though. I've really been wanting to play again.
Carter Reyes
I'm just getting use to working out again. I'm overweight and severely out of shape so I'm starting slow so my body gets used to moving like this.
I do have a plan though. It's not a "well I'm gonna do it soon" thing. I have an actual date I'm gonna start.
Elijah Rodriguez
No, Sup Forums is terrible as well in that regard. I used to stay here and avoid some other chans, but Sup Forums really is the cancer you can't get away from.
Liam Taylor
Counting calories for a 2lb/week weight loss.
Fixing up my financial situation, starting to seriously discuss attendance with universities.
Hoping to get in for Mathematics this fall, and leave Sup Forums when I leave home.
Ayden Jackson
I also have this problem. What I'm trying to do is take the impulse that makes me want to constantly refresh Sup Forums and direct it towards reading and absorbing actual knowledge. This board is fun and occasionally informative, but you can't rely on it as your only source of information because it starts to fuck with your head. I've become kind of a news addict too, which I'm trying to cut back on, especially my incessant desire to read every new bit of info that comes out in regards to the election. Even legitimate journalistic sources contain a lot of pointless speculation and noise that you don't need. In the grand scheme of things knowledge is a lot more important than information.
Robert Campbell
Sebastian Smith
>Even legitimate journalistic sources contain a lot of pointless speculation and noise that you don't need
Yes, journalistic texts aren't meant to be binge-read. What I do is I take a few sources I deem reliable and I read them at the same time of day every day, look at what's new to get an idea of the bigger picture. Unless you go talk to experts in politics, you won't get much better than that from the medias, unless you start learning other languages.
Eli Torres
>go to /fit/ and have a weight workout routine at home (deadlifts, weighted squats, generic dumbbells) >also run inside of a club, mostly to HIIT, but also helps some social gainz >eat extremely healthy, intermittent fasting, all kinds of weird herbs that I found on examine.com (spirelina helps against nasal congestion) >bodyfat below 9% >sub 19 minutes on 5 km >no drugs, no alcohol >8 hours of sleep >focus put towards testosterone and cortisol avoidance >properly count all macros >don drink anything but water and kefir
Not sure what is left for me to improve.
Logan Rogers
actually underrated
Alexander Thompson
Is taking care of your body the only thing you want to do in life?
Hunter Perez
become very fashionable
become very well read
become very charismatic
become a master chef
become a master artist
become a master at an instrument
get married and have many children
Now do all of these.
Isaiah Turner
i need to nap less guys. my s/o is concerned by how much i nap because he heard some study about people who nap more tend to die younger. naps are just so good though. i eat well, low carb so i have the energy i just chose to nap.
Dylan Wilson
Its a start, but my goal is to get ahead of 90% of the males of my generation who do not even have chest hair because of their shitty hormones. Once I am healthy, I can move up to other things, not sure what yet but...
Josiah Walker
I'm a real good productive goy otherwise, but pol just sucks me in.
Tyler Cooper
>low carb >having energy
pick one
Aiden Flores
>become very fashionable almost there user, fashion is enhanced by a good physique.
>become very well read Kek, im already this, though not on classics, but rather on science, on scientific journals, ten times more useful than the ramblings of old farmers and bums.
The rest is nice advice, might do that too.
Jaxon Foster
This is a great thread.
Nicholas Martinez
Read Borges. Really great short stories.
Gavin Thompson
Day trading is an expert's game. Swing trading (over the course of a few days or occasionally weeks) is where it's at. Easier, and you have time to think.
A good book is 'The New Trading for a Living' by Alexander Elder
Ethan Williams
See You're dutch, of course they don't have chest hair, and if they do, it's blonde, so it's hard to spot.
Also Literature is a part of life. Science books only give you one approach on life. Try another, see its merits. Read history books, poetry, great works of fiction (fuck naturalism, though).