Dead Sup Forums mods

Dead Sup Forums mods,

Please stop allowing Sup Forums posters to come on here and keep making threads.
Please make a sticky saying anyone that makes one is perma-banned.
To Sup Forums users, please report all Sup Forums threads so they 404 quickly.
Thank you.

>Sup Forums is a problem yet the pedobot and his chums isn't

whats next? Sup Forums is running the pedobot?

I don't want to solve a captcha to report posts

Sup Forums pass you cheap fuck. You can't cough up a measly 20 bux for the website you can't leave?

Go back to bitching on /qa/ you fucking faggot

>having paytrail leading back to Sup Forums
no thanks

>paying to report people

Sup Forumsposts are the only thibg keeping us all sane


posters like you killed Sup Forums

>why are you trying to solve THIS problem? what about the OTHER problem?

Pol posters are funny guys. Ban the cunny weirdos, foot posters and furry fags

t. reddit

is this another shitposting thread?

What kind of assblasted, retarded autist do you have to be to think that you're being constantly bullied and trolled by another board?


Maybe, just maybe, Sup Forums is full of shitposters and you're ruining your own board.


Sup Forums was never good you literally have to be fresh from reddit to think Sup Forums has made Sup Forums any worse, it was always shit

Sup Forums needs more anime tbqh

>just looking at those flips flops made my dick twinge
It's working

>Maybe, just maybe, Sup Forums is full of shitposters and you're ruining your own board.

Can confirm. OP is a Sup Forumsfugee shitter who has to go back

are you a cuck or something boy?

>make a thread calling out the Drumpfkins
>instant replies proving OP right

keep fighting the good fight OP

Sounds like OP cant handle Hard Truths.

>Be Sup Forums poster

>Be a shit

>Spams cancer and spreads shit all over Sup Forums board

>Board becomes so cancerous that Sup Forums poster decides to migrate as a refugee to neighboring boards

>Still be a shit

>Proceeds to spread cancer on board


there's still a cool down timer on reporting posts, it's REALLY inconvenient

lol ruptured ass

>reporting threads
Do redditors really do this?


not to defend the off topic Sup Forums threads, but they do have a point when they say as long as television and film are openly used to push political narrative then they should be allowed to make threads about it.

It seems cowardly to not have a problem with politically infused media but get buttered when somebody wants to discuss the message being pushed.

Take that wilmore faggots show for example. It was an openly political show created with a specific political message in mind unlike chappelle show which was a comedy that didnt make everything about it political. They're both "black" shows it could be argued, but chappelle brought people together while wilmore drove people apart.

On neo/tv/, a thread about this would contain:
>reeeeeeee get out Sup Forums
>Idris Elba
>what did he mean by this?

but no actual discussion of the merits of the different portrayal of race through different approaches during different media and political climates.

To be the type of person to sperg out about a political thread about a political show rather than just ignore it is so much more irritating than some retard Sup Forums-person yelling nigger and dropping stupid redpills. At least it's some form of information even it's its stupid. But some faggot yelling about Sup Forums and reeeeeing up a thread he could've just ignored conveys nothing but the immaturity of the offended party.

/poltv/ is the cure to redditcancer, cucks and dumb fucking liberals shitting up the board.

I'd take 100 pol threads over a single rlm-watching redditcuck.

Sup Forums is Sup Forums
Enjoy your stay

Sup Forums is the solution to the women and nog problem on Sup Forums. I think we need to genocide all women who have ever used the internet. You don't belong here cunts. No one likes you.

nice feet


Sup Forums Btfo! Will (((they))) ever recover?

OP is mad his shitty comic book is gay lol

Categorically wrong, and we already have evidence to prove it. /r9k/ did the same thing, and all it did was attract hordes of redditors from /r/Sup Forums. Now Sup Forums is the main source of redditors, who come from /r/Sup Forums and /r/The_Donald

reminder that people like OP complain about Sup Forums threads but are 100% fine with BLACKED threads

But the jews literally control hollywood. Sup Forums says they control the world but they literally control our world. We should be more critical of the jews than Sup Forums.

i think feets will bring harmony to Sup Forums

t. snowflake


>Implying there is anything wrong with BLACKED

Sup Forums is a problem yet the star wars spam isn't. fuckin kek

>hating winners
what a low test faggot cryptonigger you are inside

Sup Forums is obviously a better board than Sup Forums, even Reddit agrees :3

>there can only be one problem at a time

>be Sup Forums poster
>get banned
>Sup Forums is now empty


>screencapping your redditposts
You're a singularity of autism fambles.

>capeshit whining
>Star Wars shit whining
>girl being in a movie whining
>shitty show that has a general not being made to use general
>capeshit company wars
>celeb said this on social media whining
>gender / race of cast whining
>interracial porn
>"movies women will never understand"
>SJW falseflagging
>waifu thread
>"Me on the left"
>Sup Forums
>pedo thread
>it aint me starts playing
>"is it kino?"
>Who will play [unrelated to film & television] in the inevitable biopic?
>eceleb trash
>[unrelated to film & television] black person doing anything
>What’s his endgame
>celebrity's personal lives drama
>persecution complex whining
>Does anyone know some films about [unrelated to film & television]
>Late night talk show host is... *Sup Forums leans forward in anticipation*.... a cuck! *Sup Forums erupts in applause*
>wtf I hate [unrelated to film & television] now!
>thinly veiled Trump shilling
>Jewish Hollywood Girls
>"What did [unrelated to film & television] mean by this?"
>unflattering pic of celebrity
>screencap + forced meme from shitty movie
>Billy Batts
>Really makes you think
>(Disengage safety protocols)
>quote from Spider-Man movie altered to include Sup Forums humor
>screencap of RT score of blockbuster
>"Thanks for correcting the record!"
>Dan Schnieder posting
>Recommend Trumpkino
>Watch it
>daily Amy Schumer life update
>daily John Oliver life update
>Daily Show host life update
>daily Lena Dunham life update
>white male
>stronk womyn
>Why do women pretend to
>crab legs
>Mary Sue

Sup Forums and Sup Forums have always been allies

>oy vey they hurt mah multicultural feelings with redpills

goddamn i love Sup Forums

>be a Sup Forums poster
>get butthurt at political posts
>whine about Sup Forums all day
>make thread out of butthurt on an anonymous imageboard

What are some redpilled kino?
Only one I know is taxi driver

>Sup Forums - Television & Film

>Sup Forums posters hop over to board

>Refuse to assimilate

>Shitpost and talk about Daddy (Trump)

>Whole board becomes a chaotic hot mess

>Board becomes cancerous

>Sup Forums posters jump to another board after it becomes too cancerous, process repeats

Sup Forumsacks confirmed muslims

Honest question: Does anyone actually come here for discussion and debate regarding television shows and films anymore?

I've been here exclusively for the shitposting for months now. I leave if I don't see a shitpost on the front page as soon as I get here

Sup Forums has no allies other than reddit.

t. non white



>Sup Forums




That's what I thought, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter. Sup Forums is mainstream as fuck now. It isn't the butthole of the internet any more. It isn't the deepweb either which is the scary go to these days.


There's plenty of discussion left on the board. Just filter out the fotm memes and generals and the board is instantly improved.
All they really need to do is turn on the robot and double post timers.

when one problem is infinitely worse, and this problem seems to already get disproportionate attention, yes, that greentext is accurate.

>no maga hat


>dead Sup Forums mods


>anything I don't like is le Sup Forums xDD

>Sup Forums is more diverse than buzzfeed/huffpo/salon writing staffs

Really makes you think about who the good guys really are...

Cry me a river you fucking faggot.

Sup Forums is part of Sup Forums as much as the cancerous Sup Forums or /mlp/ are.

Learn to live with it or fuck off you Hot Wheels' website.

With all the pedophiles you have on this board you're bitching about a couple of racially diverse Nazis? Grow the fuck up.

Just because it's mainstream, doesn't mean it's not the butthole of the internett. It is.

american pajeets ironically shitposting about fascism are hardly the good guys

Go back to Sup Forumsmblr you worthless faggot. Sup Forums was Sup Forums before there was a Sup Forums

This. Sup Forums was as hardcore as /news/ was back in its height.

I give you my personal shitposting oath....Im never gonna stop

>tfw heroes on BOTH sides

You're not allowed to criticize the jews anymore though, Trump is Jewish and is also pro-Israel

Trump TV is Best TV OP, go Sup Forums or get off Sup Forums

> please mods come here and protect me, I'm a poor little shitskin

top kek

wtf I love the jews now

Sup Forums has lost to the jidf and unwashed nonwhite masses. All of the white people went to 8ch but they became a hugbox and are complete unself aware. Sup Forums died in 2014 when moot made it Sup Forums2.0. That's why Sup Forums spreads to other boards, it's all because of moot.

They ALL are problems. Remove them ALL.

Then maybe we can start being a more productive board.

Massive Butthurt: The Thread