Canadian """""men""""""

>canadian """""men""""""

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Vote non-wh*Te in 2022 to keep Canada strong.


Those were the days tbqh

>This is a quote

Yeah just like the "if you kill your enemies" shit was totally a quote despite it appearing on no official logs of statements held by the prime minister and its earliest recorded appearance online being found on an archived thread from Sup Forums

He's not necessarily wrong, though?

Hello Justin

This is a real quote.

>admiring dictatorships
>not wrong
He's completely wrong you anti-freedom cuck.

what did justin mean by this?

I don't think it's wrong. They did what they had to do to improve the lives of their citizens. I don't have to agree with how they did it but it worked for them.

>They did what they had to do to improve the lives of their citizens
And funnily enough the general quality of life for human beings is greatly increased when they have more access to freedom.

I would disagree, a greater quality of life is achieved when people can afford to buy food and have the basic necessities first.

More freedoms can improve a persons quality of life if the basic necessities of life are provided first.

Closest example I can compare with is India. Freedom and democracy do not necessarily improve lives.

>I would disagree, a greater quality of life is achieved when people can afford to buy food and have the basic necessities first.
And chinaman are effectively modern day serfs with even less access to food and basic necessities, wanna try that one again?

What? Their literacy rate and life expectancy exploded after the ccp consolidated power.

Source for your statement please.

>What? Their literacy rate and life expectancy exploded after the ccp consolidated power.
And so fucking what?

>Source for your statement please.
You're free to search for it yourself, but I'm basing what I know on this absolute shithole of a nation from pic related. Within the next 100 years their defiled environment is going to kick them in the ass and destroy their inorganic economic system with the force of a million suns.

You're making a good argument for Soviet-tier communism. Who cares if 10 million Ukrainians starved to death, it worked for them :^) Seek some morality.

Trudeau is not Canadian.

He's the first one to declare Canada isn't a nation.


? With improved literacy and life expectancy that means their basic needs are being fulfilled versus previous times. It's improvement. How can they have less food and basic necessities, as you say, if they are living longer and have improved access to education?

I'm making a statement on saying how their government made things work for them, could it have been better? Yes of course but that's not the reality of the world. It is what it is.

You seem very angry, you should chill out.

Don't give me that "you seem angered" BS. I'm telling you a lack of freedom is inherently a lack of quality of life, therefore Trudeau has no right praising them for doing anything.

The Chinese have LOWER life expentancies than all of the Western World.

Isn't Trudeau just sort of a harmless figurehead?

And I disagree with your assertion based on the data laid before me. If your basic necessities are not taken care of, freedom does nothing. It does not put food on the table or teach you to read. Freedom can facilitate such things but it does not in itself fulfill these basic needs.

I'm not disputing that china has lower life expectancies then the western world. I'm saying it's improved a lot in the last 70 years. more so then India, which is free and democratic. I only use India because it's of similar circumstances to china. Not out of malice.

>There's a level of admiration I actually have for the Soviet Union, their starving of 10 million Ukrainians is actually allowing them to feed millions across the Urals

If you really don't see what's wrong with that kind of "the bad things are leading to good things" argument I don't know what to fucking tell you.

>What? Their literacy rate and life expectancy exploded after the ccp consolidated power.
Because before they were an anarchic hellhole in constant civil war that got repeatedly raped by Japan, being better than a bunch of crazy warlords is hardly an achievement

The world to me isn't so obvious as black and white to me, there are many shades of grey. Some bad things lead to good things, some good things lead to bad things. You seem to only have space for this or that and nothing in between.

Objectively, you cannot deny that china has improved and is improving. Improved economic stability leads to improved life expectancy, education and nutrition.

>The world to me isn't so obvious as black and white to me
And that's your problem, you subscribe to moral relativism.

>Objectively, you cannot deny that china has improved and is improving.
Yes I can, faggot.

what do canadian twinks look like tho

As I said in the other post, compare it to countries of similar circumstance. China had African levels of education, health, and finances. 70 years later they are the second largest economy.

Im only saying that democracy does not necessarily improve the lives of people, neither does dictatorships, but credit is given where credit is due.

I'd be okay with a dictatorship AS LONG as it was a nationalist, militaristic dictatorship which wanted to improve the material wealth of my country.

Can't reason with a harperite m8. Why even try?

Okay if you objectively disagree with me that china is not improving or has not improved since the ccp consolidated power. Provide me with the sources or specific points you want to talk about.

You don't think morals are relative to cultural and temporal contexts? That's pretty arrogant considering the long and diverse existence of humanity.

grab a mirror

No, I don't feel like arguing with you any longer. You're a moral relativist infested with postmodern bullshit and you need to sort yourself the fuck out.

*looks in mirror*

>hurr durr muh postmodernist boogeyman
Kill yourself my boy

>sort yourself the fuck out
t. cultist

Alrighty mate, have a good day. Try and do some google searches about china. There's lots of data out there on how education, nutrition, life expectancy and economics have improved over the last few decades.

All because China is slowly doing away with the original tenets of Marxist and Leninist social and economic theories.

Truely having no value structure is the best value structure :^)

I'd unironically fuck Trudeau's pretty mouth desu. Not even gay.

Yeah, most of the improvements can be directly attributed to the economic liberalization policies of deng. Mao was only useful at unifying the country and defending the land. He was shit at actually running the country.

>As I said in the other post, compare it to countries of similar circumstance
But there are none, China had a very unique history in the last two centuries
>70 years later they are the second largest economy.
After 50 years of being one of the poorest shitholes in the world with regular famines. Coincidentally, the growth coincides with China becoming more liberal (at least economy speaking). Imagine where would they be without their parasitic, corrupt dictatorship

You can compare them to India or all of Africa. It's a broad comparison of course, every country has its unique set of circumstances and history.

I'm not terribly a big fan of what could have happened. I like to talk about things that did happen. China could have ended up like a larger Taiwan, or it could've Balkanized, we'll never know.

>You can compare them to India
A state that had pretty much never been unified through its history without a dominant ethnic group that had been completely colonized by Britain? Nope
>or all of Africa
That's even more far off
>I like to talk about things that did happen
What happened is that China was a communist dictatorship that completely destroyed what little of it was left after the shitshow that was the republic and killed millions of people and now transitioned into a weird plutocratic dictatorship that has to keep life conditions of the people well below the standards they could achieve as to not lose in competitiveness on the world market. We cannot change the past, but saying that you admire the Chinese dictatorship is a pretty loaded statement, especially if you are the leader of a Western democracy

Like I said, comparisons won't and aren't exact. By judging by GDP, population size and at the time one being granted independence and the other consolidating power after civil war.

>>people well below the standards they could achieve

See now this is a what if argument that I don't care for. I'd appreciate it if we didn't use these. It's not objective.

How is it is a loaded statement? China has improved a lot over the last few decades. We can objectively see it's improvements. Could it have been better? Possibly. Could it have been worse? Possibly. But is there concrete evidence of improvement? Countries that improve the living standards of their citizens have my admiration.

>Countries that improve the living standards of their citizens have my admiration.
Well, I guess that pretty much only the Khmer Rouge's Cambodia would be out of the list of countries you admire

I guess so, as long as people's lives are improving the world is becoming a better place.