I'm with Her


>special thanks to Stefan Molyneux

What is going on with the alt-right lately? Is it the New Enlightenment? The Long-Awaited Awakening? It really seems like all these disparate forces have suddenly coalesced into a strong, cohesive movement this year. It's exciting.

Great comic, too... Ben hits the nail on the head, yet again!

War with Iran? Didnt Obama make peae with them.

it's almost like some omniscient force is causing everything to drift into a single societal standpoint

but the death figure isn't a jew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Does anyone have a copy of the unedited version?

Wheres the original with the Jew instead of what I guess is supposed to be death? Idk

Trump gave everyone vaguely right wing but not cuckservative someone to rally behind, and they're all slowly synthesizing each other's beliefs into a coherent ideology


Someone needs to replaxe hillary with a jew is this picture

>original with the Jew

Did my best to fix it.

>being this new

Better yet just give hillary a jew nose

I already did it you donks

You sound new to me.

Obama yes, but I think it's a mistake to see Hillary as extension of Obama.

They have different people whispering in their ears and Obama went off the rails in the end I think.

cool now post the original

Ben Garrison's work is so complex, such a rich tapesty of themes and subtle subtexts. Absolute genius, modern Picasso or maybe Da Vinci. Simply brilliant.

you literally could go into the archives and find the old thread that has the better jew shoop

>some omniscient force

If it is the right is dead and gone. This was its last chance and it turns out it was just a total subversion of the right. All the altright is is disillusioned leftists and progressives who want to be those things but without the association of leftists and progressives. They all support fags, niggers, spics, kikes and are complete cuckservatives with the only difference being they are vocal about their cuckoldry.

You fucking idiots destroyed the rights last chance enjoy your global mudrace world that'll look like brazil in a few generations but with more violence.

a fucking leaf

Bretty good

kek wills it



>praise KEK

praise kek

>praising kek and not even getting dubs




kek accepts all praises, even when he doesn't see fit to dispense dubs

you nubophobe


yes, goyim, very good comic..

2bh it's probably Sup Forums that brought all these people together. Milo+Breitbart, Ben Garrison, Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson+InfoWars, all people that Sup Forums regularly discusses and occasionally interacts with.


