Comfy thread
not invited: rude people and pig skins
invited: kind people and shitskins

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It should have been choweing gums edition


si senior

i want a black gf
give me a black gf

I'm curious; in the panda cheese ads, does the "panda, met el hešleq" mean "never say no to panda" or does it mean something else entirely?

>tfw no gf


my family is from mekness
we are relatives ?????

don't reply to me please

but we are relatives

Required viewing


nice try DQN you won't get me

>1 month since fap

tfw gf

I don't see a face :(

ok don't share

that's not what i meant but ok nice gf

what do you mean then

tfw stands for the face when

user I...

i get triggered when someone writes tfw and posts no face

user I...

ask a turk dane anything

when will you kill yourself

>turk dane
wtf is this shit now

post boipussy

tfw yair netanuahu is not my BF

haha sucks to be you

dumb frogposter

>tfw netanuahu is still alive

how will you kill yourself

stay mad roach my boy bibi is the best world leader g-d ever created

i am not mad at all, desu bibi is a really shit leader

t.mad roach

>tfw Yishai Schlissel is serving life in prison and can't stab you

>tfw Baruch Goldstein wont massacre your ass

it's "tunecino" lad

absolutely not mad at all

you got a problem ?? fite me


i just hired a ukrainian dominatrix

please leave


Did you really?


when did your familly got there and wtf did they chose danemark?
also, why are turks such degenerate compared to other western muslims?

yes, it is probably the closest i could get at having my way with a slavic beauty at my current budget dear. after negotiating the price behind the cabaret alley i will try and convince her not to go too rough on me since that's not what i'm after.
stick around for more


what is your safe word ?

Hey brother, in your opinion is pic related a stupid autist who unsuccesfully try to manipulate everyone, or he is a genius playing 4D chess?
Every of his political moves seems retarded to me, but I get the impression that he is serving some hidden agenda.


>Khrieg hates me
I thought we were gay brothers n shit man


ieeem nottt froooom rasssa ieeem frooom ukrainiaaa

What does she look like



russian tunisian girl ama

one of my favorite memes Sup Forums actually believes

will you be my gf? my dick is 6000000 cm long

pls be near kashmir

If it is 6 million cm long how come I saw a wooden door at the place your penis was supposedly measured?

post penus
post face

his penis goes back inside at every shabbos saturday

>Izem's whole persona is just appending my and grizou's posting fads

its cuz its not 6 million its 6 gazillion you antishemite

I'm happy for you

I recognize other posters as well in him desu.


I am not an antisemite, I am merely asking questions. I am not denying that your penis is that long, I just think it might be lower.

Why not 3 million? Why is the media not covering the fact that steal beams cannot melt your dick?

hmmmmm who??

its cuz the media are nazis

>Jews are nazis
fucking knew it

Is visiting Kairouan any good?
Kinda want to see the starwars stuff as well, but it's not really do able with a pregnant gf.


ching wong and lahad

hard to say, the delusional idiot trying to pull Sarkozy tier shit may just be a facade. I don't doubt Macron is the legit guilt ridden PS candidate. His "betrayal" move during the elections could have been the last precaution on making sure their voters (the ones that are satisfied with the directions job status are taking) did the intended choice. And now he's begging for a position . One needs to bend over for the rest of the crew after all. I don't see him personally getting any further career wise, he's all about ego stroking in public but as you said his actions are more beneficial to his group than himself. The one with the short straw in charge of saying stupid bait controversial shit and draw attention, the one taking the blame for entire groups of jurists working days and night to fuck you up the ass legally.

kairouan is one of the ugliest places in tunisia by far
ah star wars
it's tatouine not kairouan
and yes it's worth
visit at spring or winter when it's cold

well my dick was on tucker Carlson the other day
why do you think his neck was that big?

yes but you said y*u and grizou

>Using more than 4 sentences to tell a point on Sup Forums


it's 9:30 pm now goodnight mean

Well, i'm going just for a week to chill and get some sun at sousse. We would have loved to do one of the many desert tours that i saw online, but it's not really practical with a baby on board.

We looked at kairouan because it did not look far away and had that old ass mosque which kinda looks interesting to see.

>using words on Sup Forums
lurk more nigger

Almost everyone, not Lahad and Hk user though. Cant recall when they LARPed as a girl.


who tf are you and who are those people
yes people who go to sousse go later to kairoaun that region is overrated 2bh
center east is the region with the least landscapes in tunisia

HOw many people have you known like this?

ask Sup Forums ceo to lower character limit to 10 then, write the mail and develop your point this way

я нeнaвижy пecoчных людeй

Rate my PC.

Will probebly do that on another trip then.

Literally, none.
The object on the right is the symbol of Orthodoxy Christianity, right?
As a fedora myself, i don't know any other fedoras who have converted to Christianity, much less Orthodox Christianity.

Mac users are gay

can i have sexual intercourses with your wife?

post too long, drop the keyboard faghead


micro bepis