What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
horny and lonely.
I've been alone my whole life and I don't care. I know you can put that whole "I am above your animal pursuits *single tear rolling down cheek*" strawman comic but I'm serious, I cannot comprehend why people kill themselves/kill each other/devote every waking moment/every spare dollar to this bullshit.
I feel like I'm some kind of mutant who can survive without oxygen
>muh existentialisum
>boo hoo im too sad to go get laid
a mind of his own
He got c-ucked by an ai
literally me
except I never had a roonroon gf
how can fleshbois even compete?
this movie just proves that only desperate people will resort to using technology designed to act like humans in order to mimic real human relationships.
good for you tbqhfam
wanna hook up?
yeah haha what kind of loser would use an electronic substitute for real human interaction haha
but practically everyone in that world just mimicked human relationships. people couldn't even write their own letters to each other for fuck's sake.
I wish I was like this
pls respond
even just something silly
This movie triggered me because they were trying to make a 10/10 guy look like a pathetic beta. He will never be a pathetic beta unless his facial structure is so hideously disgusting that just looking at him causes shock and induces gagging. Fuck this dishonest film making.
How do i mantain the attention of the girl i'm currently into? How do you do it? Please help i've never been this interested in someone.
fuck off normie
joaquin phoenix is not a 10/10 guy
nice digits but fuck you user, i love you but you should try to better yourself too, i'm tired of staying home all day and night, shitposting into oblivion, masturbating, watching films and listening to music, writing it like that it sounds like a dream but it's been this way for years, i would like to at least once in my life get in an actual relationship with someone, i want to hear her problems and i want to show her my things, i want to connect, fuck you and help yourself friend
>this is 10/10 on Sup Forums
say that to my face fucker not online
maybe you're a woman and don't understand the intricacies of male beauty
one of us!
Alright maybe he's not a 10/10 but his dominating eyes and thick eyebrows carry him to at least an 8.
Be honest with yourself about whether you could really re-adjust after being molded into your current lifestyle. I had a gf (stroke of luck) and i was too far gone to handle it.
you're still stuck in that phase where you think a relationship is going to fix everything for you and make you feel whole?
i always worry about people like you, because if by some chance you do manage to luck into a relationship you'll find out that it's not some magical shitty life cure-all and that may be the last push you need to finally kill yourself
it's because you're fat and have a small penis, therefore you're not as horny as the rest of us.
looks like you still haven't found (((her)))
did you finish??
It sounds like some kind of asexuality.
>you're still stuck in that phase where you think a relationship is going to fix everything for you and make you feel whole?
fuck no, that was me 2 years ago
That backward story, Phoenix's job shows how the world, the people in the movie cannot hold a real relationship, just like the geourgeous Phoenix's ex wife claims in the restaurant.
Show her that you have a life. Show her that you have a project, ambition. That you have a job and you want to reach the CEO, that you train and want to beltless squat 500lb, that you want to get a Phd... Show that you have something making you want to work for it and to give your best. Show her that you enjoy her company but like a choice, do not show that you are desperate and that you need her. You have to be someone with decition and objectives or maybe she will accept you but you would be a spinelles gutless bitch and she would cuck you or use you as a toy that will please her needs of conflicts.
and yet hes fucked more girls than you ever will
oh yeah how many dicks has he sucked?
>this rich famous celebrity doesn't look perfect
>well he's had lots of sex
how is that even an argument?
we weren't arguing we were just having a discussion
go back to bed.
what film that isnt this one can i watch to temporarily heal my loneliness
>this rich famous celebrity doesn't look perfect
>well he's had lots of sex
how is that even a discussion?
If i have a lot of money and nice stuff and my own house is that good enough substitute for a personality/ambition/achievement
>i have a lot of money and nice stuff and my own house is that good enough substitute for a personality
that should be a good enough substitute for a god damn woman, what's wrong with you
Someone told me I reminded them of him, but I've never seen this movie.
Is that a compliment or an insult?
it means she pities you because she thinks you're a virgin sad sack
>yfw you remember this forgettable turd exists
Soundtrack was nice, Supersymmettry was really nice.
same here 2bh
haha yeah what a loser haha
he felt miserable from his ex gf breaking up with him. pretty reasonable. you did have a gf yet, didnt u?
I know that feel, but to be honest, I posted on Sup Forums during my formative adolescent years so I'm attracted to 2d girls and 3d girls just disgust me. Even after I went through my Sup Forums phase and was embedded with the desire to propagate the white race, I just can't bring myself to care about women. Because of this I don't care about having money or assets when I can get all of my entertainment for free from the internet.
>I know that feel, but to be honest, I posted on Sup Forums during my formative adolescent years so I'm attracted to 2d girls and 3d girls just disgust me. Even after I went through my Sup Forums phase and was embedded with the desire to propagate the white race
jesus christ this is the cringeyest thing I've ever read
That makes zero sense
Everybody on /r9k/ are fat with small penises and they're the neediest, horniest fuckers out there
Haha yeah those people are pathetic ;_;
O-oh, y-you too.
Staring down to the ground signifies the mental state of a nu-omega ""male""
Always look up when walking about in public ffs
It's not a good thing desu.
he looks pretty good desu
attractice facial structure, nice eyes and nose and lips, masculine jawline. He's not 10/10 but he can definitely fuck some Stacys.
The same applies to the actress in your pic