Killed 50+ people beacuase of his fucking dog

>killed 50+ people beacuase of his fucking dog
jeez plot is just ridiculous

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It was a cute doggo tbf

he should've killed you too

Better than some bullshit SJW reason like his illegal Mexican boyfriend who thinks he's a black Chinese woman got killed

At least a lost dog is something the audience can get behind.

I would murder the world to avenge my pupperoni


woman detected

he only wanted to kill one person, but other people kept trying to stop him

bait detected

>be friendless betamale loser
>buy a dog because only thing thats going to love you is something that will literally starve to death without you
>watch shitty dickflicks about "m-muh pupper"
>post on Sup Forums about how youd "totally murder like 50 dudes bro" for your shitty dog when youve literally never been in a fight

great thread

>seemingly the only successful hitman to get out of the business by completing an impossible task from an asshole
>wife gets cancer and dies, the sole reason to get out now gone
>wife gives you an innocent baby animal to comfort you and keep you grounded and have something positive to focus on
>asshole's son steals your car, beats you almost to death and stomps on your baby dog for literally no reason
>you are literally a master murderer

Why would he not.

>implying a dog isn't worth more than 50 subhuman russians and that one irish guy

Ah, a faggot I see.

neither of these are good insults on their own let alone from stammering mouthbreathers, i can see why you got bullied in high school

beta males usually are cat lovers

>totally murder like 50 dudes bro" for your shitty dog when youve literally never been in a fight

Not trying to be the devil's avocado here, but you don't need fighting experience to shoot someone in the face.

Not everyone's a limp-writsted "don't trigger me! My feelings matter" whiny-voiced millenial faggot.

Go to /k/ and see for yourself.

neither does the guy trying to shoot you in the face you fucking autistic retard

let me guess, your mom told you you could do anything you wanted in life cause youre such a smart, handsome young boy and youre just a bit "unmotivated" to shoot dudes in the face but you could totally be an epic navy seal sniper if you wanted once you finallly move out of her house?

>you could totally be an epic navy seal sniper if you wanted once you finallly move out of her house

What if I already am? I'd watch my words, big guy...I've logged your IP.


dog has beens "mans" (read: losers who cant mantain human relationships) best friend for 1000s of years

It wasn't JUST because of his dog. He was letting off steam because his wife also died. Now with his wife and dog dead, car stolen, what do you expect him to do?

Companion dogs are relatively new. Dogs were kept for security with their barking as well as assisting with hunting for as long as the dog's been domesticated.

Report the matter to the police
And maybe seek counseling to cope with his losses

did i ask you for a fucking history lesson nerd??? *slaps your textbooks out of your hand*

Honestly people that value dogs or other animals more than humans should be killed or fed to lions

I guess it's one of those movies women won't get

Dogs are great pets for insecure people who need to feel loved. Cats are for people who sort of want a pet, but don't want something that follows them around 24/7 slobbering on everything.

Dogs are essentially biological tools used for everything from hunting, protecting, war, herding, searching and even rescue swimming. They have been a constant in most human cultures since at least 10,000bc. If they're not man's best friend they're fucking close.

>*slaps your textbooks out of your hand*

hmph, you fell right into my trap
*ballistic knife shoots through books into your face*
nothing personell kid


>disliking puppers

I bet you like to watch your wife getting fucked by niggers

I would though

Most humans are dusgusting goblinoid bug-people

>Minor acquaintance he met two days ago gets killed
>For revenge destroys space station with millions of people on board
>Guy who killed his minor acquaintance wasn't even on board - and he knew this

What an inhuman fucking monster

projection: the post

Lol men who dont like dogs are mudslimes dont get distracted by these goatfucking cunts

Why did he hold the guns in such a weird way anyway?

>good humans > good animals > shitty humans and animals

if you don't agree you're a massive cuck

found the cat ower

>movies women will never understand

The police agrees with his methods though.

Or chinks.

T.subhuman cat lover

They're very subtle about this in the movie but his dog was one of the dogs from Army Dog. The whole movie makes a lot more sense once you know this (the dog probably has a higher bodycount than John).

Calm down Satan

If you fucked with my dogs i would shoot you in the fucking head and laugh my way to prison faggot.

I'd kill 50+ people to avenge my dog desu

fucking exactly, dude's clearly never had a dog

*its a hologram*


You obviously don't know what having a doggerbro is like OP


People love their dogs a lot, if they're lonely its even more so. Wouldn't be shocked to see the dog owner fucking up the perpetrator badly over a dog 2bh. It's like losing a child


I've killed more for less. You better watch out before I kill you too.

>i-its MUH BABBY

holy shit you sound like a 60 year old hag whos given up on life

>good humans >good animals >bad animals >bad humans >wasps an hornets >elves

>60 year old hag whos given up on life
Just like John Wick, you're a pathetic troll stop trying.


Cats literally do not give a single fuck about you, claw and bite you whenever they want. They have no respect for their owners, in fact they hate them most of the time.

If you're a cuck, having a cat is great for you.

to see the millenial faggots in action?

>Shits inside your house every time
>Has to have a dedicated scratching post to not fuck your furniture and even then it'll do it anyway
>Impossible to train to any meaningful level
>Avoids you and blatantly uses you

>Friendly, happy to see you
>Shits outside so you don't have to deal with it
>Communicates its needs and is appreciative
>Can sense your emotions and respond
>Can be trained to do pretty much anything as long as you know how
>Provides protection if you're into that

There are literally no benefits to having a cat vs 4 or 5 obvious benefits to having a dog

dogs are a beta, pussy, bitch companion for a pussy, bitch, beta male who needs some aspect of control in their life but is too much of a loser to be assertive to anything other than an animal

cats are alpha males who just do whatever the fuck they want, just like their owners

i think the best example would be that cats rape bitches with their barbed dicks while dogs sniff each others asses and eat each others shit; its sort of an allegory for how i (cat owner) can rail any girl i want while you (dog owner) will be jerking it to hentai tonight

>That whole Rome fight scene in John Wick 2

>It's a cat owners think they're sociable and well adjusted despite every stereotype of cat owners being a lonely weirdo

only women cat owners are weirdos, and theres a reason for it

girls spend their ENTIRE youths getting fucked by cat owners, when girls say they "love cats" what they really mean, is they loved getting fucked by cat owning alpha males

in their 30s when they become used up whores and cat owners are done with them, they will usually eventually settle down with some dog owning loser for some financial stability, but some of them have just been fucked too many times and too hard, that not even a dog-beta would want them. this is how they end up being "cat ladies", they own cats to remind them of all the times they got fucked hard and long in their glory years

>insecure dogfags getting triggered

>he wasn't smart enough to figure out that the dog was the last piece of his wife that he had

He only went on a rampage because, in that moment, he literally had nothing left.

desu if somebody killed my dog I'd do whatever I could in my power to mangle them
probably wouldn't kill because who needs a homicide charge but in John's case he's the best assassin in the world or whatever so why wouldn't he murderize the shit out of anybody who had anything to do with it

Guys who own cats are universally considered actual gays or betas too damaged to even be able to look after a dog.

Why was the ending of the 2nd movie so bad

Because the third one will end with him using guns against some dude with a sword and a bird.

can't wait for John Wick 3 where John Wick accidentally kills some sperglord assassin's dog and then we see some Autist v Autist action
like the end of Taken 2 but with keanu

>dogs are literally so retarded you have to care for them like a baby

holy shit no wonder so many dog owners are women and numales, a man having these weird urges to "care" for an animal like its their actual baby could be a huge link to transgenderism and other mental disorders

That's actually a decent idea. John will probably see the destruction he did because of a dog that way.


lol. you know google is run by "im with her" numale dog owning cucks right? obviously they are going to photoshop pics like this to make themselves look good

yeah but it was a doggo that his wife sent him to help cope with her death, it's understandable why he would be pissed because it reminded him of her

Kill yourself my man. You are pathetic. Not even trying to grow a beard you'll be anything more than an emasculated cuck.

Nu-males get disconcerting ideas of "loyalty" and "obedience" and "authority" when they look at dogs so like females, they choose to look at things that do not challenge their way of life

exactly my point. the girl who wrote this article (girls are like bitches, except a human version, dont know if youve ever heard of them/talked to one) is writing about how much she loves cat owners and how dogcucks are creepy weirdos that she wouldnt touch with a 10 foot pole. i actually looked her up on facebook and shes going to come over and suck my cock on thursday, lol

It would be ridiculous if he was not a cold blooded killer before it happened. He has no problem killing people and really no reason to live after his wife died. The only thing keeping him going is the last thing that his wife gave him with was the dog. He had a mental break when his wife died and the only thing keeping him together was that dog and now some asshole has came in and destroyed the only thing holding you to this world.

The guy didn't just kill his dog he destroyed the last piece he had left of his wife.

Hitler killed 6 quintillion people because he didn't get into art school. 50+ people over a dog is showing restraint.

Only retards need pets to begin with anyway

Why did they use Laurence Fishburne???

I bet you're a liberal cuckold. I would kill a bunch of niggers in revenge for a dog. I would kill the niggers for free, without any benefit. White people though, I wouldn't kill my fellow man, that's fucked up.


His H&K from the first film was a much better looking gun than those glocks from this one

>good humans >good animals >bad animals >bad humans >wasps an hornets >elves >dwarfs >orcs >jews >cat owners

>accidentally kill someone's dog
>people would kill you without a second thought

and yet somehow these dog owners are "mentally stable" people? yeah I don't think so

dog owners are honorary niggers

every subhuman nig ownes a pit, when was the last time you saw a coon walking his cat? thought so pussy

What if Hitler got accepted to art school?

>Took down an entire criminal enterprise spanning multiple continents because some prostitute got slapped around by her pimp

i run over dogs on purpose, its pretty easy since theyre fucking stupid animals and i drive a turbo supra

i pretend im "sorry" afterwards, dogcucks ALWAYS just cry and snivel like pussies, not one of them has layed a finger on me

Look, dogs can become cops.

Cats can't

Almost cut myself on your reply, pal.

i believe you

>violated Warner Brothers copyright by having a Looney Tunes sketch in a Home Depot
Absolute madman.

>gun expert in Rome recommends him a civilian model American rifle

I get that they probably got product placement bucks, or Keanu just likes the AR-15 because he shoots it a lot, but this was still really goofy to me

how is it edgy lmao, im doing a national service. my elderly neighbors havent had a single dog shit in their lawn for over 6 months now